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Grouping Components in Contact

For Motion Analysis studies, when your assembly includes components that make contact during motion, you can create two groups of components to analyze component contact across the groups and ignore contact among components within the groups. A contact group is treated as a single component in contact force calculations.

To define contact groups in a Motion Analysis study:

  1. From a Motion Analysis study, click Contact .

  2. In the PropertyManager, under Contact Type, click Solid Bodies .

  3. Under Selections, click Use contact groups.

    The two group component selection fields appear.

  4. Select components for each contact group:
    • Click the selection field for the first group and select its components from the FeatureManager or the graphics area.
    • Click the selection field for the second group and select its components.

    The colors of selected components in the graphics area match the selection field color.

    The number of contact pairs across the two groups is displayed in the PropertyManager. The number of contact pairs is the product of the number of components in each group. The more contact pairs that appear, the longer the motion computation.

  5. Select other contact options and click to close the PropertyManager, or click Keep Visible before clicking to define more contact objects.
Related concepts
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* Gerekli

Konu:   Yardım Başlıkları Hakkında Geribildirim
Sayfa:   Grouping Components in Contact
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Internet Explorer 7'den daha eski bir tarayıcı sürümünü kullandığınızı tespit ettik. Optimize edilmiş görünüm için tarayıcınızı Internet Explorer 7 veya daha yenisine yükseltmenizi öneririz.

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Web Yardım İçerik Sürümü: SOLIDWORKS 2012 SP05

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