Headers and Footers
You can specify headers and footers for the active document before printing.
To create a header or footer:
Click File,
In the Print
dialog box, click Header/Footer.
In the Header/Footer dialog
box, select a predefined header or footer from the Header
and Footer lists.
- or -
Click Custom Header or Custom Footer, do the following, then
click OK.
any or all of Left
section, Center
section, and Right section,
enter text and insert parametric items:
Numbers |
Date |
Filename |
Number of Pages |
Time |
format text, click Font, choose
a font style and size, then click OK.
The selected font applies to the complete header or complete footer.
View the previews, then click OK
to close the Header/Footer dialog
Click OK
to close the Print dialog box
and print the document.