Get Library Feature Data Example (VBA)
This example shows how to get information about library features in model
' Preconditions: Model document is open and contains at least one library feature.
' Postconditions: None
Option Explicit
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim ModelDoc2 As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim Feature As SldWorks.Feature
Dim NextFeature As SldWorks.Feature
Dim LibraryFeatureData As LibraryFeatureData
Dim placementPlaneType As Long
Dim placementPlane As Object
Dim ConfigurationName As String
Dim vConfigs As Variant
Dim vConfigName As Variant
Dim x As Long
Dim LinkToLibraryPart As Boolean
Dim LocatingDimensionsCount As Long
Dim vLocDimName As Variant
Dim vLocDimVal As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim bOverrideDimVal As Boolean
Dim SizeDimensionsCount As Long
Dim vSizDimName As Variant
Dim vSizDimVal As Variant
Dim ReferencesCount As Long
Dim vRefType As Variant
Dim vRefs As Variant
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set ModelDoc2 = swApp.ActiveDoc
' Traverse the FeatureManager design tree searching for library features
Set Feature = ModelDoc2.FirstFeature
While Not Feature Is Nothing
Debug.Print Feature.Name, Feature.GetTypeName
' If feature is library feature then get its data, else
' move onto the next feature in the FeatureManager design tree
If Feature.GetTypeName = "LibraryFeature" Then
Debug.Print Feature.Name, Feature.GetTypeName
Set LibraryFeatureData = Feature.GetDefinition
boolstatus = LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections(ModelDoc2, Nothing)
' Access the selections of the library feature that define it
Debug.Print "LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections = "; boolstatus
' Get its placement type
Set placementPlane = LibraryFeatureData.GetPlacementPlane2(swLibFeatureData_e.swLibFeatureData_PartRespect, placementPlaneType)
Debug.Print "PlacementPlaneType = "; placementPlaneType
placementPlane.Select False
' Get the name of the active library feature configuration
ConfigurationName = LibraryFeatureData.ConfigurationName
Debug.Print "ConfigurationName = "; ConfigurationName
' Determine if the library feature is linked to
' the library feature part
LinkToLibraryPart = LibraryFeatureData.LinkToLibraryPart
Debug.Print "LinkToLibraryPart = "; LinkToLibraryPart
' If the library feature part document is open or
' if the library feature is linked to the library feature
' part document, then get the names of all of the
' library feature configurations; if it's not open,
' then only the name of the active library configuration
' is returned
vConfigs = LibraryFeatureData.GetAllConfigurationNames
Debug.Print "Configuration names :"
If Not IsEmpty(vConfigs) Then
For x = LBound(vConfigs) To UBound(vConfigs)
Debug.Print " "; vConfigs(x)
Next x
End If
' Get the number of locating dimensions
LocatingDimensionsCount = LibraryFeatureData.GetDimensionsCount(0)
Debug.Print "LocatingDimensionsCount = "; LocatingDimensionsCount
' Get the locating dimensions
vLocDimVal = LibraryFeatureData.GetDimensions(0, vLocDimName)
Debug.Print "Locating dimensions :"
If Not IsEmpty(vLocDimName) Then
For i = LBound(vLocDimName) To UBound(vLocDimName)
Debug.Print " "; vLocDimName(i), vLocDimVal(i)
Next i
End If
' Determine if existing dimension values of the library
' feature can be overridden
bOverrideDimVal = LibraryFeatureData.OverrideDimension
Debug.Print "OverrideDimension = "; bOverrideDimVal
' Get the number of feature dimensions
SizeDimensionsCount = LibraryFeatureData.GetDimensionsCount(1)
Debug.Print "SizeDimensionsCount = "; SizeDimensionsCount
' Get the feature dimensions
vSizDimVal = LibraryFeatureData.GetDimensions(1, vSizDimName)
Debug.Print "Size dimensions :"
If Not IsEmpty(vSizDimName) Then
For i = LBound(vSizDimName) To UBound(vSizDimName)
Debug.Print " "; vSizDimName(i), vSizDimVal(i)
Next i
End If
' Get the number of references
ReferencesCount = LibraryFeatureData.GetReferencesCount
Debug.Print "GetReferencesCount = "; ReferencesCount
' Get the references
vRefs = LibraryFeatureData.GetReferences2(swLibFeatureData_e.swLibFeatureData_PartRespect, vRefType)
If Not IsEmpty(vRefType) Then
Debug.Print "Reference types: "
For i = LBound(vRefType) To UBound(vRefType)
Debug.Print " "; vRefType(i)
vRefs(i).Select False
Next i
End If
'Release the selections that define the library feature
Set LibraryFeatureData = Feature.GetDefinition
boolstatus = LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections(ModelDoc2, Nothing)
Debug.Print "LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections = "; boolstatus
End If
' Get the next feature until there are no more
Set NextFeature = Feature.GetNextFeature
Set Feature = Nothing
Set Feature = NextFeature
Set NextFeature = Nothing
End Sub