Update All Configurations Dialog Box

When you freeze features in models with multiple configurations, the Update All Configurations dialog box lets you choose to fully rebuild all configurations immediately, or fully rebuild each configuration individually as it is activated.

To open the Update All Configurations dialog box:

  • Drag the freeze bar down from the top of the tree to initially freeze features.
  • Move the freeze bar to include more or fewer features.

In the dialog box, click one of the following:

Yes (Recommended) Fully rebuilds all configurations immediately. The features you are freezing are included in the rebuild. Fully rebuilding all configurations can take a significant amount of time, but then when you activate other configurations, rebuilding of the frozen features is not required. Clicking Yes is recommended because you use Freeze for complex models where you want to reduce rebuild time. You do not realize that benefit for all configurations until this initial full rebuild is done.
No Defers the full rebuild for all configurations except the active one. Each configuration is fully rebuilt only when you activate it. For complex models, fully rebuilding an individual configuration can take a significant amount of time, but not as much time as rebuilding all configurations at once. You might want to click No if you plan to move the freeze bar again before you activate other configurations.
If you click No and then later want to rebuild all configurations, you can right-click the freeze bar and click Update All Configurations.