Keyboard Accessibility

You can use the keyboard to access tools in shortcut bars, shortcut menus, and context toolbars in the graphics area.

Shortcut Bars

Arrow keys Navigates through the tools on the shortcut bar.
Alt + Down arrow Opens the menu, if available, of the selected tool.
Enter Executes the selected tool.
Esc Dismisses the shortcut bar or the tool's menu.

Shortcut Menus and Context Toolbars

Shift +F10 or menu key Opens the shortcut menu.
Arrow keys Navigates through the menu and toolbar items.
When a context toolbar appears on its own in the graphics area (without a shortcut menu), the context toolbar does not support keyboard navigation.
Enter Executes the selected menu item or tool.
Esc Dismisses the shortcut menu, context toolbar, or a tool's menu.