Performance Evaluation for Assemblies

Performance Evaluation analyzes the performance of assemblies and suggests actions to improve performance.

This analysis is useful when you work with large and complex assemblies. In some cases, you can choose to have the software make changes to your assembly to improve performance.

Although the conditions identified by Performance Evaluation can degrade assembly performance, they are not errors. Weigh the Performance Evaluation recommendations against your design intent. In some cases, implementing the recommendation can improve assembly performance, but might compromise your design intent.

Performance Evaluation checks are organized in the following categories:

Open Performance
  • Open Summary
  • Document Open File Details
  • Previous Version References
  • Modified on Open
Display Performance
  • Graphics Triangles
  • Shaded Image Quality
  • Display Speed
  • Appearance
  • Components Far from Origin
Rebuild Performance
  • Rebuild Data Unavailable
  • Rebuild Report
  • Mates
  • In-Context Part Performance
  • In-Context Relationship Performance
  • In-Context Relationship Conflict
  • Assembly Rebuild Report
Settings Performance
  • Verification on Rebuild
  • Large Assembly Mode
  • Parts
  • Subassemblies
  • Components
  • Assembly

To run Performance Evaluation:

  1. Click Performance Evaluation (Assembly toolbar) or Tools > Evaluate > Performance Evaluation.
    In the Performance Evaluation dialog box, the following icons indicate the status of each diagnostic test.
    Icon Status Action
    Passed No further action is required.
    Warning Review the information and make changes if appropriate for your assembly.
    Information only No further action is required.
  2. To view the affected components for a category, click Show These Files .

    In the dialog box that opens, you can save the list of components to a file, copy the list to the clipboard, or print the list.

  3. Click Assembly Visualization to open the Assembly Visualization tool.