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Use Presentation Transforms to Move Component Example (VBA)

This example shows how to use presentation transforms.




'       To move an assembly component, you can use

'       the IDragOperator object. This allows you to

'       apply a transform to an assembly component

'       or set of assembly components.


'       The IDragOperator object is a powerful and functional

'       API. It has the ability to detect

'       collisions and monitor dynamic clearances.

'       This functionality is the user-interface equivalent of

'       interactively dragging assembly components.

'       As such, this API honors all mates in the

'       assembly.


'       In some cases, this may be too much functionality.

'       For example, to animate exploding an assembly,

'       you want to set each component transform and

'       ignore all assembly mates.


'       A presentation transform is a graphical representation.

'       This blindly applies a transformation to the

'       graphical display of an assembly component. The

'       underlying transform of the model data is not affected.


' Preconditions:

'       (1) Assembly is open.

'       (2) Assembly is fully resolved.

'       (3) Component is selected.


' Postconditions: Component is moved.



'       (1) When the graphics area is redrawn,

'           the display reverts to how it was at

'           the start, that is, the selected component

'           appears to move back to its original

'           position. This is by design because

'           presentation transforms are disabled

'           at the end of the macro. If presentation transforms

'           are not disabled, then the component would

'           remain in its final position.

'       (2) When presentation transforms are enabled,

'           access to most of the menus is blocked.

'           This is by design because selections cannot

'           be made because the graphics area is not the

'           same as the model data.



Option Explicit

Sub main()

    Const MaxSteps              As Long = 100

    Dim swApp                   As SldWorks.SldWorks

    Dim swModel                 As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

    Dim swAssy                  As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc

    Dim swSelMgr                As SldWorks.SelectionMgr

    Dim swComp                  As SldWorks.Component2

    Dim vXform                  As Variant

    Dim arr(15)                 As Double

    Dim swMathUtil              As SldWorks.MathUtility

    Dim swMathXform             As SldWorks.MathTransform

    Dim i                       As Long


    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set swMathUtil = swApp.GetMathUtility()

    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    Set swAssy = swModel

    Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager

    Set swComp = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectsComponent(1)


    ' Blocks access to menus

    swAssy.EnablePresentation = True


    ' Set up unit matrix-no rotation, translation, or scaling


    ' Unit rotation matrix

    arr(0) = 1#:    arr(1) = 0#:    arr(2) = 0#

    arr(3) = 0#:    arr(4) = 1#:    arr(5) = 0#

    arr(6) = 0#:    arr(7) = 0#:    arr(8) = 1#


    ' No translation

    arr(9) = 0#:    arr(10) = 0#:   arr(11) = 0#


    ' Unit scaling

    arr(12) = 1#


    ' No used so pad with zeros

    arr(13) = 0#:   arr(14) = 0#:   arr(15) = 0#


    For i = 1 To MaxSteps

        ' change rotation

        arr(2) = 1.2 * (i / MaxSteps)


        arr(3) = 1.2 * (i / MaxSteps):  arr(4) = 0.8 * (i / MaxSteps):  arr(5) = 0.9 * (i / MaxSteps)


        arr(6) = 0.8 * (i / MaxSteps)


        ' Change translation

        arr(9) = 0.1 * (i / MaxSteps):  arr(10) = 0.2 * (i / MaxSteps)


        ' Should really check that matrix is valid,

        ' especially rotation matrix

        vXform = arr


        Set swMathXform = swMathUtil.CreateTransform((vXform))



        swComp.PresentationTransform = swMathXform


        ' Redraw so it is shown immediately


    Next i


    ' Re-enable access to menus

    ' comment out to leave component in its final position

    swAssy.EnablePresentation = False

End Sub


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