Using SOLIDWORKS Camera Navigation and Shortcuts

Users familiar with SOLIDWORKS CAD camera navigation can use it instead of the standard SOLIDWORKS Visualize camera navigation.

To use SOLIDWORKS CAD camera navigation, do the following:

  • While running SOLIDWORKS Visualize, click Tools > Options. In the Options dialog box, on the User Interface tab, under Viewport Navigation for Navigation Mode, select SOLIDWORKS CAD mode.

When you manipulate the camera, the pointer corresponds to the selected tool.

The following navigation behavior is available:

Action Cursor Visualize keyboard shortcuts SOLIDWORKS keyboard shortcuts
Rotate view Alt + click Drag with the middle mouse button.

Press the arrow keys. Hold down Shift to rotate in 90º increments.

Pan camera Alt + middle mouse button Hold down Ctrl and drag with the middle mouse button.

Hold down Ctrl and press the arrow keys.

Roll view Ctrl + Alt + Scroll Hold down Alt and drag with the middle mouse button.

Hold down Alt and press the left-right arrow keys.

Zoom in and out Alt + right-click Hold down Shift and drag with the middle mouse button.

Press Z to zoom out or Shift + Z to zoom in.

Zoom to area Home Scroll wheel when Zoom about screen center is cleared.