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Performance Options

 Changes to these settings do not affect documents that are already open.

To set performance options:

  1. Click Options (Standard toolbar) or Tools, Options.

  2. Select Performance.

  3. Select from the options described below, then click OK.

Click Reset to restore factory defaults for all system options or only for options on this page.

Verification on rebuild. Controls the level of error checking when you create or modify features. For most applications, the default setting (cleared) is adequate and results in a faster rebuild of the model.

Ignore self-intersection check for some sheet metal features. Suppresses warning messages for certain sheet metal parts; for example, when flanges share a common edge and the part flattens correctly but displays a warning message.


High-quality transparency is similar to looking through clear glass. Low-quality transparency (the default) is similar to viewing an object through a mesh or screen. (This option is not available when Large Assembly Mode is on.)

  • High quality for normal view mode. While the part or assembly is not moving or rotating, the transparency is high quality. When moved or rotated with the pan or rotate tools, the application switches to low-quality transparency, enabling you to rotate the model faster. This is important if the part or assembly is complex.

  • High quality for dynamic view mode. High-quality transparency is retained while moving or rotating the model with the pan or rotate tools. Depending on your graphics card, this option may result in slower performance.

If the display is slow when using transparent planes in Shaded With Edges or Shaded mode, it may be because of the Transparency you specified. With some graphics cards, the display speed improves if you do not use high-quality transparency.

Curvature generation

Select one of the following options. (This option is not available when Large Assembly Mode is on.)

  • Only on demand. Initial curvature display is slower, but uses less memory.

  • Always (for every shaded model). Curvature displays more quickly on the first display, but extra memory is always used (RAM and disk) for every part that you create or open.

Level of detail

Set the slider to Off (for no detail) or from More (slower) to Less (faster) to specify the level of detail during dynamic view operations (zoom, pan, and rotate) in assemblies, multi-body parts, and draft views in drawings. (This option is not available when Large Assembly Mode is on.)


  • Automatically load components lightweight. Loads all the individual components and sub-assemblies in assemblies that you open as lightweight. However, if Always resolve sub-assemblies is selected, sub-assemblies are not opened lightweight. For more information, see Lightweight Parts.

  • Always resolve sub-assemblies. Sub-assemblies are resolved when an assembly opens lightweight. The components in the sub-assemblies are lightweight.

  • Check out-of-date lightweight components. Specify how you want the system to load lightweight components that are out-of-date. (This option is not available when Large Assembly Mode is on.)

    • Don't Check. Loads the assemblies without checking for out-of-date components.

    • Indicate. Loads the assemblies and marks them with an icon if the assemblies contain an out-of-date component, even if the assembly is not expanded. You can right-click an out-of-date top-level assembly and select Set Lightweight to Resolved.

    • Always Resolve. Resolves all out-of-date assemblies during load.

  • Resolve lightweight components. Some operations require certain model data that is not loaded in lightweight components. This option controls what happens when you request one of these operations in an assembly that has lightweight components. See also Loading Additional Model Data.

    • Prompt. Resolves lightweight components each time one of these operations is requested. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes to resolve the components and continue, or click Cancel to cancel the operation. If you select Always resolve (before you click Yes or Cancel), the option is set to Always.

    • Always.  Automatically resolves lightweight components.

  • Rebuild assembly on load. Lets you specify whether you want assemblies to be rebuilt, so components are updated when you open them.

    • Prompt. Asks if rebuild is desired each time an assembly is opened. Click Yes or No in the dialog box that appears when you open the assembly. If you select Don’t ask me again (before you click Yes or No), the option is updated to reflect your choice (Yes changes the option to Always, No changes the option to Never).

    • Always.

    • Never.

This option also affects rebuilding of parts. If you set this option to Never, if a part had rebuild errors in an earlier save, the part does not rebuild when you open it.

  • Mate animation speed. Enables animation of mates and controls the speed of the animation. When you add a mate, click Preview or OK in the PropertyManager to see an animation of the mate you just created. Move the slider to Off to disable mate animation.

Update mass properties while saving document. The next time you access the mass properties, the system does not need to recalculate them (if the document has not changed). The updating may slow the save operation. (This option is not available when Large Assembly Mode is on.)

Use shaded preview. You can rotate, pan, zoom, and set standard views while maintaining the shaded preview.


Use Software OpenGL. Disables graphics adapter hardware acceleration and enables graphics rendering using only software. For many graphics cards, this results in slower performance. Select this option only if instructed to do so by technical support. You can only select this option when there are no documents open.

If you select Use Software OpenGL, SolidWorks changes some of your options settings for optimum software performance. Click here to see the options that change. You can override any of these settings if desired.

This option is automatically selected and unavailable for change if your graphics card does not support hardware acceleration, or does not support it for the current combination of resolution, number of colors, refresh rate, and so forth.

No preview during open (faster). Select to disable the interactive preview, to reduce the time to load models. Clear to display the interactive preview while the model is loading.

Go To Image Quality. Click to switch to the Image Quality options.


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