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Fire Events for External Output Time Step Changes Example (VB.NET)

This example shows how to listen and catch events for external force and motor output time step changes.

' Preconditions:
' 1. Start SOLIDWORKS Premium, which includes SOLIDWORKS Motion.
' 2. Verify that the c:\temp folder exists.
'    a. Start the SOLIDWORKS Motion Study add-in (in
'       SOLIDWORKS, click Tools > Add-Ins > SOLIDWORKS Motion).
'    b. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\simple-block.sldasm.
'    c. Click MotionStudy 1 and select Motion Analysis in the
'       Type of Study list at the  upper-left corner of the
'       MotionManager.
' 4. In the IDE, reference the SOLIDWORKS Motion Study interop
'    assembly (right-click the name of the project in the Project
'    Explorer > click Add Reference >
browse to 
'    install_dir
\api\redist\CLR2 > click
' Postconditions:
' 1. Calculates motion analysis.
' 2. Opens c:\temp\ForceAndMotorValuesVBNET.txt for output.
' 3. Sets forces and motors to external.
' 4. Recalculates motion analysis.
' 5. Fires an event for every force and motor output time step change
'    and recalculates and writes the force magnitude or motor speed to
'    c:\temp\ForceAndMotorValuesVBNET.txt.
' 6. Open and examine c:\temp\ForceAndMotorValuesVBNET.txt.

' NOTE: Because this model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swmotionstudy

Partial Class SolidWorksMacro

Public WithEvents motionstudy As MotionStudy
Public swMotionStudy As MotionStudy
Public swModel As ModelDoc2
Public outputWrite As System.IO.StreamWriter

Public Sub Main()

Dim swModelDocExt As ModelDocExtension
Dim swMotionMgr As MotionStudyManager
Dim studyName As String
        Dim numStudies As Integer

        swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
        swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension

' Motion study name
        studyName = "Motion Study 1"

        ' Get the MotionManager
        swMotionMgr = swModelDocExt.GetMotionStudyManager()
        numStudies = swMotionMgr.GetMotionStudyCount()
        swMotionStudy = swMotionMgr.GetMotionStudy(studyName)
If Not swMotionStudy.IsActive Then swMotionStudy.Activate()

'Calculate the motion study

' Set up events
        motionstudy = swMotionStudy

' Open output file for writing force and motor values
        outputWrite = IO.File.CreateText("c:\temp\ForceAndMotorValuesVBNET.txt")

' Set feature Force1 as external force
        Call SetForceExternalFlag("Force1", True)

' Set feature LinearMotor1 as external motor
        Call SetMotorExternalFlag("LinearMotor1", True)

' Fire event at every output time step

'Recalculate the motion study

' Close output file

End Sub

    Private Sub SetForceExternalFlag(ByVal featureName As String, ByVal setFlag As Integer)
' Set forces to external; i.e., listen for events

        Dim swFeature As Feature
Dim swSimulationFeatureData As SimulationForceFeatureData
Dim simTypeName As String
        Dim motionFeatures As Object
        Dim ret As Boolean
        Dim i As Integer

        motionFeatures = swMotionStudy.GetMotionFeatures
For i = 0 To UBound(motionFeatures)
            swFeature = motionFeatures(i)
            simTypeName = swFeature.GetTypeName
If simTypeName = "AEMLinearForce" Or simTypeName = "AEMTorque" Then
                If swFeature.Name = featureName Then
                    swSimulationFeatureData = swFeature.GetDefinition
                    swSimulationFeatureData.ExternalState = setFlag
                    ret = swFeature.ModifyDefinition(swSimulationFeatureData, swModel,
"Feature: " & swFeature.Name)
"  Listen for events: " & swSimulationFeatureData.ExternalState)
" ")
End If
            End If
        Next i
End Sub

    Private Sub SetMotorExternalFlag(ByVal featureName As String, ByVal setFlag As Integer)
' Set motors to external; i.e., listen for events

        Dim swFeature As Feature
Dim swSimulationFeatureData As SimulationMotorFeatureData
Dim simTypeName As String
        Dim motionFeatures As Object
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim ret As Boolean

        motionFeatures = swMotionStudy.GetMotionFeatures
For i = 0 To UBound(motionFeatures)
            swFeature = motionFeatures(i)
            simTypeName = swFeature.GetTypeName
If simTypeName = "AEMLinearMotor" Or simTypeName = "AEMRotationalMotor" Then
                If swFeature.Name = featureName Then
                    swSimulationFeatureData = swFeature.GetDefinition
                    swSimulationFeatureData.ExternalState = setFlag
                    ret = swFeature.ModifyDefinition(swSimulationFeatureData, swModel,
"Feature name: " & swFeature.Name)
"  Listen for events: " & swSimulationFeatureData.ExternalState)
" ")
End If
            End If
        Next i
End Sub

    Sub AttachEventHandlers()
End Sub

    Sub AttachSWEvents()
AddHandler motionstudy.ForceOutputTimeStepChangeNotify, AddressOf Me.motionStudy_ForceOutputTimeStepChangeNotify
AddHandler motionstudy.MotorOutputTimeStepChangeNotify, AddressOf Me.motionStudy_MotorOutputTimeStepChangeNotify
AddHandler motionstudy.OutputTimeStepChangeNotify, AddressOf Me.motionStudy_OutputTimeStepChangeNotify
AddHandler motionstudy.StartCalculateNotify, AddressOf Me.motionStudy_StartCalculateNotify
AddHandler motionstudy.StopCalculateNotify, AddressOf Me.motionStudy_StopCalculateNotify
End Sub

    Private Function motionStudy_ForceOutputTimeStepChangeNotify(ByVal Time As Double, ByVal ForceNames As Object, ByVal Disp As Object, ByVal Velocity As Object, ByVal Acceleration As Object, ByVal ForceOrTorque As Object, ByRef ForceTorqueValue As Object) As Integer
        ' Fire event for every external force or torque output time step change
        Dim swMotionStudyProperties As MotionStudyProperties
Dim i As Integer
        Dim frameRate As Double
        Dim numForces As Integer
        Dim deltaT As Double
        Dim pi As Double
        Dim w As Double
        Dim A As Double

        pi = 3.14159265358979

        swMotionStudyProperties = motionstudy.GetProperties(swMotionStudyType_e.swMotionStudyTypeCosmosMotion)
        frameRate = swMotionStudyProperties.GetFrameRate()
        deltaT = 1 / frameRate
        numForces = motionstudy.GetNumOfExternalForces

For i = 0 To numForces - 1

            A = Acceleration(i)

If (ForceNames(i) = "Force1" Or ForceNames(i) = "Force2" Or ForceNames(i) = "Force3") Then
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  " & ForceNames(i))
                A = 0.8
                w = 2 * pi / 1.5
ElseIf (ForceNames(i) = "Torque1" Or ForceNames(i) = "Torque2" Or ForceNames(i) = "Torque3") Then
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  " & ForceNames(i))
                A = 0.005
                w = pi
ElseIf (ForceNames(i) = "Action Reaction Force1" Or ForceNames(i) = "Action Reaction Force2" Or ForceNames(i) = "Action Reaction Force3") Then
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  " & ForceNames(i))
                A = 0.002
                w = 2 * pi
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  " & ForceNames(i))
                A = 0
                w = 0
End If

            ' Compute the return value
            ForceTorqueValue(i) = A * Math.Sin(w * (Time + deltaT))
"    Force or torque magnitude: " & ForceTorqueValue(i))

Next i

End Function

    Private Function motionStudy_MotorOutputTimeStepChangeNotify(ByVal Time As Double, ByVal MotorNames As Object, ByVal Position As Object, ByVal Velocity As Object, ByVal Acceleration As Object, ByVal ForceOrTorque As Object, ByRef MotorValue As Object) As Integer
        ' Fire event for every external motor output time step change
        Dim numMotors As Integer
        Dim swMotionStudyProperties As MotionStudyProperties
Dim frameRate As Double
        Dim deltaT As Double
        Dim pi As Double
        Dim w As Double
        Dim A As Double
        Dim i As Integer

        pi = 3.14159265358979

        swMotionStudyProperties = motionstudy.GetProperties(swMotionStudyType_e.swMotionStudyTypeCosmosMotion)
        frameRate = swMotionStudyProperties.GetFrameRate()
        deltaT = 1 / frameRate
        numMotors = motionstudy.GetNumOfExternalMotors

For i = 0 To numMotors - 1

If (MotorNames(i) = "RotaryMotor1" Or MotorNames(i) = "RotaryMotor2") Then
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  " & MotorNames(i))
                A = (pi / 4)
                w = (pi / 2)
ElseIf (MotorNames(i) = "LinearMotor1") Then
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  " & MotorNames(i))
                A = 0.05
                w = 2 * pi / 3
ElseIf (MotorNames(i) = "LinearMotor2") Then
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  " & MotorNames(i))
                A = 0.025
                w = 2 * pi
ElseIf (MotorNames(i) = "LinearMotor3") Then
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  " & MotorNames(i))
                A = 1.0472
                w = 2 * pi
                outputWrite.WriteLine("  LinearMotor")
                A = 0
                w = 0
End If

            'Compute the return value
            MotorValue(i) = A * Math.Sin(w * (Time + deltaT))
"    Motor speed: " & MotorValue(i))
Next i
End Function

    Private Function motionStudy_OutputTimeStepChangeNotify(ByVal Time As Double) As Integer
        ' Fire event at every output step

        Dim myTime As Double

        myTime = Time

End Function

    Private Function motionStudy_StartCalculateNotify(ByVal Time As Double) As Integer
        ' Fire event when recalculation starts

        Dim myTime As Double

        outputWrite.WriteLine("Recalculation started...")
" ")
        myTime = Time

End Function

    Private Function motionStudy_StopCalculateNotify(ByVal Time As Double) As Integer
        ' Fire event when recalculation stops

        Dim myTime As Double

        outputWrite.WriteLine(" ")
"Recalculation stopped...")

        myTime = Time

End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
    ''' </summary>
    Public swApp As SldWorks


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