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Select Tangent Edges via Iteration Example (VBA)

This example shows how to select tangent edges by iterating through an edge’s coedges and selecting all edges with tangent vectors.

Use IEdge::GetCurve to get the underlying curve of the selected edge. Get the start and end parameters with IEdge::GetCurveParams2. Then call IEdge::Evaluate to get the tangent vector. Get the edge’s coedges by calling IEdge::GetCoEdges. From each of these coedges get the next coedge with a call to ICoEdge::GetNext. On the next coedge, obtain its edge by calling ICoEdge::GetEdge.  

Use ICoEdge::GetSense to determine the direction of the coedge. If the coedge is in the same direction as the edge, then get the tangent from the start position; otherwise, use the end. If the vectors are equal (tangent), then select the edge and continue the process with the next edge. If the vectors are not equal, then call ICoEdge::GetPartner to get the partner edge and check all the partner edges for the current edge.  

Given a selected edge (swEdge), get the two coedges, and get the tangent vector and traverse all tangent edges for each coedge .

In GetEdgeTangent(swEdge As Edge, bUseStart As Boolean), you got the curve parameters for the edge. Use the bUseStart information to determine whether to evaluate from the start or end of the edge. The evaluation returns a VARIANT array of which the last three elements contain the vector data for the tangent to edge.

TraverseTangentEdges(swEdge As Edge, swCoEdge As CoEdge, varTangent As Variant, swSelData) does most of the work in this example.  




' Preconditions:

'         (1) Part, assembly, or drawing document is open.

'         (2) An edge on the model is selected.


' Postconditions: All edges tangent to the preselected edge are selected.



Option Explicit


Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Dim swDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr

Dim swEdge As SldWorks.Edge

Dim swSelData As SldWorks.SelectData


Sub main()


    ' Access the running SolidWorks application

    Set swApp = GetObject(, "SldWorks.Application")

    If swApp Is Nothing Then Exit Sub


    ' Get the active model

    Set swDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc

    If swDoc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub


    ' Get the SelectionMgr and make sure that the selected object is an edge

    Set swSelMgr = swDoc.SelectionManager

    If swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount <> 1 Then Exit Sub

    If swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectType2(1) <> swSelEDGES Then Exit Sub

    Set swSelData = swSelMgr.CreateSelectData


    ' Get a pointer to the selected edge

    Set swEdge = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject5(1)


    ' Select all edges that are tangent to the selected edge

    Call SelectTangentEdges(swEdge)

End Sub


Sub SelectTangentEdges(swEdge As Edge)

    Dim varCoEdges As Variant   ' Coedges for edge

    Dim swCoEdge As SldWorks.CoEdge      ' Holds the current coedge

    Dim bUseStart As Boolean    ' Whether the coedge is in

                                ' the same direction as edge

                                ' Determines where to evaluate the edge from

    Dim varTangent As Variant   ' The tangent to edge


    ' Get all of the coedges for this edge

    varCoEdges = swEdge.GetCoEdges


    ' If this edge does not have exactly two coedges, then quit

    If UBound(varCoEdges) <> 1 Then Exit Sub


    ' For the first coedge

    Set swCoEdge = varCoEdges(0)

    ' Depends on whether the coedge and edge have the same direction

    bUseStart = swCoEdge.GetSense

    If bUseStart Then bUseStart = False Else bUseStart = True

    ' Get the tangent for this edge, bUseStart indicates from where to get tangent

    varTangent = GetEdgeTangent(swEdge, bUseStart)

    ' Recurse for all tangent edges for this edge starting with coedge

    Call TraverseTangentEdges(swEdge, swCoEdge, varTangent, swSelData)


    ' For the second coedge

    Set swCoEdge = varCoEdges(1)

    ' Depends on whether the coedge and edge have the same direction

    bUseStart = swCoEdge.GetSense

    If bUseStart Then bUseStart = False Else bUseStart = True

    ' Get the tangent for this edge, bUseStart indicates from where to get tangent

    varTangent = GetEdgeTangent(swEdge, bUseStart)


    ' Recurse for all tangent edges for this edge starting with coedge

    Call TraverseTangentEdges(swEdge, swCoEdge, varTangent, swSelData)

End Sub


' Selects all tangent edges starting at edge, and continuing out from coedge

Sub TraverseTangentEdges(swEdge As Edge, swCoEdge As CoEdge, varTangent As Variant, swSelData)

    Dim swNextCoEdge As SldWorks.CoEdge      ' Next coedge on coedge

    Dim swPartnerCoEdge As SldWorks.CoEdge   ' Partner to the coedge

    Dim swNextEdge As SldWorks.Edge          ' Next coedge

    Dim swEntity As SldWorks.entity          ' Used to select the edge

    Dim varNextTangent As Variant   ' Holds the tangent for the next coedge

    Dim bUseNextStart As Boolean    ' Whether the next tangent comes from the

                                    ' start of the edge or not

    ' Get the next edge

    Set swNextCoEdge = swCoEdge.GetNext

    Set swNextEdge = swNextCoEdge.GetEdge

    'While not visiting the edge started on


    Do While Not swNextEdge Is swEdge

        bUseNextStart = swNextCoEdge.GetSense

        varNextTangent = GetEdgeTangent(swNextEdge, bUseNextStart)

        If VectorsAreEqual(varTangent, varNextTangent) Then

            Set swEntity = swNextEdge

            ' Select the edge and append it to the list of selected items

            swEntity.Select4 True, swSelData

            ' Go to the next

            If bUseNextStart Then bUseNextStart = False Else bUseNextStart = True

            varNextTangent = GetEdgeTangent(swNextEdge, bUseNextStart)

            Call TraverseTangentEdges(swNextEdge, swNextCoEdge, varNextTangent, swSelData)

            Exit Sub


            ' Walk around the vertex

            Set swPartnerCoEdge = swNextCoEdge.GetPartner

            Set swNextCoEdge = swPartnerCoEdge.GetNext

            Set swNextEdge = swNextCoEdge.GetEdge

        End If


End Sub


' Get the tangent for the current edge

Function GetEdgeTangent(swEdge As Edge, bUseStart As Boolean) As Variant

    Dim swCurve As SldWorks.Curve   ' swEdge's underlying curve

    Dim varEdgeParams As Variant    ' Curve parameters for swEdge

    Dim dblParam As Double          ' Edge parameter to evaluate

    Dim dblTangent(2) As Double     ' Tangent for swEdge


    ' Get the curve parameters for swEdge

    Set swCurve = swEdge.GetCurve

    varEdgeParams = swEdge.GetCurveParams2


    ' If the coedge has the same direction as swEdge, then evaluate from

    ' the start of the coedge; otherwise evaluate from the end of

    ' the coedge (the start of the edge)

    If bUseStart Then

        dblParam = varEdgeParams(6)


        dblParam = varEdgeParams(7)

    End If

    ' Evaluate the edge at the start or end

    varEdgeParams = swEdge.Evaluate(dblParam)

    ' Get the tangent information out of the evaluation

    dblTangent(0) = varEdgeParams(3)

    dblTangent(1) = varEdgeParams(4)

    dblTangent(2) = varEdgeParams(5)


    'Return the tangent

    GetEdgeTangent = dblTangent

End Function


' Determines if the edges are equal within a tolerance of 1.0 * e^-10

Function VectorsAreEqual(varVec1 As Variant, varVec2 As Variant) As Boolean

    Dim dblMag As Double

    Dim dblDot As Double

    Dim dblUnit1(2) As Double

    Dim dblUnit2(2) As Double


    dblMag = (varVec1(0) * varVec1(0) + varVec1(1) * varVec1(1) + varVec1(2) * varVec1(2)) ^ 0.5

    dblUnit1(0) = varVec1(0) / dblMag: dblUnit1(1) = varVec1(1) / dblMag: dblUnit1(2) = varVec1(2) / dblMag

    dblMag = (varVec2(0) * varVec2(0) + varVec2(1) * varVec2(1) + varVec2(2) * varVec2(2)) ^ 0.5

    dblUnit2(0) = varVec2(0) / dblMag: dblUnit2(1) = varVec2(1) / dblMag: dblUnit2(2) = varVec2(2) / dblMag

    dblDot = dblUnit1(0) * dblUnit2(0) + dblUnit1(1) * dblUnit2(1) + dblUnit1(2) * dblUnit2(2)

    dblDot = Abs(Abs(dblDot) - 1#)

    If dblDot < 0.0000000001 Then '1.0e-10

        VectorsAreEqual = True


        VectorsAreEqual = False

    End If

End Function


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