Freeze Bar Shortcut Menu

The freeze bar shortcut menu provides commands for moving the freeze bar, controlling rebuilds, and controlling part rebuild indicators.

To open the Freeze Bar shortcut menu:

Right-click the freeze bar.

Roll to End (Freeze All) (Available when the freeze bar is at the top of the tree.) Moves the freeze bar to the bottom of the tree, freezing all features.
Roll to Top (Unfreeze All) (Available when some or all features are frozen.) Moves the freeze bar to the top of the tree, unfreezing all features.
Update Frozen Features (Available if one or more frozen features are out of date.) Rebuilds out-of-date frozen features and their dependent features and returns them to the frozen state. Also rebuilds active features if deemed necessary by the SOLIDWORKS application.
Update All Configurations Rebuilds all configurations regardless of any other settings.
Always Update All Configurations (Available in parts with multiple configurations.) When selected, rebuilds all configurations when you click Update Frozen Features. When cleared, rebuilds only the active configuration when you click Update Frozen Features.
Hide Part Rebuild Indicators Stops the rebuild indicator for out-of-date frozen features from propagating up the FeatureManager design tree when the part is a component of an assembly. In the assembly tree, the indicator appears on the out-of-date frozen feature, but not on the part level or assembly level.