Using Report Manager
You can save reports for the following utilities: Compare Features, Compare Geometry, Compare Documents, Compare BOMs, Geometry Analysis, Symmetry Check, and Thickness Analysis.
Report Manager is a tool that helps you manage these reports. The Report Manager allows you to search for reports, view individual reports, delete reports, and create a briefcase of selected reports.
To display and manage reports in the Report Manager:
Click Report Manager
(Tools toolbar) or Tools, Compare, Report Manager.
The Utilities: Report Manager dialog box appears.
You have the following options:
Use the Search in box to specify the name of the directory to search for reports. Type the name of the folder or click Browse to select a different folder and press Enter to start the search.
The list of reports appears with the following information:
Report Name. Name used to save the report
Tool. Name of the utility that generated the report
Created By. Name of the user who created the report
Date. Date the report was created
Location. Folder that contains the report
You can sort the list by clicking any column header. Click the column header again to toggle between ascending and descending order.
To view a report, select a report from the list, and click View.
The report opens in your default browser.
To export a set of reports into a briefcase, select one or more reports from the list, and click Export Report(s).
The Browse for destination Folder dialog box appears.
Specify the name of the folder where you want to save the briefcase and click OK.
TIP: The folder where you export the briefcase contains the file Index.html. In Windows Explorer®, double-click Index.html to open a contents page for the briefcase. The contents page displays a table of reports in the briefcase. You can click any report in this table to view it in your default browser.
To delete reports, select a set of reports from the list, and click Delete.
NOTE: You cannot undo a delete operation.
You can right-click any report to view, export, or delete it.
To change the default folder where reports are created, click Change Folder.
The Browse for destination Folder dialog box appears.
Specify the name of the new default folder, and click OK.
All new utilities reports will be saved in this folder.
Click Close to close the dialog box.