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Buckling Options

Use the Buckling dialog box to set the desired options for the active buckling study. You can also include flow and thermal effects in the study.

  • Number of buckling modes. Sets the number of buckling modes to be calculated. The program calculates the buckling load factors and the associated buckling modes.

  • Improve accuracy for no penetration contacting surfaces (slower). This method produces continuous and more accurate stresses in regions with definitions of no penetration contact. The method is used when defining contact between faces to faces and faces to edges. When this option is selected, the software may take more time to solve the problem. This method is referred to as mortar contact in the literature.

  • Simplified bonding contact. When this option is checked, the program overrides the default surface-based bonding contact and resumes to node-based bonding contact. Check this option only in cases you run into performance issues when solving models with extensive contact surfaces. The default option of surface-based contact formulation results in longer solution time than the node-based contact formulation.

Bonding is most accurate when the mesh is compatible.

  • Solver. Sets the solver to be used in performing buckling analysis.

    • Automatic. The software selects the solver based on the study type, analysis options, contact conditions, etc.

    • Direct sparse. Uses the Mode Extraction Routine powered by the Direct Sparse solver to perform buckling analysis.

      • Use soft spring to stabilize model. Adds soft springs to stabilize inadequately supported models. See Static analysis properties for more information.

    • FFEPlus. Uses the FFEPlus iterative solver to perform buckling analysis.

  • Results folder. Sets the location of the results of this study. By default, this location is set by the Results folder options.

Related Topics

Buckling Load Factor

Flow/Thermal Effects


What is Buckling Analysis...

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