Vary Sketch

Select the Vary Sketch option to let the pattern instances change dimensions as they repeat.

In this example, the seed (cut-extrude) feature is patterned three times to the right. You maintain some of the dimensions of the seed feature in the pattern instances, while allowing the height of the pattern instances to vary.
Seed feature Vary Sketch selected.

The instances maintain the relation to the sloping edge, the width, and the dimension to the bottom edge, based on the dimensions and relations of the seed feature. The height varies because you did not dimension that in the seed feature.

Vary Sketch cleared.

The instances remain the same, regardless of the defining geometry.

To create a variable pattern:

  1. Create the base part. This example uses an extruded triangle on which you sketch and pattern a cut-extrude feature.
  2. Create a sketch for the seed feature on the base part. In this example, sketch a polygon to create a cut-extrude feature. Observe the following recommendations:
    • The feature sketch must be constrained to the boundary that defines the variation of the pattern instances. For example, in the illustrated pattern, the angled top edge of the seed feature is parallel and dimensioned to the angled edge on the base part.
    • The feature sketch should be fully defined.
  3. Dimension the measurements that remain unchanged in the sketch, and make sure to not dimension the measurements that vary in the pattern instances.
    In this example, make sure to set these relations and dimensions because they remain unchanged in the pattern instances:
    • Set the top sketch line parallel to the sloping edge of the part and dimension (10 mm).
    • Dimension the bottom sketch line to the bottom edge of the part (7 mm).
    • Dimension the width of the sketch (6 mm).
    Do not dimension the height of the sketch because you want it to vary in the pattern instances.
  4. Dimension the lower-left vertex of the sketch to the left vertical edge of the part (8 mm). Use this dimension later for the pattern direction.
  5. Click Extruded Cut (Features toolbar) or Insert > Cut > Extrude and create the seed feature.
  6. In the FeatureManager design tree, select the cut-extrude feature.
  7. Click Linear Pattern (Features toolbar) or Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Linear Pattern.
  8. In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1:
    • Select the driving dimension (8 mm) for Pattern Direction. If necessary, click Reverse Direction to pattern the instances to the right.
    • Set the values for Spacing and Number of Instances .
    Note the preview shows three instances that match the seed feature.
  9. Under Options, select Vary Sketch.
    The preview disappears.
  10. Click .
    The height of the pattern instances vary while other relations are maintained.