Excluding Components and Bodies

Excluding Hidden Bodies and Components

You can exclude interferences involving hidden bodies and hidden components from Interference Detection results.

  1. Click Interference Detection (Assembly toolbar) or Tools > Evaluate > Interference Detection.
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Options, select Ignore hidden bodies/components.
    When you click Calculate, the following are excluded from the results:
    • Interferences involving components that are hidden, including those hidden by the Isolate command.
    • Interferences between a multibody part's hidden bodies and other components.

Excluding Selected Components

You can exclude selected components from Interference Detection results. Optionally, you can specify to remember components to exclude from session to session.

  1. Click Interference Detection (Assembly toolbar) or Tools > Evaluate > Interference Detection.
  2. In the PropertyManager, select Excluded Components.
  3. In the graphics area or flyout FeatureManager design tree, select components to exclude.
  4. Select options:
    Option Description
    Hide excluded components from view Hides the selected components until you close the PropertyManager.
    Remember excluded components Saves the list of components, so that they are automatically selected the next time you open the PropertyManager.