Creating Planes Normal to View

To create a plane normal to the current view orientation:

  1. Orient the model to the desired view orientation.
  2. Click Plane (Reference Geometry toolbar) or Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane.
  3. For First Reference , select a vertex in the graphics area.

  4. In the PropertyManager, under First Reference, click Parallel to screen .
  5. Optionally enter a value for Distance to offset the plane from the reference vertex.
  6. Click .
    To change the position of the plane, rotate the model and click Update Plane in the PropertyManager.
  7. You can also create a reference plane that is normal to view without using the Plane PropertyManager. Right-click a face in the graphics area and click Create a Plane Parallel to Screen.

    The software adds an On Plane or On Surface 3D sketch point where you right-clicked and positions a reference plane parallel to the screen at that point.

    The sketch point may move if the surface moves. To ensure that the sketch point does not move, set its position relative to other geometry.