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Exclude Faces Before Flattening Example (C#)

This example shows how to exclude faces from a Flat-Pattern feature.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Preconditions:
// 1. Ensure that the specified model exists.
// 2. Modify the namespace to match the name of your C# project.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Twenty-two faces are excluded from Flat-Pattern1.
// 2. Flat-Pattern1 is unsuppressed.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere,
// do not save changes when closing it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;

namespace GetExcludedFaces_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro

public void Main()
ModelDoc2 Part = default(ModelDoc2);
ModelView View = default(ModelView);
bool boolstatus = false;
int longstatus = 0;
int longWarnings = 0;
Feature swFeature = default(Feature);
FlatPatternFeatureData swFlatPatternFeatureData = default(FlatPatternFeatureData);
NameValueCollection PIDCollection = new NameValueCollection();

if (swApp == null)

            Part = swApp.OpenDoc6(
"C:\\Program Files\\SolidWorks Corp\\SolidWorks\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\FPF.SLDPRT", 1, 0, "", ref longstatus, ref longWarnings);
if (Part == null) { ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to open FPF.SLDPRT"); }

            PIDCollection = PIDInitializer();

            boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2(
"Flat-Pattern1", "BODYFEATURE", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
            boolstatus = Part.EditUnsuppress2();

            View = (
double[] rect;
            rect =

            boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2(
"Flat-Pattern1", "BODYFEATURE", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
            boolstatus = Part.EditSuppress2();
if (boolstatus == false) { ErrorMsg(swApp, "EditSuppress Failed");  }

            Part = (
            swFeature = (
while ((swFeature != null))

if (swFeature.GetTypeName() == "FlatPattern")
//Select excluded faces
                    swFlatPatternFeatureData = (FlatPatternFeatureData)swFeature.GetDefinition();


//Pick by PID
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part, "selection1", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection2", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection3", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection4", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection5", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection6", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection7", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection8", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection9", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection10", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection11", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection12", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection13", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection14", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection15", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection16", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection17", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection18", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection19", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection20", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection21", PIDCollection, 1, true);
                    boolstatus = SelectByPID(swApp, Part,
"selection22", PIDCollection, 1, true);

Face2[] faces = new Face2[22];
int j = 0;
int count = ((SelectionMgr)Part.SelectionManager).GetSelectedObjectCount2(1);

for (j = 0; j <= 21; j++)
                        faces[j] = (
Face2)((SelectionMgr)Part.SelectionManager).GetSelectedObject6(j+1, 1);

object facesVar = null;
                    facesVar = faces;

                    swFlatPatternFeatureData.ExcludedFaces = facesVar;

                    boolstatus = swFeature.ModifyDefinition(swFlatPatternFeatureData, Part,
if (boolstatus == false) { ErrorMsg(swApp, "Selecting excluded faces failed");  }
                    boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID2(
"Flat-Pattern1", "BODYFEATURE", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
                    boolstatus = Part.EditUnsuppress2();
if (boolstatus == false) { ErrorMsg(swApp, "EditUnsuppress Failed");  }


                swFeature = (



public string ErrorMsg(SldWorks SwApp, string Message)
            SwApp.SendMsgToUser2(Message, 0, 0);
"'*** WARNING - General");
"'*** " + Message);
return "";

public NameValueCollection PIDInitializer()

NameValueCollection PIDCollection = new NameValueCollection();
string selection1 = null;
string selection2 = null;
string selection3 = null;
string selection4 = null;
string selection5 = null;
string selection6 = null;
string selection7 = null;
string selection8 = null;
string selection9 = null;
string selection10 = null;
string selection11 = null;
string selection12 = null;
string selection13 = null;
string selection14 = null;
string selection15 = null;
string selection16 = null;
string selection17 = null;
string selection18 = null;
string selection19 = null;
string selection20 = null;
string selection21 = null;
string selection22 = null;

            selection1 = "35,29,213,113,218,129,72,162,168,88,152,178,27,137,239,153,80,2,0,0,103,1,0,0,120,1,117,81,77,75,2,81,20,61,38,154,17,45,50,201,69,203,104,27,88,70,33,180,242,3,5,65,153,153,192,133,48,216,248,38,71,199,153,97,102,148,8,130,249,9,45,250,27,109,90,244,7,250,71,253,0,167,243,28,53,44,186,240,222,125,247,220,115,207,125,239,190,143,60,144,6,16,47,98,238,244,113,10,251,152,186,141,129,33,20,97,234,70,106,9,3,89,233,37,147,246,252,249,122,246,214,122,215,214,62,41,59,146,101,150,109,139,80,157,249,102,107,168,8,79,55,146,84,86,166,20,221,144,234,7,60,215,31,195,206,253,88,24,97,2,29,18,170,170,161,111,57,15,205,129,51,180,5,225,69,92,169,162,130,62,238,16,64,192,231,222,199,156,126,128,39,198,14,198,140,107,60,5,152,32,132,11,143,177,199,188,203,140,128,65,76,86,148,112,141,50,46,232,117,52,208,229,234,83,193,131,69,159,196,231,80,209,166,82,23,10,52,236,69,236,156,78,50,59,192,215,113,175,141,76,242,234,205,78,198,174,236,108,82,105,6,155,157,214,86,226,225,150,235,165,21";
            selection1 = selection1 +
            selection1 = selection1 +

            selection2 =
            selection2 = selection2 +
            selection2 = selection2 +

            selection3 =
            selection3 = selection3 +
            selection3 = selection3 +

            selection4 =
            selection4 = selection4 +
            selection4 = selection4 +

            selection5 =
            selection5 = selection5 +
            selection5 = selection5 +

            selection6 =
            selection6 = selection6 +
            selection6 = selection6 +

            selection7 =
            selection7 = selection7 +
            selection7 = selection7 +

            selection8 =
            selection8 = selection8 +
            selection8 = selection8 +

            selection9 =
            selection9 = selection9 +
            selection9 = selection9 +

            selection10 =
            selection10 = selection10 +
            selection10 = selection10 +

            selection11 =
            selection11 = selection11 +
            selection11 = selection11 +

            selection12 =
            selection12 = selection12 +
            selection12 = selection12 +

            selection13 =
            selection13 = selection13 +
            selection13 = selection13 +

            selection14 =
            selection14 = selection14 +
            selection14 = selection14 +

            selection15 =
            selection15 = selection15 +
            selection15 = selection15 +

            selection16 =
            selection16 = selection16 +
            selection16 = selection16 +

            selection17 =
            selection17 = selection17 +
            selection17 = selection17 +

            selection18 =
            selection18 = selection18 +
            selection18 = selection18 +

            selection19 =
            selection19 = selection19 +
            selection19 = selection19 +

            selection20 =
            selection20 = selection20 +
            selection20 = selection20 +

            selection21 =
            selection21 = selection21 +
            selection21 = selection21 +

            selection22 =
            selection22 = selection22 +
            selection22 = selection22 +

//Store constants in a collection
            PIDCollection.Add("selection1", selection1);
"selection2", selection2);
"selection3", selection3);
"selection4", selection4);
"selection5", selection5);
"selection6", selection6);
"selection7", selection7);
"selection8", selection8);
"selection9", selection9);
"selection10", selection10);
"selection11", selection11);
"selection12", selection12);
"selection13", selection13);
"selection14", selection14);
"selection15", selection15);
"selection16", selection16);
"selection17", selection17);
"selection18", selection18);
"selection19", selection19);
"selection20", selection20);
"selection21", selection21);
"selection22", selection22);

//Pass this back
            return PIDCollection;


public bool SelectByPID(SldWorks SwApp, ModelDoc2 Part, string PIDName, NameValueCollection PIDCollection, int Mark, bool Append)

object SelObj = null;
byte[] PID = null;
string[] PIDVariant = null;
string PIDString = null;
int EntityType = 0;
int i = 0;
bool boolstatus = false;

//Get the string from the collection
            PIDString = "";
            PIDString = PIDCollection[PIDName];

//Parse the string into an array
            char[] separator;
            separator =
            PIDVariant = PIDString.Split(separator);
            PID =
new byte[PIDVariant.GetUpperBound(0) + 1];

//Change to a byte array
            for (i = 0; i <= (PIDVariant.GetUpperBound(0) - 1); i++)
                PID[i] = (

            SelObj = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference(PID);
Face2 face = (Face2)SelObj;
Entity entity = (Entity)face;
SelectData data = ((SelectionMgr)Part.SelectionManager).CreateSelectData();
            data.Mark = 1;
true, data);
Feature feat = (Feature)face.GetFeature();

//Get the entity type
            string temp = (string)PIDVariant.GetValue(PIDVariant.GetUpperBound(0));
            EntityType = (
int)Convert.ToDecimal(temp.Substring(temp.Length - 1));

if (EntityType == 1)
                boolstatus = feat.Select2(
true, 0);

return boolstatus;

public SldWorks swApp;


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