The ConfigurationManager is a means to create, select, and view multiple configurations of parts and assemblies in a document.
You can split the ConfigurationManager and either display two ConfigurationManager instances, or combine the ConfigurationManager with the FeatureManager design tree, PropertyManager, or third party applications that use the panel.
The ConfigurationManager has a section for controlling display states.
To activate the ConfigurationManager:
Click the ConfigurationManager tab
at the top of the Manager Pane.
Each configuration is listed separately.
The icons in the ConfigurationManager denote how the configuration was created:


With a design table.

Manually, and has an explode state or a derived configuration.

With a design table, and has an explode state or a derived configuration.
Other icons that sometimes appear in the ConfigurationManager include:

Design Table. Appears when the model contains a design table. Right-click to edit, save, or delete the design table.

PropertyManager. Appears when you define a PropertyManager that enables you to select the configuration of a part when you place it in an assembly. Right-click to modify the PropertyManager.

Envelope. Appears when the model contains an envelope component. Right-click to select components or change the show/hide state of components using the envelope.
Related Topics
Configurations Overview
Activating a Configuration
Add Configuration/Configuration Properties
Advanced Component Selection