Trend Tracker Overview

Trend Tracker helps you detect trends in results from different iterations of a static study. Results are presented in a manner that compares a baseline to subsequent iterations.

Available in SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard, SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional and SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium.

Highlights include:

  • A Trend Journal lists details about the baseline and every iteration.
  • Graphs show the trend in important result quantities. View one of the default graphs or add a tracked data graph.
  • A gallery shows displacement and stress plots for every iteration.
  • A rollback function allows you to restore the model to a specific iteration.
  • Adding iterations automatically or manually when you run studies or design scenarios.
  • iterations

Typical workflow:

  1. Run a static study.
  2. Right-click the study and select Trend Tracker to enable this functionality.
  3. Right-click Trend Tracker and select Set Baseline.

    The current results become the baseline (iteration 1) for weight, displacement, stress, and so on.

  4. Change the geometry, loads, restraints, or any other features.
  5. Right-click Trend Tracker and select Add Tracked Data Graph to add a new workflow sensitive simulation data sensor to track results.
  6. Run the static study.

    The software appends the new results to the tracked iterations as a new iteration by default.

  7. Review the results:
    • Right-click Trend Tracker and select View Gallery to see the change in displacement and stress.
    • Double-click one of the graphs such as Mass to compare iterations to the baseline.
    • Double-click the Trend Journal to read a report.
You can disable and delete the Trend Tracker information. Right-click the study name and select Delete Trend Tracker to delete Trend Tracker from the Simulation study tree.