Diagnosing Over-defined Sketches

To open this PropertyManager, in an open sketch, click Tools > Sketch Tools > SketchXpert.

To diagnose over defined sketches:

  1. In the PropertyManager, under Message, click Diagnose to generate potential solutions.
  2. Under Results, click PM_cycle_backwards.gif or PM_cycle_forwards.gif to cycle through the solutions. With each solution:
    • The graphics area is updated to display the solution applied.
    • The relations or dimensions that would be deleted appear under More Information/Options.

    Sample valid solutions. The arrows show the original locations of the geometry.

    Delete the horizontal relation and move the existing geometry.
    Delete the vertical dimension (40) and move some existing geometry.

    Video: Cycling Through Valid Solutions

    If More Information/Options or Conflicting Relations/Dimensions do not display, click PM_chevron_closed_display.gif in the PropertyManager. Then select Always open this dialog when sketch error occurs to always display these items.
  3. Click Accept to apply the solution, then PM_OK.gif to close the PropertyManager.