Creating Variables for Dispatch Scripts

Use the Set variables dialog to define SOLIDWORKS PDM Dispatch variables that evaluate when a Dispatch action runs.

You can create variables for use in your Dispatch scripts and in graphical elements you create for your scripts:

  1. Access the Set variables dialog by clicking Variables in the Edit Action dialog or by clicking right arrow in Dispatch dialogs.
  2. Click Add to create a new variable.
  3. From the Name field, select the newly added variable and type a name.
  4. From the Type drop-down field, select a data type:
    Option Description
    Current configuration %CurrentConfig%

    Example: @

    Current folder path %CurrentFolderPath%

    Example: C:\VaultProjA\FolderA

    Current revision of selected file(s) %CurrentRevisionOfFile%

    Example: A

    Current version of selected file(s) %CurrentVersionOfFile%

    Example: 4

    Directory of selected file(s) %DirOfSelectedFile%

    Example: C:\VaultProjA\FolderA

    Name of current folder %NameOfCurrentFolder%

    Example: FolderA

    Name of current vault %NameOfCurrentVault%

    Example: VaultProjA

    Name of logged-in user %NameOfLoggedInUser%

    Example: Admin

    Name of selected file(s) %NameOfSelectedFile%

    Example: 89-NOAO-4200-1234.sldprt

    Name of user who created selected file(s) %NameOfUserCreatedFile%

    Example: Admin

    Path to selected file(s) %PathToSelectedFile%

    Example: C:\VaultProjA\FolderA\89-NOAO-4200-1234.sldprt

    Path to SOLIDWORKS PDM root folder %RootFolderPath%

    Example: C:\VaultProjA

    Runtime variable A runtime variable is a temporary container to store user input. You can then use the runtime variable in your action scripts.

    Example: UserState

    Selected file(s) current workflow state %SelectedFileCurrentWorkflowState%

    Example: Approved

    Static string Sets the variable to a static string you create using the Value field.

    Example: %Number%_%Rev%.pdf

    Time when selected file(s) was created %TimeFileCreated%

    Example: 20090726 14:44:1

    Time when selected file(s) was modified %TimeFileModified%

    Example: 20090726 17:04:12

    Value of environmental variable Sets the variable to the value of an environmental variable you choose.

    Example: USERNAME

    Value of registry variable Sets the variable to the value of a registry variable you choose.

    Example: FileExtVer

    Variable value from selected file(s) datacard Sets the variable to the value of a datacard variable you choose.

    Example: Approved on

  5. Complete the conditional fields that display based on the selected Type:
    1. If Type is Static string - In the Value field, enter a value or click right arrow to build the value from predefined variables, string functions, or arithmetic functions.
    2. If Type is Value of environmental variable - In the Environmental variable field, type or click right arrow to select an environmental variable.
    3. If Type is Value of registry variable - In the Registry variable field, type a registry variable name.
    4. If Type is Variable value from selected file(s) datacard - In the Data card variable field, type or click right arrow to select a data card variable. Next, in the Configuration field, type the configuration.
  6. Continue to add variables (by clicking Add) or delete variables (by selecting a variable and clicking Remove).
  7. Click OK to save the variables.