Costing Template Editor for Machining

You can create and edit costing templates for machined parts or bodies from the Costing Template Editor.

You can specify rates and costs for the procedures required to manufacture a machined part or body in the machining template. You can include customized information in the template, such as material cost and thicknesses, cost of manufacturing and machining operations, and manufacturing setup costs.

You can determine how manufacturing operations affect the cost of your design. For example, you can set up templates for vendors that use different manufacturing operations.

To display the Costing Template Editor for a machined part:
  • Click Costing tool_costing_tools.gif (Tools toolbar or the Evaluate tab on the CommandManager). In the Costing Task Pane, under Machining Template, click Launch Template Editor.
To display the Costing Template Editor for the machined bodies in a multibody part:
  1. Click Costing tool_costing_tools.gif (Tools toolbar or the Evaluate tab on the CommandManager).
  2. In the Costing Task Pane, under Costing Templates, click Launch Template Editor.
  3. In the Costing Template Editor, next to Machining template, click View.

You can specify the file location for Costing templates in Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations . In Show folders for, select Costing templates to add or delete a location. The default Costing template folder is install_dir\lang\language\Costing templates.