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Create Flyouts in the CommandManager Example (VB.NET)

This example shows how to use an add-in to create flyouts in the CommandManager

and in context-sensitive menus of selected entities.


' Preconditions:

' 1. Ensure that you have installed the add-in templates for your

'    version of Visual Studio from the most recent API SDK.

' 2. In Microsoft Visual Studio, create a project using

'    Other Languages > Visual Basic > My Templates > SwVBAddin.

' 3. Name the project SwVBAddin1.

' 4. Copy and paste this into SwAddin.vb of your VB.NET project.

' 5. Select Project > SwVBAddin1 Properties > Debug.

' 6. Select Start external program and type the pathname of your

'    SolidWorks executable.

' 7. Click F5 to start debugging this add-in.


' Postconditions:

' 1. In SolidWorks, select VB.NET Add-in > CreateCube.

' 2. Click Dynamic Flyout in the CommandManager.

'    Inspect the Immediate Window.

' 3. Click a face of the cube.

' 4. Click the flyout icon in the face's context-sensitive menu.

' 5. Select a command item and inspect the Immediate Window.


' SwAddin.vb:


Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished
Imports SolidWorksTools
Imports SolidWorksTools.File

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Diagnostics

' This VB.NET add-in shows how to create a flyout menu in both the CommandManager
' and the context-sensitive menus of selected faces.

"88bf8dab-7623-4846-9a76-c1f64a2ebeba")> _
True)> _
    <SwAddin( _
"A flyout menu appears on the toolbar and on the context-sensitive menus of selected faces.", _
"VB.NET Add-in", _
True _
        )> _
Public Class SwAddin
Implements SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished.SwAddin

Region "Local Variables"
    Dim WithEvents iSwApp As SldWorks
Dim iCmdMgr As ICommandManager
Dim addinID As Integer
    Dim openDocs As Hashtable
Dim SwEventPtr As SldWorks
Dim ppage As UserPMPage
Dim iBmp As BitmapHandler
Dim cmdGroup As ICommandGroup

Public Const mainCmdGroupID As Integer = 0
Public Const mainItemID1 As Integer = 0
Public Const mainItemID2 As Integer = 1
Public Const flyoutGroupID As Integer = 91

' Public Properties
    ReadOnly Property SwApp() As SldWorks
            Return iSwApp
End Get
    End Property

    ReadOnly Property CmdMgr() As ICommandManager
            Return iCmdMgr
End Get
    End Property

    ReadOnly Property OpenDocumentsTable() As Hashtable
            Return openDocs
End Get
    End Property
#End Region

#Region "SolidWorks Registration"

    <ComRegisterFunction()> Public Shared Sub RegisterFunction(ByVal t As Type)

' Get Custom Attribute: SwAddinAttribute
        Dim attributes() As Object
        Dim SWattr As SwAddinAttribute = Nothing

        attributes = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(SwAddin), GetType(SwAddinAttribute))

If attributes.Length > 0 Then
            SWattr = DirectCast(attributes(0), SwAddinAttribute)
End If
            Dim hklm As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine
Dim hkcu As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser

Dim keyname As String = "SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Addins\{" + t.GUID.ToString() + "}"
            Dim addinkey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = hklm.CreateSubKey(keyname)
Nothing, 0)
"Description", SWattr.Description)
"Title", SWattr.Title)

            keyname =
"Software\SolidWorks\AddInsStartup\{" + t.GUID.ToString() + "}"
            addinkey = hkcu.CreateSubKey(keyname)
Nothing, SWattr.LoadAtStartup, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.DWord)
Catch nl As System.NullReferenceException
"There was a problem registering this dll: SWattr is null.\n " & nl.Message)
"There was a problem registering this dll: SWattr is null.\n" & nl.Message)
Catch e As System.Exception
"There was a problem registering this dll: " & e.Message)
"There was a problem registering this dll: " & e.Message)
End Try
    End Sub

    <ComUnregisterFunction()> Public Shared Sub UnregisterFunction(ByVal t As Type)
            Dim hklm As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine
Dim hkcu As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser

Dim keyname As String = "SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Addins\{" + t.GUID.ToString() + "}"

            keyname =
"Software\SolidWorks\AddInsStartup\{" + t.GUID.ToString() + "}"
Catch nl As System.NullReferenceException
"There was a problem unregistering this dll: SWattr is null.\n " & nl.Message)
"There was a problem unregistering this dll: SWattr is null.\n" & nl.Message)
Catch e As System.Exception
"There was a problem unregistering this dll: " & e.Message)
"There was a problem unregistering this dll: " & e.Message)
End Try

    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "ISwAddin Implementation"

    Function ConnectToSW(ByVal ThisSW As Object, ByVal Cookie As Integer) As Boolean Implements SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished.SwAddin.ConnectToSW
        iSwApp = ThisSW
        addinID = Cookie

' Setup callbacks
        iSwApp.SetAddinCallbackInfo(0, Me, addinID)

' Setup the Command Manager
        iCmdMgr = iSwApp.GetCommandManager(Cookie)

'Setup the Event Handlers
        SwEventPtr = iSwApp
        openDocs =
New Hashtable

'Setup Sample Property Manager

        ConnectToSW =
    End Function

    Function DisconnectFromSW() As Boolean Implements SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished.SwAddin.DisconnectFromSW


        iCmdMgr =
        iSwApp =
        'The addin _must_ call GC.Collect() here in order to retrieve all managed code pointers


        DisconnectFromSW =
    End Function
#End Region

#Region "UI Methods"
    Public Sub AddCommandMgr()

If iBmp Is Nothing Then
            iBmp = New BitmapHandler()
End If

        Dim thisAssembly As Assembly

Dim cmdIndex0 As Integer, cmdIndex1 As Integer
        Dim Title As String = "VB.NET Add-in"
        Dim ToolTip As String = "Flyout demo"

        Dim docTypes() As Integer = {swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY, _
                                       swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, _

        thisAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(

Dim cmdGroupErr As Integer = 0
Dim ignorePrevious As Boolean = False

        Dim registryIDs As Object = Nothing
        Dim getDataResult As Boolean = iCmdMgr.GetGroupDataFromRegistry(mainCmdGroupID, registryIDs)

Dim knownIDs As Integer() = New Integer(1) {mainItemID1, mainItemID2}

If getDataResult Then
            If Not CompareIDs(registryIDs, knownIDs) Then 'if the IDs don't match, reset the commandGroup
                ignorePrevious = True
            End If
        End If

        cmdGroup = iCmdMgr.CreateCommandGroup2(mainCmdGroupID, Title, ToolTip, "", -1, ignorePrevious, cmdGroupErr)
If cmdGroup Is Nothing Or thisAssembly Is Nothing Then
            Throw New NullReferenceException()
End If

        cmdGroup.LargeIconList = iBmp.CreateFileFromResourceBitmap("SwVBAddin1.ToolbarLarge.bmp", thisAssembly)
        cmdGroup.SmallIconList = iBmp.CreateFileFromResourceBitmap(
"SwVBAddin1.ToolbarSmall.bmp", thisAssembly)
        cmdGroup.LargeMainIcon = iBmp.CreateFileFromResourceBitmap(
"SwVBAddin1.MainIconLarge.bmp", thisAssembly)
        cmdGroup.SmallMainIcon = iBmp.CreateFileFromResourceBitmap(
"SwVBAddin1.MainIconSmall.bmp", thisAssembly)

Dim menuToolbarOption As Integer = swCommandItemType_e.swMenuItem Or swCommandItemType_e.swToolbarItem

        cmdIndex0 = cmdGroup.AddCommandItem2(
"CreateCube", -1, "Create a cube", "Create cube", 0, "CreateCube", "", mainItemID1, menuToolbarOption)
        cmdIndex1 = cmdGroup.AddCommandItem2(
"Show PMP", -1, "Display sample property manager", "Show PMP", 2, "ShowPMP", "PMPEnable", mainItemID2, menuToolbarOption)

        cmdGroup.HasToolbar =
        cmdGroup.HasMenu = True

' Get number of command IDs in the CommandGroup
        Debug.Print("Number of command IDs in the CommandGroup is " & iCmdMgr.GetCommandIDsCount(0).ToString())

' Get group data from registry
        Dim userIDs As Integer()
Dim objIDs As Object = Nothing
        iCmdMgr.GetGroupDataFromRegistry(0, objIDs)
        userIDs =
DirectCast(objIDs, Integer())
"Command IDs found in the registry:")
For Each ID As Integer In userIDs

        Dim bResult As Boolean

        Dim flyGroup As FlyoutGroup
        flyGroup = iCmdMgr.CreateFlyoutGroup(flyoutGroupID,
"Dynamic Flyout", "Flyout Tooltip", "Flyout Hint", _
              cmdGroup.SmallMainIcon, cmdGroup.LargeMainIcon, cmdGroup.SmallIconList, cmdGroup.LargeIconList,
"FlyoutCallback", "FlyoutEnable")

' Add the FlyoutGroup to the context-sensitive menus of faces in parts
        bResult = flyGroup.AddContextMenuFlyout(CInt(swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART), CInt(swSelectType_e.swSelFACES))
"Context menu flyout created for faces in parts: " & bResult.ToString())

' Get the total number of FlyoutGroups in CommandManager
        Debug.Print("Number of FlyoutGroups is " & iCmdMgr.NumberOfFlyoutGroups)

' Get the FlyoutGroups
        Dim objGroups As Object()
        objGroups =
DirectCast(iCmdMgr.GetFlyoutGroups(), Object())
"Find all FlyoutGroups in CommandManager:")
Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To objGroups.GetUpperBound(0)

"FlyoutGroup found")

        ' Get a FlyoutGroup by its user-defined ID
        Dim fogrp As IFlyoutGroup
        fogrp = iCmdMgr.GetFlyoutGroup(91)
" CmdID: " & fogrp.CmdID)
" Button count: " & fogrp.ButtonCount)
" Flyout Type: " & fogrp.FlyoutType)
" SmallMainIcon: " & fogrp.SmallMainIcon)
" LargeMainIcon: " & fogrp.LargeMainIcon)
" SmallIconList: " & fogrp.SmallIconList)
" LargeIconList: " & fogrp.LargeIconList)

For Each docType As Integer In docTypes
Dim cmdTab As ICommandTab = iCmdMgr.GetCommandTab(docType, Title)

If Not cmdTab Is Nothing And Not getDataResult Or ignorePrevious Then 'if tab exists, but we have ignored the registry info, re-create the tab.  Otherwise the ids won't matchup and the tab will be blank
                Dim res As Boolean = iCmdMgr.RemoveCommandTab(cmdTab)
                cmdTab =
            End If

            If cmdTab Is Nothing Then
                cmdTab = iCmdMgr.AddCommandTab(docType, Title)

Dim cmdBox As CommandTabBox = cmdTab.AddCommandTabBox

Dim cmdIDs(3) As Integer
                Dim TextType(3) As Integer

                cmdIDs(0) = cmdGroup.CommandID(cmdIndex0)
                TextType(0) = swCommandTabButtonTextDisplay_e.swCommandTabButton_TextHorizontal

                cmdIDs(1) = cmdGroup.CommandID(cmdIndex1)
                TextType(1) = swCommandTabButtonTextDisplay_e.swCommandTabButton_TextHorizontal

                cmdIDs(2) = cmdGroup.ToolbarId
                TextType(2) = swCommandTabButtonTextDisplay_e.swCommandTabButton_TextHorizontal

                bResult = cmdBox.AddCommands(cmdIDs, TextType)

Dim cmdBox1 As CommandTabBox = cmdTab.AddCommandTabBox()
ReDim cmdIDs(1)
ReDim TextType(1)

                cmdIDs(0) = flyGroup.CmdID
                TextType(0) = swCommandTabButtonTextDisplay_e.swCommandTabButton_TextBelow

                bResult = cmdBox1.AddCommands(cmdIDs, TextType)

                cmdTab.AddSeparator(cmdBox1, cmdIDs(0))

End If

        thisAssembly = Nothing

    End Sub

    Public Sub RemoveCommandMgr()
Catch e As Exception
End Try
    End Sub

    Function AddPMP() As Boolean
        ppage = New UserPMPage
End Function

    Function RemovePMP() As Boolean
        ppage = Nothing
    End Function

    Function CompareIDs(ByVal storedIDs() As Integer, ByVal addinIDs() As Integer) As Boolean

        Dim storeList As New List(Of Integer)(storedIDs)
Dim addinList As New List(Of Integer)(addinIDs)


If Not addinList.Count = storeList.Count Then

            Return False

            For i As Integer = 0 To addinList.Count - 1
If Not addinList(i) = storeList(i) Then

                    Return False
                End If
        End If

        Return True
    End Function
#End Region

#Region "Event Methods"
    Sub AttachEventHandlers()

'Listen for events on all currently open docs
End Sub

    Sub DetachEventHandlers()

'Close events on all currently open docs
        Dim docHandler As DocumentEventHandler
Dim key As ModelDoc2
Dim numKeys As Integer
        numKeys = openDocs.Count
If numKeys > 0 Then
            Dim keys() As Object = New Object(numKeys - 1) {}

'Remove all document event handlers
            openDocs.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0)
For Each key In keys
                docHandler = openDocs.Item(key)
'This also removes the pair from the hash
                docHandler = Nothing
                key = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub AttachSWEvents()
            AddHandler iSwApp.ActiveDocChangeNotify, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_ActiveDocChangeNotify
AddHandler iSwApp.DocumentLoadNotify2, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_DocumentLoadNotify2
AddHandler iSwApp.FileNewNotify2, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_FileNewNotify2
AddHandler iSwApp.ActiveModelDocChangeNotify, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_ActiveModelDocChangeNotify
AddHandler iSwApp.FileOpenPostNotify, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_FileOpenPostNotify
Catch e As Exception
End Try
    End Sub

    Sub DetachSWEvents()
            RemoveHandler iSwApp.ActiveDocChangeNotify, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_ActiveDocChangeNotify
RemoveHandler iSwApp.DocumentLoadNotify2, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_DocumentLoadNotify2
RemoveHandler iSwApp.FileNewNotify2, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_FileNewNotify2
RemoveHandler iSwApp.ActiveModelDocChangeNotify, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_ActiveModelDocChangeNotify
RemoveHandler iSwApp.FileOpenPostNotify, AddressOf Me.SldWorks_FileOpenPostNotify
Catch e As Exception
End Try
    End Sub

    Sub AttachEventsToAllDocuments()
Dim modDoc As ModelDoc2
        modDoc = iSwApp.GetFirstDocument()
While Not modDoc Is Nothing
            If Not openDocs.Contains(modDoc) Then
End If
            modDoc = modDoc.GetNext()
End While
    End Sub

    Function AttachModelDocEventHandler(ByVal modDoc As ModelDoc2) As Boolean
        If modDoc Is Nothing Then
            Return False
        End If
        Dim docHandler As DocumentEventHandler = Nothing

        If Not openDocs.Contains(modDoc) Then
            Select Case modDoc.GetType
Case swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART
                    docHandler =
New PartEventHandler()
Case swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY
                    docHandler =
New AssemblyEventHandler()
Case swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING
                    docHandler =
New DrawingEventHandler()
End Select

            docHandler.Init(iSwApp, Me, modDoc)
            openDocs.Add(modDoc, docHandler)
End If
    End Function

    Sub DetachModelEventHandler(ByVal modDoc As ModelDoc2)
Dim docHandler As DocumentEventHandler
        docHandler = openDocs.Item(modDoc)
        modDoc =
        docHandler = Nothing
    End Sub
#End Region

#Region "Event Handlers"
    Function SldWorks_ActiveDocChangeNotify() As Integer
        'TODO: Add your implementation here
    End Function

    Function SldWorks_DocumentLoadNotify2(ByVal docTitle As String, ByVal docPath As String) As Integer

    End Function

    Function SldWorks_FileNewNotify2(ByVal newDoc As Object, ByVal doctype As Integer, ByVal templateName As String) As Integer
End Function

    Function SldWorks_ActiveModelDocChangeNotify() As Integer
        'TODO: Add your implementation here
    End Function

    Function SldWorks_FileOpenPostNotify(ByVal FileName As String) As Integer
End Function
#End Region

#Region "UI Callbacks"
    Sub CreateCube()

'make sure we have a part open
        Dim partTemplate As String
        Dim model As ModelDoc2
Dim featMan As FeatureManager

        partTemplate = iSwApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue(swUserPreferenceStringValue_e.swDefaultTemplatePart)
If Not partTemplate = "" Then
            model = iSwApp.NewDocument(partTemplate, swDwgPaperSizes_e.swDwgPaperA2size, 0.0, 0.0)

            model.SketchRectangle(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,

'Extrude the sketch
            featMan = model.FeatureManager
True, _
False, False, _
                                      swEndConditions_e.swEndCondBlind, swEndConditions_e.swEndCondBlind, _
                                      0.1, 0.0, _
False, False, _
False, False, _
                                      0.0, 0.0, _
False, False, _
False, False, _
True, _
False, False)
            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There is no part template available. Please check your options and make sure there is a part template selected, or select a new part template.")
End If
    End Sub
    Sub ShowPMP()
If Not ppage Is Nothing Then
End If
    End Sub

    Function PMPEnable() As Integer
        If iSwApp.ActiveDoc Is Nothing Then
            PMPEnable = 0
            PMPEnable = 1
End If
    End Function

    Sub FlyoutCallback()
Dim flyGroup As FlyoutGroup = iCmdMgr.GetFlyoutGroup(flyoutGroupID)
"FlyoutCommand 1", "FlyoutCommand 1", 0, "FlyoutCommandItem1", "FlyoutEnableCommandItem1")
"FlyoutCommand 2", "FlyoutCommand 2", 0, "FlyoutCommandItem2", "FlyoutEnableCommandItem2")

        flyGroup.FlyoutType =

End Sub

    Public Sub FlyoutCommandItem1()
"Flyout command 1 called")
End Sub
    Public Function FlyoutEnableCommandItem1() As Integer
        Return 1
End Function

    Public Sub FlyoutCommandItem2()
"Flyout command 2 called")
End Sub
    Public Function FlyoutEnableCommandItem2() As Integer
        Return 1
End Function

    Function FlyoutEnable() As Integer
        If cmdGroup.HasEnabledButton Then
            Return 1
            Return 0
End If
    End Function

#End Region



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