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EPDM.Interop.epdm Namespace

SolidWorks Enterprise PDM APISolidWorks Enterprise PDM API



Allows you to create or manage user-defined file references.


Allows you to create or manage user-defined file references.


Allows you to create a SolidWorks Enterprise PDM add-in.


Allows you to dynamically draw an add-in toolbar button.


Allows you to administer add-ins.


Allows you to administer add-ins.


Allows you to administer add-ins.


Allows you to administer add-ins.


Allows access to a file attribute that is used when data is transferred between a file data card and a file.


Allows you to add several files and folders to the vault at once.


Allows you to display a dialog box with information about several files and folders being added to the vault all at once.


Allows you to add several folders to the vault all at once.


Allows you to change states or revoke transitions of several files at once.


Allows you to change states or revoke transitions of several files at once.


Allows you to change states or revoke transitions of several files all at once.


Allows you to delete several files and folders from the vault at once.


Allows you to delete several files and folders from the vault at once.


Allows you to delete several files and folders from the vault all at once.


Allows you to get several files from the vault all at once.


Allows you to generate items from a file structure.


Allows you to generate several items from file structures all at once.


Allows you to add or remove several item references all at once.


Allows you to convert several SolidWorks Enterprise PDM files to network links all at once.


Allows you to create a listing of various file or folder properties.


Allows you to create a listing of various file or folder properties and specify from which configuration file the variables should be read.


Allows you to create a listing of several file, folder, or internal component properties all at once.


Allows you to access several file reference variables all at once.


Allows you to unlock, check in, or undo check-outs of multiple files all at once.


Allows you to unlock, check in, or undo check-outs of multiple files all at once.


Obsolete. Superseded by IEdmBatchUpdate2.


Allows you to set the values of several file and folder card variables all at once.


Allows you to access a bitmap image.


Allows you to access a Bill of Materials (BOM).


Allows you to access a single row in a Bill of Materials (BOM).


Allows you to access the Bill of Materials (BOM) layouts installed in a vault.


Allows you to access a Bill of Materials (BOM) view.


Allows you to access a Bill of Materials (BOM) view.


Monitors the progress of a supported API operation.


Monitors the progress of a supported API operation.


Allows you to access the file or folder data card that is created with the SolidWorks Enterprise PDM's Card Editor.


Allows you to access the file or folder data card that is created with the SolidWorks Enterprise PDM's Card Editor.


Allows you to access a control in a file or folder data card.


Allows you to create a window containing a file or folder data card that you can edit.


Allows you to create a window containing a file or folder data card that you can edit.


Allows you to create a window containing a file or folder data card that you can edit.


Allows you to create a window containing a file or folder data card that you can edit.


Handles customized loading and saving of data in a card view.


Allows you to access a category.


Allows you to access all of the categories that have been set up in a vault.


Removes specified checked-in files and folders from the local file vault view cache. Only files that are not referenced by checked-out files are cleared.


Removes specified checked-in files and folders from the local file vault view cache. Only files that are not referenced by checked-out files are cleared.


Removes specified checked-in files and folders from the local file vault view cache. Only files that are not referenced by checked-out files are cleared.


Allows you to add menu commands, toolbar buttons, and command hooks to SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a file changing state.


Allows you to access the properties of an object created by a template.


Allows you to access key-value pairs of data in the SolidWorks Enterprise PDM database.


Allows you to access and enumerate a list of elements.


Allows you to access custom file references.


Allows you to access user-defined file references.


Allows you to access the contents of a file or folder data card.


Allows you to access the contents of a file or folder data card.


Allows you to access the contents of a file or folder data card.


Allows you to access the contents of a file or folder data card.


Allows you to access the contents of a file or folder data card.


Allows you to access the versions and revisions of a file.


Allows you to access a file in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a file in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a file in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a file in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to search for users in the vault.


Allows you to access the contents of a file system folder in the vault.


Allows you to access the contents of a file system folder in the vault.


Allows you to access the contents of a file system folder in the vault.


Allows you to specify user and group permissions and file data cards when creating a folder with IEdmFolder5::AddFolder.


Allows you to restore files in cold storage.


Controls and monitors IEdmBatchGet operations.


Controls and monitors IEdmBatchGet operations.


Controls and monitors IEdmBatchGet operations.


Allows you to access the history listing of files or folders.


Allows you to access the version and revision comments of files.


Allows you to paint an image on a window.


Allows you to access the messages sent to a user.


Allows you to access an item.


Allows you to access a file or folder label.


Allows you to access a file or folder label.


Allows you to add add-ins registered in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM to your own menus and toolbars.


Allows you to add add-ins registered in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM to your own menus and toolbars.


Allows you to add add-ins registered in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM to your own menus and toolbars.


Allows you to encapsulate a single message in the inbox.


Contains several properties and methods that are common to all derived interfaces.


Allows you to identify the position of an element in a list of elements.


Allows you to update file reference paths directly in the checked-out files.


Allows you to enumerate referenced and referencing files and set up user-defined references.


Allows you to enumerate referenced and referencing files and set up user-defined references.


Allows you to enumerate referenced and referencing files and set up user-defined references.


Allows you to enumerate referenced and referencing files and set up user-defined references.


Allows you to enumerate referenced and referencing files and set up user-defined references.


Allows you to access an item in an IEdmRefItemContainer.


Allows you to access items in file reference dialogs.


Allows you to access a single revision of a file.


Allows you to update revision numbers on many files all at once.


Allows you to update revision numbers on many files all at once.


Allows you to update revision numbers on many files all at once.


Allows you to quickly find files or folders.


Allows you to quickly find files or folders.


Allows you to quickly find files or folders.


Allows you to access search results.


Allows you to access a list of files or folders.


Allows you to access a list of objects of any EdmObjectType.


Obsolete. Superseded by IEdmSerNoGen7.


Allows you to manage serial numbers.


Allows you to access the serial number generated by IEdmSerNoGen7::AllocSerNoValue.


Allows you to access a workflow state.


Allows you to access a workflow state.


Allows you to access a workflow state.


Allows you to access a list of arbitrary strings.


Allows you to access the task instance of an add-in.


Allows you to access the task definition of an add-in.


Allows you to access a single template.


Allows you to access a single template.


Allows you to access the templates installed in the file vault.


Allows you to access a workflow transition.


Allows you to access a workflow transition.


Allows you to access a workflow transition.


Allows you to access a workflow transition.


Allows you to access a workflow transition.


Allows you to access information and gain control of IEdmBatchUnlock operations.


Allows you to mend broken file references.


Allows you to access a user in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user group in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user group in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user group in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access a user group in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM.


Allows you to access the users and user groups in the vault.


Obsolete. Superseded by IEdmUserMgr7.


Allows you to access the users and user groups in the vault.


Allows you to access the users and user groups in the vault.


Allows you to access a variable on a file or folder data card.


Allows you to manage the file and folder data card variables set up in the Card Editor.


Allows you to manage the file and folder data card variables set up in the Card Editor.


Allows you to manage the file and folder data card variables set up in the Card Editor.


Allows you to access the values of file and folder data card variables.


Allows you to access the values of file and folder data card variables.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access a file vault.


Allows you to access the version of a file.


Obsolete. Superseded by IEdmWorkflow6.


Allows you to access a workflow set up using SolidWorks Enterprise PDM's Workflow Editor.


Allows you to access the workflows installed in a file vault.


EdmAddFileInfo Contains information about a file.
EdmAddInFileInfo Contains information about a single file in an add-in package.
EdmAddInInfo Provides SolidWorks Enterprise PDM with information about your add-in. 
EdmAddInInfo2 Provides SolidWorks Enterprise PDM with information about your add-in.
EdmAddInMenuInfo Contains information about a menu command implemented by an add-in.
EdmAttributeData Contains information about an attribute mapping in a variable (EdmVariableData).
EdmBatchDelErrInfo Contains information about an error that occurred during execution of IEdmBatchDelete::CommitDelete.
EdmBatchError Contains error information.
EdmBatchError2 Contains error information.
EdmBomColumn Contains information about a single column in a Bill of Materials.
EdmBomInfo Contains information about a Bill of Materials.
EdmBomLayout Contains information about a Bill of Materials layout.
EdmBomVersion Contains information about a Bill of Materials version, revision, or label.
EdmBrokenParentInfo Contains broken parent information.
EdmCardViewParams Contains card view parameters.
EdmChangeStateTransitionInfo Workflow state transition information.
EdmCheckRef Contains information about a file reference.
EdmCmd Contains the kind of command issued and information common to all files and folders affected by the command.
EdmCmdData Contains command data.
EdmCmdInfo Contains information about menu command items.
EdmFileInfo Information about a file or folder that is added to the vault.
EdmFolderInfo Information about a folder that is added to the vault.
EdmFolderPermission Contains permission settings.
EdmGenItemInfo Contains information about generated items.
EdmGetVarData Contains extra file information.
EdmGroupData Contains information about a user group.
EdmGroupData2 Contains information about a user group.
EdmHistoryItem Contains a history item.
EdmItemRef Contains information about an item reference.
EdmLicense Contains information about a license type and is returned by IEdmVault11::GetLicense.
EdmListCol Contains information about a column in a file listing.
EdmListFile Holds information about a file returned by the IEdmBatchListing interface.
EdmListFolder Contains information about a folder returned from IEdmBatchListing::GetFolders.
EdmListRef Contains information about file references.
EdmMemberFolder Adds a user as a member of a group to a specific folder.
EdmObjectInfo Use in calls to IEdmVault9::GetObjects.
EdmPoint Holds a point.
EdmRawReference Contains information about a file reference.
EdmRect Encapsulates a rectangle and is identical to the Win32 RECT struct.
EdmRefVar Holds information about a single file reference variable; i.e., a variable stored on the reference relationship between an assembly file and one of its part files.
EdmRevComponent Obsolete and superseded by EdmRevComponent2.
EdmRevComponent2 Holds information about a single revision number component.
EdmRevCounter Used in calls to IEdmRevisionMgr::SetRevisionCounters, this structure holds information about a single counter.
EdmRevError Returned from IEdmRevisionMgr::Commit if something goes wrong when incrementing the revision number on a file.
EdmRevNo Holds information about a revision number and is returned from IEdmRevisionMgr2::GetRevisionNumbers..
EdmSelectionObject Contains data returned from IEdmSelectionList6::GetNext2.
EdmSelItem Contains information about one selected file; e.g., used with IEdmBatchUnlock::AddSelection.
EdmSelItem2 Contains information about a selected item.
EdmTaskMenuCmd Used by IEdmTaskProperties::SetMenuCmds when an add-in adds menu commands to launch a task.
EdmTaskSel Passed as argument to IEdmTaskProperties::SetSel.
EdmTaskSetupPage Used by the method IEdmTaskProperties::SetSetupPages.
EdmUnlockErrInfo Contains extended information about an error message. 
EdmUserData Obsolete. Superseded by EdmUserData2 in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 2010 and later.
EdmUserData2 Contains information about a user to be created.
EdmUserDataEx Contains information about a user.
EdmVariableData Contains information about a variable created with IEdmVariableMgr6::AddVariables.
EdmVarVal Passed to IEdmBatchItemGeneration2::AddSelection2 to update a variable value.
EdmViewInfo Contains information about a file vault view.
EdmWorkflowInfo Holds information about a workflow state.


CreateMenuFlags Types of menu used in calls to IEdmVault5::CreatePluginMenu. Bitmask.
EdmAddAddInFlags Options for adding add-ins. Used by IEdmAddInMgr5::AddAddIns.
EdmAddCallbackMsgID Message IDs used in the message box during an add operation.
EdmAddFileDlgFlag Flags used in IEdmBatchAdd2::ShowDlg to control the appearance of the dialog box.
EdmAddFlag Options for adding a file to a folder used in calls to IEdmFolder5::AddFile. Bitmask.
EdmAddInFileInfoFlags Types of file in the add-in package used in EdmAddInFileInfo. Bitmask.
EdmBatchAddFlag Flags used by IEdmBatchAdd::CommitAdd.
EdmBatchAddFolderFlag Flags used by IEdmBatchAddFolders::AddFolder to specify the behavior of the added folder.
EdmBatchCreateFolderFlag Flags used by IEdmBatchAddFolders::Create.
EdmBatchFlags Flags used in IEdmBatchUpdate::SetVar and IEdmBatchUpdate2::SetFolderVar to control the behavior of IEdmBatchUpdate and IEdmBatchUpdate2.
EdmBomColumnType Types of Bill of Material (BOM) column content; specified in EdmBomColumn and in calls to IEdmBomCell:GetVar, and IEdmBomCell::SetVar.
EdmBomFlag Bill of Materials options used in calls to IEdmFile7::GetComputedBOM. Bitmask.
EdmBomInsertRowOption Bill of Materials row insertion options for IEdmBomView2::InsertRow.
EdmBomSetVarOption Types of value passed in IEdmBomCell::SetVar.
EdmBomVersionType Types of content specified in EdmBomVersion.meType.
EdmBrowseFlag Browse options used in calls to IEdmVault5::BrowseForFile. Bitmask.
EdmBrowseForFolderFlag Browse options used in calls to IEdmVault11::BrowseForFolder2.
EdmButtonState States of a toolbar button; used in calls to IEdmAddInDrawButton5:DrawToolbarButton, IEdmCmdMgr5::AddToolbarImage, and IEdmMenu5::GetButtonImages.
EdmCardControlType File or folder data card control types; used in calls to IEdmCardControl5::ControlType.
EdmCardFlag Options for file data card behavior used in EdmCmdData; use these flags to tell SolidWorks Enterprise PDM what to do when IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd returns.
EdmCardType Types of data card used in calls to IEdmVault6::GetCardID.
EdmCardViewFlag Options for appearance and functionality of card views created with IEdmVault10::CreateCardViewEx2. Bitmask.
EdmCardViewUpdateType Card control update types; used in calls to IEdmCardView63::Update.
EdmChangeStateFileListFlag Options for returning files when making calls to IEdmBatchChangeState::GetFileList. Bitmask.
EdmClientType Types of SolidWorks Enterprise PDM client; used in calls to IEdmVault8::ClientType.
EdmCmdNodeProp Types of command node property; used in calls to IEdmCmdNode::GetProperty.
EdmCmdType Reasons for SolidWorks Enterprise PDM to call IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd.
EdmColType Types of file listing column content; specified in the EdmListCol structure.
EdmCopyFlag Options for copying files when making calls to IEdmFolder5::CopyFile. Bitmask.
EdmCreateListExFlags Options for creating lists used in calls to IEdmBatchListing2::CreateListEx. Bitmask.
EdmCreateReferenceFlags Options for creating custom references used in calls to IEdmAddCustomRefs::CreateTree.
EdmCreateVaultFlag Options for creating new vaults used in calls to IEdmVault11::CreateNewVault.
EdmCreateVaultViewFlag Options for creating vault views used in calls to IEdmVault11::CreateNewVaultView.
EdmDataPropertyType Property types; used in calls to IEdmData::Get and IEdmData::Set.
EdmDataType Data types; used in calls to IEdmData::Type.
EdmDefaultValueType Default value types in SolidWorks Enterprise PDM; used in calls to IEdmCardViewCallback6::GetCtrlData.
EdmDefValComp Return options when calling IEdmCardViewCallback6::GetDefaultValueComponent.
EdmFileType Types of SolidWorks Enterprise PDM file; used in calls to IEdmFile8::FileType.
EdmFindUserProp Properties to get or set when calling IEdmFindUser::GetPropt and IEdmFindUser::SetPropt.
EdmFolderHistoryFlag Options for adding folders when calling IEdmHistory::AddFolder. Bitmask.
EdmFolderInfoFlag Return codes in EdmFolderInfo which is returned from IEdmBatchAddFolders::Create.
EdmGetCmdFlags Options for retrieving files from the vault used in calls to IEdmBatchGet::CreateTree. Bitmask.
EdmGetConfirmReason Types of confirmation to specify when calling IEdmGetOpCallback::ConfirmReplace.
EdmGetFileListFlag Files to return by IEdmBatchGet::GetFileList. Bitmask.
EdmGetFlag Options for retrieving files used in calls to IEdmFile5::GetFileCopy, IEdmEnumeratorVersion5::GetFileCopy, IEdmVersion5::GetFileCopy, and IEdmRevision5::GetFileCopy. Bitmask.
EdmGetMenuInfoFlags Flags returned from IEdmSearch7::GetMenuInfo.
EdmGetMsgFlag Types of message returned used in calls to IEdmInbox5::GetFirstMessagePosition.
EdmGetOpError Cold storage file retrieval error codes; used in calls to IEdmGetOpCallback2::ReportFailureEx.
EdmGetOpMsg Log error messages; used in calls to IEdmGetOpCallback::LogMessage.
EdmGetOpReply Options for continuing with a command; returned from IEdmGetOpCallback2::ReportFailureEx.
EdmGetPermFlag Options for returning folder permissions used in calls to IEdmUserMgr7::GetFolderPermissions.
EdmGetVarDataFlag Options specified in EdmGetVarData to describe a file. Bitmask.
EdmGroupDataFlags Options specified in EdmGroupData used by IEdmUserMgr6::AddGroups to create new groups.
EdmHistoryType Types of history record; used by the IEdmHistory interface. Bitmask.
EdmIncRevFlags Increment revisions used in IEdmFile5::IncrementRevision. Bitmask.
EdmInstallFileFlags Operations used in calls to IEdmVault12::InstallFile to control the installation of data.
EdmItemGenerationFlags Flags that control the behavior of IEdmBatchItemGeneration::CreateTree
EdmItemLinkType Types of linked files to items.
EdmLanguage Types of languages; used by IEdmVault5::Language.
EdmLaunchSearchFlags Flags which control the behavior of IEdmSearch7::LaunchApp.
EdmLibVer Types of current type library version numbers.
EdmLicenseType Types of license types, which are used in struct EdmLicense.
EdmLinkConvertFlags Flags that control the behavior of IEdmBatchLinkConvert.
EdmListFileFlags Flags passed to IEdmBatchListing::AddFile. Bitmask.
EdmListFolderFlags Flags used in calls to IEdmBatchListing::AddFolder to tell how to add the folder to the list.
EdmListRetFileFlag Flags returned in an IEdmBatchListing column if you specify column type EdmCol_EdmListRetFileFlag.
EdmLockFlag Flags used in IEdmFile5::LockFile. Bitmask.
EdmMBoxResult Types of clicked button returned by IEdmVault5::MsgBox.
EdmMBoxType Types of widget to insert or display in IEdmVault5::MsgBox. Bitmask.
EdmMenuFlags Flags used by IEdmCmdMgr5::AddCmd when writing an add-in that supports menu commands. Bitmask
EdmMenuStrType Types of arguments sent to IEdmMenu5::GetString to specify which string to return.
EdmMsgType Types of messages sent to a user.

Types of objects returned by IEdmObject5::ObjectType.

EdmProgressType Types of progress bars that are affected by certain operations.
EdmRawRefFlags Flags used in EdmRawReference. Bitmask.
EdmRefFlags Types of item reference. Bitmask.
EdmRefItemProperty Types of property that can be accessed in IEdmRefItem objects via IEdmRefItem::GetProperty and IEdmRefItem::SetProperty.
EdmRefItemType Items to return from IEdmRefItemContainer::GetItems.
EdmRefreshFlag Flags that cause SolidWorks Enterprise PDM to refresh elements of the user interface. Bitmask.
EdmRefType Types of references to return from IEdmRefItem::GetRefs.
EdmRepaintType Types of flags passed into IEdmImage::Reposition to control how to handle repainting of the background window.
EdmResolveAction Types of flags that you return to SolidWorks Enterprise PDM from IEdmCallback6::Resolve. Bitmask.
EdmResolveReason Types of flags, which contain the reason for the function call, to pass to your implementation of IEdmCallback6::ResolveBitmask.
EdmRevComponentFlags Flags used to control the members of the struct EdmRevComponent2. Bitmask.
EdmRightFlags Flags used in calls to IEdmFolder5::HasRights and IEdmFolder5::HasRightsEx to check user rights. Bitmask.
EdmSearchToken Values that determine which search criteria to set.
EdmStateFlags Flags used in calls to IEdmFile5::ChangeState to set options for the operation. Bitmask.
EdmSysPerm Types of system permissions for a user or group. Bitmask.
EdmSysRightFlags Flags that indicate which SolidWorks Enterprise PDM permissions a user has, etc. Bitmask.
EdmTaskFlag Task add-in flags used in the property IEdmTaskProperties::TaskFlags. Bitmask.
EdmTaskStatus Task add-in statuses.
EdmTransitionType Types of transitions.
EdmUnlockBuildTreeFlags Flags used to control the creation of the check-in file tree created by the IEdmBatchUnlock interface. Bitmask.
EdmUnlockEvent Types of check-in command passed to the IEdmUnlockOpCallback interface to notify the caller about what is happening while checking in files with the IEdmBatchUnlock interface.
EdmUnlockEventMsg Type of check-in commands passed to IEdmUnlockOpCallback while checking in files with the IEdmBatchUnlock interface in order to notify the caller about the progress of the operation.
EdmUnlockFileListFlag Flags telling IEdmBatchUnlock::GetFileList what kind of files to get. Bitmask.
EdmUnlockFlag Flags used in IEdmFile5::UnlockFile to control the behavior of the check-in operation. Bitmask.
EdmUnlockOpMsg Types of constant passed to IEdmUnlockOpCallback::MsgBox when the caller should either display a message to the user or process the message in some other way.
EdmUnlockOpReply Types of operations returned from your IEdmUnlockOpCallback::MsgBox method if you implement an IEdmUnlockOpCallback interface to use with the IEdmBatchUnlock interface.
EdmUnlockStatusFlag Statuses returned by IEdmBatchUnlock2::GetStatus.
EdmUserDataExFlag Flags that tell which members of EdmUserDataEx are valid. Bitmask.
EdmUserDataFlags Flags used in EdmUserData's mlFlags field when adding users with IEdmUserMgr6::AddUsers.
EdmUserPictureFlag Flags that are passed in the lEdmUserPictureFlags argument of  IEdmUserMgr8::CreateUserPicture.
EdmUtility Constants that are passed to the IEdmVault7::CreateUtility to create utility interfaces of various kinds.
EdmVariableFlags Flags that set the style of variables used in file and folder data cards. Bitmask.
EdmVariableType Constants that identify the data type of a variable.

See Also

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