Cam - Creation

The Creation tab of the Cam dialog box specifies values for the cam such as blank thickness and hub diameter.

To open this tab:

Click Cams (Toolbox toolbar) or Toolbox > Cams . In the Cam dialog box, click Creation.

Circular Cams

Description (Read-only.) Displays the cam type and number of motion definitions.
Creation Method
Blank Outside Dia & Thickness Specifies the outside diameter of the circular cam and the thickness of the cam plate.
Near Hub Dia & Length Specifies the diameter of the hole and the distance from the cam surface to the top of the hub on the near side of the cam. The near side is where the cam is cut for a cam with a blind track surface.
Far Hub Dia & Length Specifies the diameter of the hole and the distance from the cam surface to the top of the hub on the far side of the cam. The far side is opposite the side where the cam is cut for a cam with a blind track surface.
Blank Fillet Rad & Chamfer Specifies the radius of the fillet between the hub and the cam surface and the value for the chamfer at the top face of the hub.
Thru Hole Dia Specifies the diameter of the hole that goes through the hub.
Track Type & Depth Specifies the track type and depth. Select one of the following:
  • Blind - Type the depth of the cam track into the cam surface. Depth cannot be greater than Blank Thickness.
  • Thru
Resolution Type & Value Specifies the resolution type and value. Cam tracks are comprised of arcs, curves, and lines where the points on the curve are calculated based on your selections on the Motion tab. You can control the resolution or tolerance between the points on these entities. Select one of the following:
  • Chordal Tolerance - Maximum distance from the chord between two consecutive curve points and the curve itself.
  • Angular Increment - Maximum angle between two consecutive curve points.
Track Surfaces Specifies how the cam track is created. Select Inner, Outer, or Both depending on Track Type.
  Blind Thru
Outer Not applicable
Arcs Creates the cam track using a series of tangent arcs. When this check box is cleared, the cam track is created using a series of lines.

Linear Cams

Description (Read-only.) Displays the cam type and number of motion definitions.
Creation Method
Blank Thickness
Blank Width
Blank Length
Track Type & Depth Specifies the track type and depth. Select one of the following:
  • Blind - Type the depth of the cam track into the cam surface. Depth cannot be greater than Blank Thickness.
  • Thru
Resolution Type & Value Specifies the maximum Motion Increment per motion definition.
Track Surfaces Specifies how the cam track is created. Select Inner, Outer, or Both depending on your Track Type.
  Blind Thru
Arcs Creates the cam track using a series of tangent arcs. When this check box is cleared, the cam track is created using a series of lines.