Creating a New Costing Template

Costing templates contain the procedures you or your manufacturing supplier use to manufacture parts. The template can include customized information such as material cost and thicknesses, cost of manufacturing operations, and manufacturing setup costs.

To create a new costing template:

  1. In the Costing Task Pane, under Template, click Launch Template Editor.
  2. In the Costing Template Editor, click New .
  3. In the dialog box, select a type of template.
    Option Description
    Main template for multibody parts Contains references to sheet metal and machined templates, and specific multibody part data including weld beads and fillet beads.
    Template for sheet metal parts Contains specific sheet metal data including material, thickness, and operations.
    Template for machined, molded, or 3D printed parts Contains specific machining data including material, machine, and operations.
  4. Click OK.