Condition Operators for Categories

When defining conditions for categories, you can use the following operators in the Argument column.

Operator Description Example
> Greater than >123
< Less than <123
>= Greater than or equal to >=123
<= Less than or equal to <=123
!= Not equal to !=123
% (percent) Any string of zero or more characters %put% matches “put”, “putter”, “output”, and “computer”
_ (underscore) Any single character _cad matches “ecad” and “mcad”
[chars] Any single character in the set or range Rev[A1] matches “RevA” and “Rev1”. Rev[A-C] matches “RevA”, “RevB”, and “RevC”
[^chars] Any single character not in the set or range de[^xyz]% matches all strings beginning with “de” where the next letter is not “x”, “y”, or “z”.