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Controlling the Display of Assemblies

You can toggle the display of assembly components. You can remove the component completely from view or make it 75% transparent. Turning off the display of a component temporarily removes it from view, allowing you to work with underlying components.

Hiding or showing a component affects only the visibility of the component. Hidden components have the same accessibility and behaviors as shown components in the same suppression state.

Toggling the visibility does not affect the rebuild or evaluation speed. Display performance improves, however.

You can define different combinations of display settings (hide/show state, transparency, display mode, color, and texture) for each component in an assembly, and save them in display states.

Other tasks you can perform with component visibility:

  • Select all hidden components and highlight them in the FeatureManager design tree.
  • Filter the FeatureManager design tree so hidden components are not listed.
  • Temporarily toggle the display of hidden and shown components, to enable you to graphically select hidden components that you want to show.
  • Temporarily isolate selected components.

Toggling the Visibility of an Assembly Component

To toggle the visibility of a component:

Method Procedure Changes apply to:
Display Pane Click in the Hide/Show column for the component and select Hide or Show. The active display state.
context toolbar Click or right-click the component, and select Hide components or Show components . The active display state.
toolbar Select the component, then click Hide/Show Components (Assembly toolbar). The active display state.
Component Properties dialog box Under Component visibility, select Hide Component or Show Component. The active display state.
menu Select the component, then click Edit, Hide (or Show, or Show with Dependents). The display states you specify.
Tab shortcut

To hide a component, move the pointer over it and press Tab.

To show a component, move the pointer over an area containing a hidden component and press Shift + Tab.

The active display state.

Toggling the Transparency of an Assembly Component

To toggle the transparency of a component:

Method Procedure Changes apply to:
Display Pane Click in the Transparency column for the component and select Change Transparency. The active display state.
context toolbar Click or right-click the component, and select Change Transparency . The active display state.
toolbar Select the component, then click Change Transparency (Assembly toolbar). The active display state.

Hiding and Showing Components Using the Tab Key

In the graphics area, you can press Tab and Shift + Tab to hide and show components of an assembly.

To hide a component:

  • Move the pointer over a component and press Tab.

To show a component:

  • Move the pointer over an area containing a hidden component and press Shift + Tab.

You can use these commands regardless of the component's state (resolved, lightweight, SpeedPak, or Quick view). The commands are not available when another command is active.

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