Design Clipart
Design Clipart allows you to find and reuse many entities from SolidWorks, DWG, and DXF files.
How Design Clipart Works
Design Clipart, using SolidWorks File and Model Search
, searches specific folders, finds and dissects files, and extracts data that you can reuse in SolidWorks.
Parts are dissected into features (extrudes and cuts), sketches, and blocks.
Features are dissected into sketches.
Drawings are dissected into general tables and blocks.
DWG/DXF files are dissected into tables, blocks, and views.
The source files are not changed when Design Clipart dissects them.
Using SolidWorks Search
The images created during dissection are displayed as thumbnails in the Search tab when you do a SolidWorks Search for
Files and Models
. Drag the thumbnails into SolidWorks files to recreate the dissected entities.

In the Search results, select a dissected file thumbnail and click in the context toolbar to view a thumbnail of the dissected entity in the Search results pane.
The SolidWorks Search box displays the search path to the entity. In the Search pane, entities are filtered by Kind and Search Locations.
For example, if you select Boss-Extrude1 in the image shown, another thumbnail of dissected Sketch3, appears in the Search results pane.

The path to the extrusion appears in the SolidWorks Search box.

To use Design Clipart to immediately dissect an individual file:
Use SolidWorks Search for Files and Models
to find the file.
On the Search tab
, double-click the file's thumbnail image
A prompt appears asking if you want to dissect the file.
Click Yes.
The file opens, file dissection runs, and the file closes. Thumbnail images of the dissected entities appear in the Search pane.
To use Design Clipart with SolidWorks Task Scheduler:
Create a dissection folder and place files to dissect there.
Click Options
, File Locations. In Show folders for, select Search Paths. Add the dissection folder under Folders and click OK.
Click Options
, Search,and select Schedule dissection daily to automatically dissect files in search paths.
Set a Daily Start Time and Daily Stop Time to run the Design Clipart dissection (default is 11p.m. start).
Task Scheduler runs the dissection task at the scheduled time.
If a daily dissection is missed by over two hours, Design Clipart does not try to run that same scheduled dissection the following day. For example, you set the dissection start time to 11p.m., but you power down the computer at 6p.m. When you power up the computer the next morning at 9a.m., the missed 11p.m. dissection from the night before does not run.
To reuse Design Clipart entities:
Dissect a file using individual dissection or Task Scheduler.
Run a SolidWorks Search to find a Design Clipart entity.
Open a model into which you want to add the entity.
Drag the entity into the file.
Related Topics
Search Options