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Flex Overview

Flex features deform complex models in an intuitive manner.

You can create four types of flexes:
  • Bending
  • Twisting
  • Tapering
  • Stretching

Video: Example of Flex

To create Flex features, click Flex (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Flex, set the PropertyManager options, and click .

General Information on Flex Features

  • The flex feature calculates the extents of the part using a bounding box. The trim planes are then initially located at the extents of the bodies, perpendicular to the Z-axis of the triad.

  • The flex feature affects the region between the trim planes only.
  • The center of the flex feature occurs around the center of the triad location.
  • To manipulate the extent and location of the flex feature, re-position the triad and trim planes. To reset all PropertyManager values to the state they were in upon opening the flex feature, right-click in the graphics area and select Reset flex.

Repositioning the Triad and Trim Planes

To reposition the triad:

In the PropertyManager, under Triad, do any of the following:
  • Select a coordinate system feature .
  • Change the Rotation Origin arc_cen_x.png, arc_cen_y.png, or arc_cen_z.png to re-position the triad along these axes.
  • Change the Rotation Angle , , or to rotate the triad around these axes. The angle represents rotations about the component coordinate system and are applied in this order: Z, Y, X.
In the graphics area:
  • Move the pointer over the center of the triad. When the move pointer appears, drag the triad. The triad center snaps to geometry such as edges, points, vertices, and faces.
  • Move the pointer over any of the triad arrows. When the move/rotate pointer pointer_mouse_move_rotate.png appears, left-click and drag to re-position the triad along that axis. The triad has free motion unless you move the pointer over geometry, where it snaps to the geometry. Right-click and drag to rotate the triad about the axis over which the pointer is located.
  • Move the pointer to the area between two triad arrows to constrain triad movement to the plane defined by the origin of the triad and the two arrows.
  • Right-click the center of the triad and select an option:
    Align Trim Plane Axis to Selection Aligns the trim plane axis (blue Z-axis) to a selection that is parallel to a line, normal to a plane, or towards a point. Trim planes adjust themselves to stay perpendicular to the trim plane axis.
    Align Bend Axis to Selection Aligns the bend axis (red X-axis) to a selection by rotating the triad about the trim plane axis (blue Z-axis) parallel to the selection (edge, line, and so on).
    Center and Align to Component Moves the triad's origin to the centroid of the bodies and aligns the triad to the component or part coordinate system.
    Center and Align to Principle Moves the triad's origin to the centroid of the bodies and aligns the triad to the principal axes of the bodies.
    Move Triad to Plane 1 Moves the triad to Trim Plane 1.
    Move Triad to Plane 2 Moves the triad to Trim Plane 2.

To reposition the trim planes:

In the PropertyManager, under Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2, do any of the following:
  • For Select a reference entity for Trim Plane , select a point on the model to which to snap the origin of the trim plane.
  • For trimming distance , set a distance to move the trim planes from the outer extents of the bodies along the trim plane axis (blue Z-axis) of the triad. Positive values move the planes towards the centroid of the model, negative values move them away from the centroid.
In the graphics area:
  • Drag a trim plane manipulator. The trimming distance dynamically updates as you drag.
  • Move the pointer over the edge of a trim plane to display pointers based on the flex type, then drag the pointer to modify the flex feature.

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