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Create Space Parameter Curve on Surface Example (VBA)

This example shows how to create a space parameter (SP) curve on a surface. This example also shows how to pack integers into doubles.



' Preconditions:

'       (1) Part or assembly is open.

'       (2) Face is selected.


' Postconditions:

'       (1) 3D sketch is created.

'       (2) Sketch contains curve lying on selected face.



'       (1) Sketch contains a tessellated approximation of

'           the curve lying on the selected face

'       (2) Control points are a random selection of U-V-W

'           values.



Option Explicit

' Define two types

Type DoubleRec

    dValue As Double

End Type

Type Int2Rec

    iLower As Long ' C int has 4 bytes

    iUpper As Long

End Type

Sub CreateTessCurve _

( _

    swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, _

    swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, _

    swTrimCurve As SldWorks.curve _


    Const nChordTol             As Double = 0.001

    Const nLengthTol            As Double = 0.001

    Dim nStartParam             As Double

    Dim nEndParam               As Double

    Dim bIsClosed               As Boolean

    Dim bIsPeriodic             As Boolean

    Dim vStartPt                As Variant

    Dim vEndPt                  As Variant

    Dim vTessPts                As Variant

    Dim swSketchSeg             As SldWorks.SketchSegment

    Dim bRet                    As Boolean

    Dim i                       As Long


    ' Not really needed because curve is a trimmed curve,

    ' so could pass in trim points as parameters

    bRet = swTrimCurve.GetEndParams(nStartParam, nEndParam, bIsClosed, bIsPeriodic): Debug.Assert bRet


    vStartPt = swTrimCurve.Evaluate(nStartParam)

    vEndPt = swTrimCurve.Evaluate(nEndParam)


    vTessPts = swTrimCurve.GetTessPts(nChordTol, nLengthTol, (vStartPt), (vEndPt))


    swModel.Insert3DSketch2 False

    swModel.SetAddToDB True

    swModel.SetDisplayWhenAdded False



    ' Disable Visual Basic range checking because tessellation points

    ' may not be a multiple of 6

    On Error Resume Next

    For i = 0 To UBound(vTessPts) Step 3

        Set swSketchSeg = swModel.CreateLine2( _

                            vTessPts(i + 0), vTessPts(i + 1), vTessPts(i + 2), _

                            vTessPts(i + 3), vTessPts(i + 4), vTessPts(i + 5))

    Next i

    On Error GoTo 0

    swModel.SetDisplayWhenAdded True

    swModel.SetAddToDB False

    swModel.Insert3DSketch2 True


    bRet = swModel.EditRebuild3: Debug.Assert bRet

End Sub

Sub main()

    Dim swApp                           As SldWorks.SldWorks

    Dim swModeler                       As SldWorks.Modeler

    Dim swModel                         As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

    Dim swSelMgr                        As SldWorks.SelectionMgr

    Dim swFace                          As SldWorks.face2

    Dim swSurf                          As SldWorks.surface

    Dim vProps                          As Variant

    Dim nProp(1)                        As Double

    Dim i2rDim_Order                    As Int2Rec

    Dim i2rNumCtrlPt_Period             As Int2Rec

    Dim nDummy1                         As DoubleRec

    Dim nDummy2                         As DoubleRec

    Dim swCurve                         As SldWorks.curve

    Dim nKnot(9)                        As Double

    Dim vKnot                           As Variant

    Dim nCtrlPt(8)                      As Double

    Dim vCtrlPt                         As Variant

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set swModeler = swApp.GetModeler

    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager

    Set swFace = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject5(1)

    Set swSurf = swFace.GetSurface


    ' Dimension of control points 'dim':

    '   * For rational curves 'dim' = 3

    '   * For non-rational curves 'dim' = 2

    i2rDim_Order.iLower = 3


    ' Order of the curve 'order':

    '   * The order of the curve = degree + 1

    '   * The minimum order is 2

    i2rDim_Order.iUpper = 3


    ' Number of control points 'nctrl': 'nctrl' >= 'order'

    i2rNumCtrlPt_Period.iLower = 3


    ' Periodic flag 'period':

    '   * For periodic curve = 1

    '   * For non-periodic curve = 0

    i2rNumCtrlPt_Period.iUpper = 0


    LSet nDummy1 = i2rDim_Order

    LSet nDummy2 = i2rNumCtrlPt_Period

    nProp(0) = nDummy1.dValue

    nProp(1) = nDummy2.dValue


    vProps = nProp


    ' Knot vector 'knots': The knot values must form a non-decreasing sequence

    nKnot(0) = 0.09

    nKnot(1) = 0.1

    nKnot(2) = 0.2

    nKnot(3) = 0.3

    nKnot(4) = 0.4

    nKnot(5) = 0.5

    nKnot(6) = 0.6

    nKnot(7) = 0.7

    nKnot(8) = 0.8

    nKnot(9) = 0.9

    vKnot = nKnot


    ' Control points 'ctrl':

    '   * For non-rational curves, the control

    '     points are points in the parameter space of 'surf';  

    '     they must be supplied as [u0,v0,u1,v1...]

    '   * For rational curves each vector contains a point in parameter space

    '     followed by a weight for the point; the points are supplied

    '[u0,v0,w0,u1,v1,w1...]; the weights must be positive

    nCtrlPt(0) = 168.441616909048 / 1000#:  nCtrlPt(1) = 150.079444300104 / 1000#:  nCtrlPt(2) = 361.067614130377 / 1000#

    nCtrlPt(3) = 200.587021030302 / 1000#:  nCtrlPt(4) = 133.788963935729 / 1000#:  nCtrlPt(5) = 15.7123672133821 / 1000#

    nCtrlPt(6) = 454.553312070037 / 1000#:  nCtrlPt(7) = 78.0558561766611 / 1000#:  nCtrlPt(8) = 1.00713763464455 / 1000#

    vCtrlPt = nCtrlPt


    ' Eventually goes down to CRSPCU, which is equivalent to:

    '   * PK_CURVE_embed_in_surf

    '   * PK_SPCURVE_create

    Set swCurve = swModeler.CreatePCurve(swSurf, (vProps), (vKnot), (vCtrlPt))

    Debug.Assert Not swCurve Is Nothing

    Debug.Assert swCurve.IsTrimmedCurve


    CreateTessCurve swApp, swModel, swCurve

End Sub


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