Condition Operators for Workflow Transitions

When you define conditions for workflow transitions, you can use the following operators in the Comparison column.

The operator is selected under Comparison and is used with the value to determine which files meet the condition.

The comparison operators that are available depend on the variable type you select.

In the table that follows:

  • Search values are case insensitive.
  • Number comparisons work best if the variable type is "number".
  • Date comparisons work best if the variable type is "date".

    Note that the format of the date comparison will depend on the date format assigned globally in the vault properties.

  • The quotes in the examples are not needed.
  • Upgraded or imported workflow conditions try to match the comparison type based on the operator used in the value.
  • If you want to compare values in files with configurations and some configurations have different values in their data cards, you should define a named configuration in the Configuration column to compare the value against. For example, enter @ to always compare values from the @ configuration tab in the data card.
Operator Expression is true if Example
Text_Equal_to.gif Text Equal To The defined value matches an exact text string in a variable. The value "flange" matches files with the exact variable value "flange" but not "lower flange" or "railing". If you leave value empty, all files that do not have a value in this variable would match.
Text_Not_Equal_to.gif Text Not Equal To The defined value does not match an exact text string in a variable. The value "flange" matches files with any variable value that is not "flange", for example "railing" or "upper flange". If you leave the value empty, all files that have a value in this variable would match.
Text_Less_Than.gif Text Less Than A text string in a variable is alphabetically lower than the defined value. The value "ecad" would match files with variable value "acad" but not "ecad" or "mcad".
Text_Bigger_Than.gif Text Bigger Than A text string in a variable is alphabetically higher than the defined value. The value "ecad" would match files with variable value "mcad" but not "ecad" or "acad"
Text_Less_Than_or_Equal.gif Text Less Than or Equal A text string in a variable is alphabetically lower or the same as the defined value. The value "ecad" would match files with variable value "acad" or "ecad" but not "mcad"
Text_Bigger_Than_or_Equal.gif Text Bigger Than or Equal A text string in a variable is alphabetically higher or the same as the defined value. The value "ecad" would match files with variable value "mcad" or "ecad" but not "acad"
Text_Contains.gif Text Contains The defined value matches part of a text string in a variable. The value "finish" would match files with variable value "surface finish" or "finished drawing"
Text_Does_Not_Contain.gif Text Does Not Contain The defined value does not match any part of a text string in a variable. The value "finish" would match files with variable value "completed drawing" but not "finished drawing".
Text_Compare.gif Text Compare Allows the use of comparison operators in the expression. See the following table.
Number_Equal_To.gif Number Equal To The defined value matches the exact number in a variable. The value "123" would match files with variable value "123" but not "12" or "1234"
Number_Not_Equal_To.gif Number Not Equal To The defined value does not match the exact number in a variable. The value "123" would match files with any number besides "123" in the variable value, for example "12" or "1234"
Number_Less_Than.gif Number Less Than A number in a variable is numerically lower than the defined value. The value "123" would match files with variable value "1.23", "12", "122" but not "123", "123.4" or "1234"
Number_Bigger_Than.gif Number Bigger Than A number in a variable is numerically higher than the defined value. The value "123" would match files with variable value "123.4", "124" or "1234" but not "1.23", "12", "122" or "123"
Number_Less_Than_or_Equal.gif Number Less Than or Equal A number in a variable value is numerically lower or the same as the defined value. The value "123" would match files with variable value "1.23", "12", "122" or "123" but not "123.4" or "1234"
Number_Bigger_Than_or_Equal.gif Number Bigger Than or Equal A number in a variable is numerically higher or the same as the defined value. The value "123" would match files with variable value "123", "123.4", "124" or 1234" but not "1.23", "12", "122"
Date_Equal_To.gif Date Equal To The value matches an exact date in a variable. The value "7/30/2012" would match files with variable value "7/30/2012" but not "7/30/2011", "7/29/2012" or "8/30/2012"
Date_Not_Equal_To.gif Date Not Equal To The value does not match an exact date in a variable. The value "7/30/2012" would match files with any date besides "7/30/2012" in the variable value, for example "7/30/2011", "7/29/2012" or "8/30/2012"
Date_Less_Than.gif Date Less Than A date in a variable is earlier than the defined date value. The value "7/30/2012" would match files with variable value "7/30/2011", "7/29/2012" but not "7/30/2012" or "8/30/2012"
Date_Bigger_Than.gif Date Bigger Than A date in a variable is later than the defined date value. The value "7/30/2012" would match files with variable value "8/30/2012" but not "7/30/2011", "7/29/2012" or "7/30/2012"
Date_Less_Than_or_Equal.gif Date Less Than or Equal A date in a variable is earlier than or the same as the defined date value. The value "7/30/2012" would match files with variable value "7/30/2011", "7/29/2012" or "7/30/2012" but not "8/30/2012"
Date_Bigger_Than_or_Equal.gif Date Bigger Than or Equal A date in a variable is later than or the same as the defined date value. The value "7/30/2012" would match files with variable value "7/30/2011" or "8/30/2012" but not "7/30/2011" or "7/29/2012"
Yes_No_operator Yes or No Equal To The value matches the variable value of Yes or No.

Applies to variables using type "Yes or No".

The value "Yes" would match files with "Yes or No" variable set to "Yes" (i.e., with the checkbox control enabled.)

Comparison Operators for Text Compare

Operator Description Example
> Greater than >123
< Less than <123
>= Greater than or equal to >=123
<= Less than or equal to <=123
!= Not equal to !=123
% (percent) Any string of zero or more characters %put% matches “put”, “putter”, “output”, and “computer”
_ (underscore) Any single character _cad matches “ecad” and “mcad”
[chars] Any single character in the set or range Rev[A1] matches “RevA” and “Rev1”. Rev[A-C] matches “RevA”, “RevB”, and “RevC”
[^chars] Any single character not in the set or range de[^xyz]% matches all strings beginning with “de” where the next letter is not “x”, “y”, or “z”.