Slot Mates

You can mate bolts to straight or arced slots and you can mate slots to slots. You can select an axis, cylindrical face, or a slot to create slot mates.

To create a slot mate:

  1. Click Mate (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Mate.
  2. In the PropertyManager, expand Mechanical Mates and select Slot .
  3. For Mate Selections, select a slot face and the feature to mate to it:
    • The face of another straight or angular slot
    • An axis
    • A cylindrical face
    You can select overlapping features.
  4. Select a constraint option:
    Option Description
    Free Lets the component move freely in the slot.
    Center in Slot Centers the component in the slot.
    Distance Along Slot Places the component axis at a specified distance from the end of the slot.
    Percent Along Slot Places the component axis at a distance specified by the percentage of the slot length.
    To change the endpoint from which the distance is measured, select Flip dimension.
    For slot-to-slot mates, you can select only Free or Center in Slot.
  5. Click .