Segment to Segment Penetration

If cost or space considerations demand, fittings such as tees can be eliminated by welding the routing segments at the intersection.

In this exploded view, you can see that the branch (the route segment that intersects the straight run) is cut using the profile of the straight run. The straight run is cut using the inner profile of the branch. pent3.gif

Cutting Pipes or Tubes

When you add a pipe penetration, the Routing software creates a cut extrude feature and sets Offset From Surface as the End Condition. The outside surface of the pipe is selected and the offset is the pipe thickness.

To cut pipes or tubes that penetrate each other:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, expand the route assembly FM_Icon_Piping_Assem.gif.
  2. Right-click Route FM_Icon_Piping_Route.gifand select Edit route.
  3. Right-click the point where the straight run and the branch intersect (the intersection of the 3D sketch segments), and select Penetrate.
    pent1.gif pent2.gif
    The straight run must be a single segment in the 3D sketch, because the straight run is a single segment of routing material. The endpoint of the branch segment must be coincident with the segment for the straight run. You cannot penetrate at an intersection of three segments.
    TEE_SK2.gif TEE_SK1.gif
    Correct Incorrect
    The cuts are created as in-context features of the subassembly.
    In the Bill of Materials, the value reported for the length of the branch segment is the length of the sketch segment. The actual length of the pipe is shorter. pent4.gif
  4. To delete a penetration on the route segment, right-click and select Remove Penetration.

You can also replace a pipe penetration with a fitting by dragging and dropping a fitting at the penetration point. This adds a split point in the route segment to align the fitting with the route segment.