Changing Cartoon Settings with PhotoView 360

If you have PhotoView 360 added in when you select Cartoon, the behavior of the Cartoon tool is linked to the Contour/Cartoon Rendering settings in the PhotoView 360 PropertyManager.

When you select Cartoon, a screen message tells you that turning on Cartoon will enable the Cartoon rendering option in PhotoView 360.

To change cartoon settings with PhotoView 360:

  1. With a model open, click Tools > Add-In and add in PhotoView 360.
  2. Click PhotoView 360 > Options .
  3. Expand Cartoon/Contour Rendering.
    Cartoon/Contour Rendering is already selected because you selected Cartoon.
  4. Optionally, specify a line thickness and edit the line color.
  5. Select one of the following:
    pv_cartoon_edges.png Render only with cartoon edges

    Render with cartoon shading

    pv_cartoon_shaded_edges.png Render with cartoon edges and shading