Surface Mesh Edit/Review (Mesh Nodes) PropertyManager

Mesh Nodes

Use these options to edit surface mesh nodes.

Merge Merges noncoincident nodes of neighboring triangle elements. Select the nodes to merge with a selection widow.
Auto Merge Sets the tolerance limit for merging all non-coincident nodes of the mesh. If the distance between two nodes is larger that this tolerance, these nodes are not merged.

Insert Inserts a new node at the location you select. New elements are created with the insertion of a new node.
Adjust Adjusts the position of nodes. Select one of the following:


Dynamically positions the selected node on the existing surface mesh.


Positions the selected node on the XY, YZ, or XZ plane.

Coordinate Location

Positions the selected node to a new location defined in space by the given global coordinates X, Y, and Z. Selecting Relative to selected node, the coordinates X, Y, and Z of the new location are relative to the position of the selected node.


Positions the node to the defined coordinates.

Replace Allows you to control the alignment and merging of noncoincident nodes.

Select nodes in Set A

Select one or multiple nodes of the surface mesh for set A (one by one, or with a selection window).

Select nodes in Set B

Select one or multiple nodes of the surface mesh for set B (one by one, or with a selection window).

Select one of the following Alignment Methods:

Move nodes in Set A to B

The geometry of neighboring elements adapts to the new position of nodes.

Move nodes in Set B to A

The geometry of neighboring elements adapts to the new position of nodes.

Merge all nodes

Merges all nodes in sets A and B to a single node.


Moves the nodes to their new positions.


Clears all selections.

Selecting option A -> B moves green node A to the position of red node B. Connectivity of neighboring elements adapts to the new position of node A. Nodes A and B are merged.