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Upgrade Assistant

If you are planning to migrate to a new version of SOLIDWORKS, you can use the Upgrade Assistant to test that your parts, assemblies and drawings will migrate correctly. The Upgrade Assistant works with files created by SOLIDWORKS 2013 and later.

You begin by selecting a subset of your parts, assemblies and drawings to perform the comparison test. The Upgrade Assistant opens each file using both your installed production version of SOLIDWORKS and the installed SW version you are planning to migrate to. It runs a series of tests comparing each file, and generates a comparison report including performance changes, rebuild errors, drawing pixel changes (color and position), and stability problems. If no critical errors are found, you can be confident that your data will migrate successfully to the target version. If critical errors are found, send a copy of the comparison report to your reseller for further assistance.

To access the Upgrade Assistant, open SOLIDWORKS Task Scheduler from the Windows Start menu, and click All Programs > SOLIDWORKS <version> > SOLIDWORKS Tools > SOLIDWORKS Task Scheduler . Then on the sidebar, click Upgrade Assistant.

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