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Custom Properties in the Task Pane

Use the Custom Properties tab in the Task Pane to view and enter custom and configuration-specific properties into SolidWorks files. Data you enter in the Custom Properties tab is written to the Custom and Configuration Specific tabs in the Summary Information dialog box.

In assemblies, you can assign properties to multiple parts at the same time. If you select a lightweight component in an assembly, you can view the components's custom properties in the Task Pane without resolving the component. If you edit a value, you are prompted to resolve the component so the change can be saved.

Customizing the Custom Properties Tab

The Custom Properties tab is a customizable interface. In companies with multiple SolidWorks users, typically one person, such as the lead user or administrator, creates the customized tabs for everyone to use. The administrator customizes the tab by using the Property Tab Builder, which is a stand-alone utility accessed from the Windows Start menu. The administrator creates different versions of the tab for parts, assemblies, and drawings.

In SolidWorks, if a template does not yet exist for the type of document that is active, the administrator can click Create now to access the Property Tab Builder.
If the administrator makes changes to the template while you have SolidWorks open, click in the Custom Properties tab and then press F5 to refresh the screen.

Entering Properties

The fields available for data entry vary depending on the document type that is active and the fields that the administrator has defined for that document type. If more than one template is available for the active document type, select a template from the list. To change to another template, click at the bottom of the pane.

Types of fields available are shown in the table below. On the Custom Properties tab, each field is labeled as defined by the administrator, and can contain values either predefined by the administrator or previously entered by a user. Data you enter in a field is written to the Custom and Configuration Specific tabs in the Summary Information dialog box when you leave the field, and saved when you save the document.

You can also enter properties directly in the Custom and Configuration Specific tabs in the Summary Information dialog box. Click More Properties at the bottom of the pane to access the dialog box.
Group boxes group related elements.
Text boxes can accept free-form text, dates, or Yes/No values as specified by the administrator.
If the box is set to accepts a date, you can enter the date in any format. The software converts it to the syntax used by your computer's operating system.
List boxes present a list of text values defined by the administrator.
Number boxes accept numeric values.
Check boxes toggle between two predefined values. Different elements might be available in each state (checked and unchecked).
Radio buttons allow selection of one of two or three predefined values. Different elements might be available in each state.

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