Assembly Document Checks

On the Assembly Document Checks tab , click any of the following to add to the Build Checks requirements:

Component Material

Select the material database and the materials to evaluate the component.

Mate Error Warnings

Identifies mates that have rebuild errors or warnings.

Fixed Parts

  1. Select Exclude, List, Range, or a comparison symbol for the operator to evaluate the document.
  2. Type one or several comma-delimited values for the Number of fixed parts to evaluate.
For example, consider that you selected List and set the Number of fixed parts to 4, 7, 9, 12. When the document is evaluated, if the number of fixed parts is 4, the check passes. If the number of fixed parts is 5, the check fails. Conversely, consider that you selected Exclude and set the Number of fixed parts to 4, 7, 9, 12. If the number of fixed parts is 5, the check passes.

External References

Specify the types of external references to evaluate the document.

Suppressed Components

Cycles through all parts and configurations in assembly documents (top level assembly only) for any suppressed part.

Interference Volume

Checks for the interference of components in an assembly.

Interference Volume Type of test: Any to flag all interference; a comparison operator (=, >, <, >=, <=); a range of values; a list of values; or an exclusion, which acts like the NOT operator.
unit^3 The tolerance allowed for interference checking, in units set on the Options tab.
Treat coincidence as interference  
Treat subassemblies as components  
Include multi-body part interferences  

Misaligned Concentric Mates

Checks for the presence of misaligned concentric mates in an assembly. Checks include:

  • Any misaligned mates
  • Misaligned mates where the deviation exceeds a maximum deviation value
  • Misaligned mates where the deviation exceeds a specified value