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Edit Mate Example (VBA)

This example shows how to edit an assembly mate.




' Preconditions: Assembly is open and an assembly mate is selected.


' Postconditions: Selected assembly mate is edited.



Option Explicit

Public Enum swMateType_e

    swMateCOINCIDENT = 0

    swMateCONCENTRIC = 1


    swMatePARALLEL = 3

    swMateTANGENT = 4

    swMateDISTANCE = 5

    swMateANGLE = 6

    swMateUNKNOWN = 7

    swMateSYMMETRIC = 8

    swMateCAMFOLLOWER = 9

    swMateGEAR = 10

End Enum

Public Enum swMateAlign_e

    swMateAlignALIGNED = 0

    swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED = 1

    swMateAlignCLOSEST = 2

End Enum

Public Enum swMateEntity2ReferenceType_e

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Point = 0

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Line = 1

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Circle = 2

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Plane = 3

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Cylinder = 4

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Sphere = 5

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Set = 6

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Cone = 7

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_SweptSurface = 8

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_MultipleSurface = 9

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_GenSurface = 10

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Ellipse = 11

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_GeneralCurve = 12

    swMateEntity2ReferenceType_UNKNOWN = 13

End Enum

Public Enum swAddMateError_e

    swAddMateError_ErrorUknown = 0

    swAddMateError_NoError = 1

    swAddMateError_IncorrectMateType = 2

    swAddMateError_IncorrectAlignment = 3

    swAddMateError_IncorrectSelections = 4

    swAddMateError_OverDefinedAssembly = 5

End Enum

Function SelectMateEntity _

( _

    swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, _

    swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, _

    swMateEnt As SldWorks.MateEntity2, _

    nMark As Long _

) As Boolean

    Dim swEnt                   As SldWorks.Entity

    Dim swSelMgr                As SldWorks.SelectionMgr

    Dim swSelData               As SldWorks.SelectData

    Dim bRet                    As Boolean

    Select Case swMateEnt.ReferenceType

        Case swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Point, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Line, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Circle, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Plane, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Cylinder, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Sphere, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Cone, _


            Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager

            Set swSelData = swSelMgr.CreateSelectData

            Set swEnt = swMateEnt.Reference: Debug.Assert Not swEnt Is Nothing


            swSelData.Mark = nMark


            bRet = swEnt.Select4(True, swSelData): Debug.Assert bRet

            SelectMateEntity = bRet

            Exit Function


        Case swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Set, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_MultipleSurface, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_GenSurface, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Ellipse, _

                swMateEntity2ReferenceType_GeneralCurve, _


            Debug.Assert False


        Case Else

            Debug.Assert False

    End Select


    SelectMateEntity = False

End Function

Sub main()

    Dim swApp                   As SldWorks.SldWorks

    Dim swModel                 As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

    Dim swAssy                  As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc

    Dim swSelMgr                As SldWorks.SelectionMgr

    Dim swFeat                  As SldWorks.feature

    Dim swMate                  As SldWorks.Mate2

    Dim swDispDim               As SldWorks.DisplayDimension

    Dim swDim                   As SldWorks.Dimension

    Dim sVarType                As String

    Dim nVarFactor              As Double

    Dim nMateDist               As Double

    Dim nNumMateEnt             As Long

    Dim swMateEnt()             As SldWorks.MateEntity2

    Dim vMateEntPar             As Variant

    Dim swComp                  As SldWorks.Component2

    Dim nNewMateAlign           As Long

    Dim nRetVal                 As Long

    Dim i                       As Long

    Dim bRet                    As Boolean

    Dim vDimValueArr            As Variant


    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    Set swAssy = swModel

    Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager

    Set swFeat = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject5(1)

    Set swMate = swFeat.GetSpecificFeature2

    Set swDispDim = swMate.DisplayDimension2(0)


    Debug.Print "File = " & swModel.GetPathName

    Debug.Print "  " & swFeat.Name

    Debug.Print "    Type           = " & swMate.Type

    Debug.Print "    Alignment      = " & swMate.Alignment

    Debug.Print "    CanBeFlipped   = " & swMate.CanBeFlipped


    Select Case swMate.Type

        Case swMateANGLE

            sVarType = " deg"

            nVarFactor = 57.3


        Case swMateDISTANCE

            sVarType = " mm"

            nVarFactor = 1000#


        Case swMateGEAR

            sVarType = " ratio"

            nVarFactor = 1#

    End Select


    If swMateANGLE = swMate.Type Or swMateDISTANCE = swMate.Type Then

        Debug.Print "    MaxVar         = " & swMate.MaximumVariation * nVarFactor & sVarType

        Debug.Print "    MinVar         = " & swMate.MinimumVariation * nVarFactor & sVarType

    End If


    If Not swDispDim Is Nothing Then

        Set swDim = swDispDim.GetDimension


        vDimValueArr = swDim.GetSystemValue3(swThisConfiguration, Empty)

        Debug.Print "    Dim Value      = " & vDimValueArr(0) * nVarFactor & sVarType


    End If


    nNumMateEnt = swMate.GetMateEntityCount

    ReDim swMateEnt(nNumMateEnt)

    For i = 0 To nNumMateEnt - 1

        Set swMateEnt(i) = swMate.MateEntity(i)

        Set swComp = swMateEnt(i).ReferenceComponent


        vMateEntPar = swMateEnt(i).EntityParams


        Debug.Print "      RefType(" & i & ")   = " & swMateEnt(i).ReferenceType

        Debug.Print "        Component          = " & swComp.Name2 & " (" & swComp.ReferencedConfiguration & ") --> " & swComp.GetPathName

        Debug.Print "        Point              = (" & vMateEntPar(0) * 1000# & ", " & vMateEntPar(1) * 1000# & ", " & vMateEntPar(2) * 1000# & ") mm"

        Debug.Print "        Vector             = (" & vMateEntPar(3) & ", " & vMateEntPar(4) & ", " & vMateEntPar(5) & ")"

        Debug.Print "        Radius 1           = " & vMateEntPar(6) * 1000# & " mm"

        Debug.Print "        Radius 2           = " & vMateEntPar(7) * 1000# & " mm"

    Next i


    Select Case swMate.Type

        ' Cannot change alignment on these mate types

        Case swMateGEAR

            Exit Sub

    End Select


    If swMateAlignALIGNED = swMate.Alignment Then

        nNewMateAlign = swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED


        If swMateAlignANTI_ALIGNED = swMate.Alignment Then

            nNewMateAlign = swMateAlignALIGNED


            ' Closest alignment, so changing alignment does not make sense

            Debug.Assert swMateAlignCLOSEST = swMate.Alignment

            Exit Sub

        End If

    End If

    swModel.ClearSelection2 True


    For i = 0 To nNumMateEnt - 1

        '   AssemblyDoc::EditMate2 requires mate entities

        '   to be selected with mark of 1 except for:

        '       swMateCAMFOLLOWER

        '           cam face              --> 1

        '           cam follower face     --> 8

        '       swMateSYMMETRIC

        '           symmetry faces        --> 1

        '           symmetry plane        --> 4


        bRet = SelectMateEntity(swApp, swModel, swMateEnt(i), 1): Debug.Assert bRet

    Next i


    ' AssemblyDoc::EditMate2 requires mate feature to be last selected object

    ' mark is ignored

    bRet = swFeat.Select2(True, 0): Debug.Assert bRet


    swAssy.EditMate2 _

        swMate.Type, _

        nNewMateAlign, _

        True, _

        nMateDist, _

        swMate.MaximumVariation, _

        swMate.MinimumVariation, _

        0#, _

        0#, _

        nMateDist, _

        swMate.MaximumVariation, _

        swMate.MinimumVariation, nRetVal

    ' Do not assert because may overdefine assembly or other error

    'Debug.Assert swAddMateError_NoError = nRetVal


    ' Do not assert because assemlby may have rebuild errors

    ' due to changing mate alignment

    bRet = swModel.EditRebuild3: 'Debug.Assert bRet

End Sub


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