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Symmetry Check

Symmetry Check checks for geometric symmetry in parts about a plane. It identifies symmetrical, asymmetrical, and unique faces.

In parts with multiple configurations, Symmetry Check works with the current configuration only. Once you identify symmetrical entities, you can work on a portion of the model, which saves you design time and increases performance.

Type of Check (Parts only)

Manual Face Check

Automatic Symmetry Split. Reduces a part to its smallest repeatable symmetrical body, which is especially useful when you run analyses using simulation software.

Analysis Parameters

Defined by. Defines how to define the plane of symmetry.

  • Single plane Specifies symmetry with respect to a selected plane.

  • Two parallel faces. Places the plane mid-plane between the two faces.

  • Two points. Places the plane perpendicular to the midpoint of the line joining the points.

Check. Checks for symmetry about the plane and lists results under Symmetry Check results.

Color Settings

Set colors used to show:

  • For parts:
    • Unique faces
    • Symmetric Faces
    • Asymmetric Faces
  • For assemblies:
    • Symmetric Components
    • Asymmetric Components

After you check for symmetry, these components appear under Symmetry Check results.

Symmetry Check Results

When you click Check under Analysis parameters, the results appear here. Click listed faces or components to highlight them in the graphics area.

Save report. Saves the results in an HTML report.

Recheck. Clears the results so you can run a new symmetry check.

Symmetry Check Results - Parts Examples

Unique faces. Exist on only one side of the plane of symmetry and do not contact it.

SideA and SideB are on opposite sides of the plane of symmetry.

Cut faces. Contact the plane of symmetry.

  • Symmetric cut face


  • Asymmetric cut face

Uncut faces. Do not contact the plane of symmetry. Faces are shown in pairs.

  • Symmetric uncut face


  • Asymmetric uncut face

To check for symmetry in parts:

  1. Click Symmetry Check (Tools toolbar) or Tools, Symmetry Check.

  2. In the PropertyManager, select a Type of Check:

Manual Face Check

  1. Set the Analysis parameters.

  2. Click Check.

  3. View the Symmetry Check results.

  4. Save a report, click Recheck to run a new symmetry check, or click .

Automatic Symmetry Split

  1. Hover over areas of the model to preview the smallest symmetrical bodies to which you can reduce the part.

  1. Select a body.

The body name appears under Body for Split.

  1. Click Split Part.

The model is reduced to the selected body. A Split feature appears in the FeatureManager design tree.

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