Edit Variable Dialog Box

Use the Edit Variable dialog box to create new variables or manage existing variables.

To display this dialog box:

  • To create a new variable, right-click Variables and select New Variable.
  • To modify an existing variable, expand the Variables node and double-click the variable.


Variable name Type a name for the variable.
Variable type Defines the type of data to be stored in the variable.

Selecting a specific type for a variable ensures the correct values are saved in the variable and makes searching and sorting values more precise. For example, using the Date type ensures that searching between date ranges is handled correctly. However, a specific type may restrict the values that can be saved in the variable. For example, if the variable type is Date, all variable values must be formatted as a date.

The data types that can be stored are:

Only properly formatted date values (i.e. 11/18/2008)

Decimal number

Only decimal numbers

Integer number

Only integer (whole) numbers


Most types of character strings

Yes or No

Only a binary yes (1) or no (0) value

Mandatory values Card controls using the variable cannot be left empty when updating card values or checking in files. If they are, a warning describes the missing variable value.
You cannot set a variable to mandatory if file or folder cards use that variable and the vault already contains files or folders with empty variable values.
Unique values Card controls using the variable must contain a unique value when updating card values or checking in files. If they do not, a warning describes the missing variable value.

Copying files whose file data cards contain unique variables forces the values to be cleared in the destination file.

You cannot set a variable to unique if the vault contains files or folders with duplicate values.


Use the Attributes list and Selected attribute section to set up how the selected variable is linked (mapped) to file properties.
Attributes Displays the property/metadata attribute mappings for the variable.

A variable can contain many sets of attribute mappings so that one variable can be used for many different data cards. For example, both the .doc and .dwg file card contain the variable Title, but each file type uses different attribute mappings.

Block name The file section that contains the properties/metadata (that is, attributes).

Enter a new block name or select from existing block names in the vault.

Different file types have different block names. For example, most custom properties in .xlsx files are found in the CustomProperty block, while .ipt files store many properties in the dtproperties block.

Depending on file type, some block names are predefined and others are custom named. For examples, see Variable Mapping.

Attribute name Identifies the part of the specified block that contains the property value. For example in a .doc file, the title property value is stored in the attribute Title, which is in the block Summary.

When you enter the attribute name, you can use * as a wildcard.

Depending on file type, attribute names are predefined or custom created. For examples, see Variable Mapping.

File extensions Enter the extensions of files that support the block/attribute mapping. Separate file extensions with commas. For example, doc, xls, ppt.
New Attribute Adds a new attribute mapping.

Type the block name, attribute name, and extensions.

Remove Attributes Removes the selected attribute.
Press Ctrl + select or Shift + select to select multiple attributes.