Creating Weld Beads on Multibody Parts

To create a weld bead on a multibody part:

  1. Click Weld Bead (Weldments toolbar) or Insert > Weldments > Weld Bead.
  2. In the Weld Bead PropertyManager, under Settings, select Weld Geometry.
  3. In Weld From, select a face of the multibody part.
    For example,

  4. In Weld To, select faces that intersect the face you select in Weld From.
    A preview of the weld between the selected faces displays.

    Alternatively, you can select edges of a body for Weld From, and intersecting faces in Weld To.
  5. Set the Bead Size dim_rad.png.
  6. Click .