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PropertyManager Overview

The PropertyManager appears on the PropertyManager tab in the panel to the left of the graphics area. It opens when you select entities or commands defined in the PropertyManager. You can choose whether it opens in other cases in Tools, Options, System Options, General.

  • Title Bar. The feature icon and feature name (Extrude1, for example) (read-only).

  • Buttons.

OK. Accept the selections, execute the command, and close the PropertyManager.

Cancel. Ignore any selections and close the PropertyManager.

Preview. Display a preview of the feature.

Help. Open the corresponding help topic.

Keep Visible. Pin the PropertyManager open.

Back. Return to the previous step.

Next. Proceed to the next step.

Undo. Undo the previous execution.

  • Message . A text box directing you to the next step, often listing various ways to implement the next step.

  • Group Boxes. Collection of related buttons, list boxes, and selection boxes, with a group title (Direction 1, for example), which can be expanded or collapsed .

  • Selection Boxes. Accept selections in the graphics area or in the FeatureManager design tree. When active, the boxes are pink. When you select an item in the selection box, it is highlighted in the graphics area. To delete selections from a box, right-click and choose Delete (for one item) or Clear Selections (for all items).

Flyout FeatureManager Design Tree

Click in the PropertyManager title bar to display the flyout FeatureManager design tree in the graphics area.

Vertical and Horizontal Control

When you create new documents, the PropertyManager opens at the optimum width. You can drag the divider that separates the PropertyManager from the graphics area back and forth to resize the its width. It snaps into position at the optimum width for displaying the PropertyManager.

A split bar lets you split the left panel to display any combination of PropertyManager, FeatureManager design tree, ConfigurationManager, and third party tabs. When the pointer changes to , drag the horizontal split bar down. To return to a single panel, double-click the split bar or drag it up to the top of the panel.


Floating and Docking the PropertyManager

To float the PropertyManager, drag its title bar from the docked position. Once it is floating, you can drag the PropertyManager anywhere on or outside the SolidWorks window.


To dock a floating PropertyManager window, do one of the following:


  • While dragging the PropertyManager on the SolidWorks window, move the pointer over a docking icon:

Dock upper left as a tab

Dock upper left in the graphics area


Dock lower left


Dock lower right


  • Double-click the title bar in the floating PropertyManager window to revert to the last docking position.

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