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Setting Compare Options

You set the comparison options in the Compare Options dialog box. Click Options in the Compare Task Pane to open the dialog box.

Common Tab

These options are common to all Compare utilities.


Select an item in Linear units or Angular units and set the parameter values.

Changing the linear or angular units does not change the units of the solid model. These units are for display of Compare results only.


Move the Position tolerance and Angle tolerance sliders for a finer or coarser tolerance. To perform a comparison with new tolerances, you must run Compare again.

Position Tolerance. During face comparison, Compare Geometry compares the position of vertex coordinates and some surface points of face pairs. Vertices or points that lie within a specified position tolerance are considered identical.

Angle Tolerance. During face comparison, Compare Geometry compares the parallelism of the edges of face pairs. If the edges are curved, tangents to the curves are compared. The faces are identical if the angle between their corresponding edges is less than the specified angle tolerance.

Features Tab


Colors highlight the related model entities displayed in the graphics area. To modify the color used for items, select an item from the list, click Edit to open the Color palette, and set the color. Colors are applied to the models after the Compare utility has run.


You can specify the model views to display in an HTML report.

  • Only current view. Only the current views as seen in the graphics area are included in the report.

  • Current and specified views. The current views and additional views are included in the report. Click Add/Remove Views to include additional views in the report.

Geometry Tab


Check documents before Compare Geometry. Verifies the geometry of both parts before starting the comparison. When selected, SolidWorks Utilities runs the SolidWorks Check function to find invalid surfaces and edges. If either part fails the check process, a dialog box appears that asks for confirmation to proceed with the comparison.

Perform face comparison. Calculates the number of unchanged, unique, and modified faces. The results are shown in the Compare Task Pane on the Compare Geometry result tab .

During face comparison, the Compare utility compares the position of vertex coordinates and some surface points of face pairs. Vertices or points that lie within a specified position tolerance are considered identical.

Perform volume comparison. Calculates the material removed or added, and common volume. At the end of the comparison. The results are shown in the Compare Task Pane on the Compare Geometry result tab .


See Features Tab above.


See Features Tab above.

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