Annotate Components PropertyManager

You can annotate an assembly with ECAD properties, such as reference designators.

To open this PropertyManager:

From the SOLIDWORKS application, click Annotate Components (CircuitWorks toolbar) or CircuitWorks > Annotate Components.

Primary Annotation

Select Reference Designator, Component Name, or Part Number.

Additional Annotation
Specifies a second annotation type. Select the type and a delimiter to separate the primary and secondary annotations. For example, if a component has reference designator C1 and part number 75:
Delimiter Result
(Space) C1 75
- C1-75
_ C1_75
() C1 (75)
[] C1 [75]
, C1,75
Board Side

Annotation location: Top or Bottom.


Add the annotations to the assembly.


Remove existing annotations from the assembly.