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GetAttachedEntities2 Method (IAnnotation)

Obsolete. Superseded by IAnnotation::GetAttachedEntities3.

.NET Syntax

Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Function GetAttachedEntities2() As System.Object
Visual Basic (Usage) 
Dim instance As IAnnotation
Dim value As System.Object
value = instance.GetAttachedEntities2()
System.object GetAttachedEntities2()
System.Object^ GetAttachedEntities2(); 

Return Value

Array of objects



This method now supports all annotation types. See IAnnotation::GetType to determine the type of annotation.

The array returned by this function may contain one or more objects of varying type. To determine the corresponding object type in the IAnnotation::GetAttachedEntites2 array, see IAnnotation::GetAttachedEntityTypes. COM applications can use QueryInterface to obtain the specific object from the LPUNKNOWN pointer.


Object Type Object Returned
swSelFACES IFace2
swSelEDGES IEdge
swSelSKETCHSEGS ISketchSegment
swSelNOTHING NULL (annotation is dangling or unsupported)

You can associate annotations with some items not listed in the previous table (for example, origins). If this annotation is attached to one or more of those entities, then SOLIDWORKS returns a corresponding NULL in one of the array positions and IAnnotation::GetAttachedEntityTypes indicates the unsupported entity by returning a corresponding swSelNOTHING value. COM applications that call IAnnotation::GetAttachedEntityCount2 include the NULL value in the total count of associated entities.

Likewise, if an annotation has become disassociated from its geometry, then SOLIDWORKS returns a corresponding NULL in one of the array positions and IAnnotation::GetAttachedEntityTypes indicates the dangling item by returning a corresponding swSelNOTHING value.

If this annotation is not associated with any geometry (for example, a note without a leaderline), then SOLIDWORKS returns an empty array.


See Also


SOLIDWORKS 2004 FCS, Revision Number 12

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