| Name | Description |
| ActivateFeatureMgrView | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureMgrView::ActivateView. |
| ActivateSelectedFeature | Activates the selected feature for editing. |
| AddConfiguration | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddConfiguration3. |
| AddConfiguration2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddConfiguration3. |
| AddConfiguration3 | Adds a new configuration to this model document. |
| AddCustomInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| AddCustomInfo2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| AddCustomInfo3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| AddDiameterDimension | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddDiameterDimension2. |
| AddDiameterDimension2 | Adds a diameter dimension at the specified location for the selected item. |
| AddDimension | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddDimension2. |
| AddDimension2 | Creates a dimension at the specified location for the selected entities. |
| AddFeatureMgrView | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddFeatureMgrView3. |
| AddFeatureMgrView2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddFeatureMgrView3. |
| AddFeatureMgrView3 | Adds the specified tab to the FeatureManager design tree view. |
| AddHorizontalDimension | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddHorizontalDimension2. |
| AddHorizontalDimension2 | Creates a horizontal dimension for the currently selected entities at the specified location. |
| AddIns | Displays the Add-In Manager dialog box. |
| AddLightSource | Adds a type of light source to a scene with the specified names. |
| AddLightSourceExtProperty | Stores a float, string, or integer value for the light source. |
| AddLightToScene | Adds a light source to a scene. |
| AddLoftSection | Adds a loft section to a blend feature. |
| AddOrEditConfiguration | Obsolete. Superseded by IConfiguraiton::GetParameters, IConfiguration::IGetParameters, IConfiguration::ISetParameters, and IConfiguration::SetParameters. |
| AddPropertyExtension | Stores a float, string, or integer value with this document. |
| AddRadialDimension | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddRadialDimension2. |
| AddRadialDimension2 | Adds a radial dimension at the specified location for the selected item. |
| AddRelation | Obsolete. Superseded by IEquationMgr::Add. |
| AddSceneExtProperty | Stores a float, string, or integer value for a scene. |
| AddVerticalDimension | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::AddVerticalDimension2. |
| AddVerticalDimension2 | Creates a vertical dimension for the currently selected entities at the specified location. |
| AlignDimensions | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::AlignDimensions. |
| AlignOrdinate | Aligns the selected group of ordinate dimensions. |
| AlignParallelDimensions | Aligns the selected linear dimensions in a parallel fashion. |
| AndSelect | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| AndSelectByID | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| AndSelectByMark | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| AutoInferToggle | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::AutoInference. |
| AutoSolveToggle | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::AutoSolve. |
| BlankRefGeom | Hides the selected reference geometry in the graphics window. |
| BlankSketch | Hides the selected sketches. |
| BreakAllExternalReferences | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::BreakAllExternalReferences2. |
| BreakDimensionAlignment | Breaks the association of any selected dimensions belonging to an alignment group (parallel or collinear). |
| ChangeSketchPlane | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::ChangeSketchPlane. |
| ClearSelection | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ClearSelection2. |
| ClearSelection2 | Clears the selection list. |
| ClearUndoList | Clears the undo list for this model document. |
| Close | Not implemented. Use ISldWorks::CloseDoc. |
| CloseFamilyTable | Closes the design table currently being edited. |
| ClosePrintPreview | Closes the currently displayed Print Preview page for this document. |
| ClosestDistance | Calculates the distance and closest points between two geometric objects. |
| Create3PointArc | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::Create3PointArc. |
| CreateArc | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateArc2. |
| CreateArc2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateArc. |
| CreateArcByCenter | Creates an arc by center in this model document. |
| CreateArcDB | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateArc2. |
| CreateArcVB | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateArc2. |
| CreateCenterLine | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateCenterLine. |
| CreateCenterLineVB | Creates a center line from P1 to P2 and can be used in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and other forms of Basic that do not support SafeArrays. |
| CreateCircle | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateCircle2. |
| CreateCircle2 | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::CreateCircle. |
| CreateCircleByRadius | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateCircleByRadius2. |
| CreateCircleByRadius2 | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::CreateCircleByRadius. |
| CreateCircleDB | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateCircle2. |
| CreateCircleVB | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateCircle2. |
| CreateCircularSketchStepAndRepeat | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateCircularSketchStepAndRepeat. |
| CreateClippedSplines | Creates one or more sketch spline segments that are clipped against a given (x1, y1), (x2, y2) rectangle. This rectangle lies in the space of the active 2D sketch. |
| CreateEllipse | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateEllipse2. |
| CreateEllipse2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateEllipse. |
| CreateEllipseVB | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateEllipse2. |
| CreateEllipticalArc2 | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::CrateEllipticalArc. |
| CreateEllipticalArcByCenter | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::CreateEllipticalArc. |
| CreateEllipticalArcByCenterVB | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::CreateEllipticalArc. |
| CreateFeatureMgrView | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelViewManager::CreateFeatureMgrView2. |
| CreateFeatureMgrView2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelViewManager::CreateFeatureMgrView2. |
| CreateFeatureMgrView3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelViewManager::CreateFeatureMgrView2. |
| CreateGroup | Creates an annotation group from the currently selected annotations. |
| CreateLine | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateLine2. |
| CreateLine2 | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::CreateLine. |
| CreateLinearSketchStepAndRepeat | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateLinearSketchStepAndRepeat. |
| CreateLineDB | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateLine2. |
| CreateLineVB | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateLine2. |
| CreatePlaneAtAngle | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneAtAngle3. |
| CreatePlaneAtAngle2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneAtAngle3. |
| CreatePlaneAtAngle3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| CreatePlaneAtOffset | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneAtOffset3. |
| CreatePlaneAtOffset2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneAtOffset3. |
| CreatePlaneAtOffset3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| CreatePlaneAtSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneAtSurface3. |
| CreatePlaneAtSurface2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneAtSurface3. |
| CreatePlaneAtSurface3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| CreatePlaneFixed | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneFixed2. |
| CreatePlaneFixed2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| CreatePlanePerCurveAndPassPoint | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlanePerCurveAndPassPoint3. |
| CreatePlanePerCurveAndPassPoint2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlanePerCurveAndPassPoint3. |
| CreatePlanePerCurveAndPassPoint3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| CreatePlaneThru3Points | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneThru3Points3. |
| CreatePlaneThru3Points2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePlaneThru3Points3. |
| CreatePlaneThru3Points3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| CreatePlaneThruLineAndPt | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| CreatePlaneThruPtParallelToPlane | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| CreatePoint | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePoint2. |
| CreatePoint2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreatePoint. |
| CreatePointDB | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePoint2 and IModelDoc2::ICreatePoint2. |
| CreateSpline | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateSpline. |
| CreateSplineByEqnParams | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateSplineByEqnParams. |
| CreateSplinesByEqnParams | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateSplinesByEqnParams. |
| CreateTangentArc | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateTangentArc2. |
| CreateTangentArc2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateTangentArc. |
| DeActivateFeatureMgrView | Deactivates a tab in the FeatureManager design tree view. |
| DebugCheckIgesGeom | Dumps a IGES geometry check. |
| DeleteAllRelations | Deletes all existing relations. |
| DeleteBendTable | Deletes a bend table. |
| DeleteBkgImage | Deletes any background image. |
| DeleteConfiguration | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::DeleteConfiguration2. |
| DeleteConfiguration2 | Deletes a configuration. |
| DeleteCustomInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| DeleteCustomInfo2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| DeleteDesignTable | Deletes the design table for this document, if one exists. |
| DeleteFeatureMgrView | Removes the specified tab in the FeatureManager design tree. |
| DeleteLightSource | Deletes a light source. |
| DeleteNamedView | Deletes the specified model view. |
| DeleteSelection | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::DeleteSelection2. |
| DeriveSketch | Creates a derived sketch. |
| DeSelectByID | Removes the selected object from the selection list. |
| DimPreferences | Sets dimension preferences. |
| DissolveLibraryFeature | Dissolves the selected library features. |
| DissolveSketchText | Dissolves sketch text. |
| DragTo | Drags the specified end point. |
| DrawLightIcons | Draws any visible light icons. |
| EditBalloonProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by INote::SetBalloon and INote::SetBomBalloonText. |
| EditClearAll | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ClearSelection2. |
| EditConfiguration | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditConfiguration3. |
| EditConfiguration2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditConfiguration3. |
| EditConfiguration3 | Edits the specified configuration. |
| EditCopy | Copies the currently selected items and places them in the clipboard. |
| EditCut | Cuts the currently selected items and places them on the Microsoft Windows Clipboard. |
| EditDatumTargetSymbol | Edits a datum target symbol. |
| EditDelete | Deletes the selected items. |
| EditDimensionProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditDimensionProperties3. |
| EditDimensionProperties2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditDimensionProperties3. |
| EditDimensionProperties3 | Edits the currently selected dimension's properties. |
| EditOrdinate | Puts the currently selected ordinate dimension into edit mode so you could add more ordinate dimensions to this group. |
| EditRebuild3 | Rebuilds only those features in the model that need to be rebuilt. |
| EditRedo | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditRedo2. |
| EditRedo2 | Repeats the specified number of actions in this SolidWorks session. |
| EditRollback | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::EditRollback. |
| EditRollback2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::EditRollback. |
| EditRoute | Makes the last selected route the active route. |
| EditSeedFeat | Gets the pattern seed feature, based on the selected face, and displays the Edit Definition dialog for that feature. |
| EditSketch | Allows the currently selected sketch to be edited. |
| EditSketchOrSingleSketchFeature | Edits a sketch or sketch feature. |
| EditSuppress | Obsolete. Superseded IModelDoc2::EditSuppress2. |
| EditSuppress2 | Suppresses the selected feature, the selected component, or the owning feature of the selected face. |
| EditUndo | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditUndo2. |
| EditUndo2 | Undoes the specified number of actions in the active SolidWorks session. |
| EditUnsuppress | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditUnsuppress2. |
| EditUnsuppress2 | Unsuppresses the selected feature or component. |
| EditUnsuppressDependent | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditUnsuppressDependent2. |
| EditUnsuppressDependent2 | Unsuppresses the selected feature or component and their dependents. |
| EntityProperties | Displays the Properties dialog for the selected edge or face. |
| EnumModelViews | Gets the model views enumeration in this document. |
| FeatEdit | Puts the current feature into edit mode. |
| FeatEditDef | Displays the Feature Definition dialog and lets the user edit the values. |
| FeatureBoss | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusion2. |
| FeatureBoss2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusion2. |
| FeatureBossThicken | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureBossThicken. |
| FeatureBossThicken2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureBossThicken. |
| FeatureBossThin | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusionThin2. |
| FeatureBossThin2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusionThin2. |
| FeatureByPositionReverse | Gets the nth from last feature in the document. |
| FeatureChamfer | Creates a chamfer feature. |
| FeatureChamferType | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertFeatureChamfer. |
| FeatureCirPattern | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCircularPattern2. |
| FeatureCurvePattern | Creates a curve-driven pattern feature. |
| FeatureCut | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| FeatureCut2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| FeatureCut3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| FeatureCut4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| FeatureCut5 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| FeatureCutThicken | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCutThicken. |
| FeatureCutThicken2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCutThicken. |
| FeatureCutThin | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCutThin. |
| FeatureCutThin2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCutThin. |
| FeatureExtruRefSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::FeatureExtruRefSurface2. |
| FeatureExtruRefSurface2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtruRefSurface. |
| FeatureFillet | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureFillet. |
| FeatureFillet2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureFillet. |
| FeatureFillet3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureFillet. |
| FeatureFillet4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureFillet. |
| FeatureFillet5 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureFillet. |
| FeatureLinearPattern | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureLinearPattern2. |
| FeatureReferenceCurve | Creates a reference curve feature from an array of curves. |
| FeatureRevolve2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureRevolve. |
| FeatureRevolveCut2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureRevolveCut. |
| FeatureSketchDrivenPattern | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureSketchDrivenPattern. |
| FileReload | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ReloadOrReplace. |
| FileSummaryInfo | Displays the File Summary Information dialog box for this file. |
| FirstFeature | Gets the first feature in the document. |
| FontBold | Enables or disables bold font style in the selected notes, dimensions, and GTols. |
| FontFace | Changes the font face in the selected notes, dimensions, and GTols. |
| FontItalic | Enables or disables italic font style in the selected notes, dimensions, and GTols. |
| FontPoints | Changes the font height (specified in points) in the selected notes, dimensions, and GTols. |
| FontUnderline | Enables or disables underlining the selected notes, dimensions, and GTols. |
| FontUnits | Changes font height (specified in current system units) in the selected notes, dimensions, and GTols. |
| ForceRebuild3 | Forces a rebuild of all of the features in the model whether they need a rebuild. |
| ForceReleaseLocks | Releases the locks that a file system places on a file when it is opened and detaches that file from the file system. |
| GetActiveConfiguration | Obsolete. Superseded by IConfigurationManager::ActiveConfiguration. |
| GetActiveSketch | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GetActiveSketch2. |
| GetActiveSketch2 | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::ActiveSketch. |
| GetAddToDB | Gets whether entities are added directly to the SolidWorks database. |
| GetAmbientLightProperties | Gets the ambient light properties for this model document. |
| GetAngularUnits | Gets the current angular unit settings. |
| GetArcCentersDisplayed | Gets whether the arc centers are displayed. |
| GetBendState | Gets the current bend state of a sheet metal part. |
| GetBlockingState | Gets the current value of the SolidWorks blocking state, within the range of values accessible by IModelDoc2::SetBlockingState. |
| GetColorTable | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::GetColorTable. |
| GetConfigurationByName | Gets the specified configuration. |
| GetConfigurationCount | Gets the number of configurations. |
| GetConfigurationNames | Gets the names of the configurations in this document. |
| GetConsiderLeadersAsLines | Gets whether the display data of a leader is included as lines when the lines are retrieved from a view or annotation in this document. |
| GetCoordinateSystemXformByName | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetCoordinateSystemTransformByName. |
| GetCurrentCoordinateSystemName | Gets the name of the current coordinate system or an empty string for the default coordinate system. |
| GetCustomInfoCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| GetCustomInfoCount2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| GetCustomInfoNames | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| GetCustomInfoNames2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| GetCustomInfoType | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| GetCustomInfoType2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| GetCustomInfoType3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| GetCustomInfoValue | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| GetDefaultTextHeight | Gets the default text height in use for this document. |
| GetDependencies | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GetDependencies2. |
| GetDependencies2 | Gets all of the model's dependencies. |
| GetDesignTable | Gets the design table associated with this part or assembly document. |
| GetDetailingDefaults | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GetUserPreferenceTextFormat and IModelDoc2::SetUserPreferenceTextFormat. |
| GetDirectionLightProperties | Gets the directional light properties. |
| GetDisplayWhenAdded | Gets whether new sketch entities are displayed when created. |
| GetEntityName | Gets the name of the specified face, edge, or vertex. |
| GetEquationMgr | Gets the equation manager. |
| GetExternalReferenceName | Gets the name of the externally referenced document (in the case of a join or mirrored part). |
| GetFeatureCount | Gets the number of features in this document. |
| GetFeatureManagerWidth | Gets the width of the FeatureManager design tree. |
| GetFirstAnnotation | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GetFirstAnnotation2. |
| GetFirstAnnotation2 | Gets the first annotation in the model. |
| GetFirstModelView | Gets the first view in a model document. |
| GetGridSettings | Gets the current grid settings. |
| GetInferenceMode | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::InferenceMode. |
| GetLayerManager | Gets the layer manager for the current drawing document. |
| GetLightSourceCount | Gets the number of light sources. |
| GetLightSourceExtProperty | Gets a float, string, or integer value stored for the light source. |
| GetLightSourceIdFromName | Gets the ID of the specified light source. |
| GetLightSourceName | Gets the name of a light source used internally by the SolidWorks application. |
| GetLineCount | Gets the number of lines in the current sketch. |
| GetLines | Gets all of the lines in the current sketch. |
| GetMassProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetMassProperties and IModelDocExtension::IGetMassProperties. |
| GetMassProperties2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetMassProperties and IModelDocExtension::IGetMassProperties. |
| GetModelViewCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetModelViewCount. |
| GetModelViewNames | Gets a list containing the names of each model view in this document. |
| GetNext | Gets the next document in the current SolidWorks session. |
| GetNumDependencies | Gets the number of strings returned by IModelDoc2::GetDependencies2. |
| GetPathName | Gets the full path name for this document, including the file name. |
| GetPointLightProperties | Gets point light properties. |
| GetPopupMenuMode | Gets the current pop-up menu mode. |
| GetPropertyExtension | Gets a float, string, or integer value from a document. |
| GetPropertyManagerPage | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::CreatePropertyManagerPage and ISldWorks::ICreatePropertyManagerPage. |
| GetRayIntersectionsPoints | Gets the intersection point information generated by IModelDoc2::RayIntersections. |
| GetRayIntersectionsTopology | Gets the topology intersections generated by IModelDoc2::RayIntersections. |
| GetSaveFlag | Gets whether the document is currently dirty and needs to be saved. |
| GetSceneBkgDIB | Gets background image as a LPDIBSECTION. |
| GetSceneExtProperty | Gets a float, string, or integer value stored for the scene. |
| GetSpotlightProperties | Gets the spotlight properties. |
| GetStandardViewRotation | Gets the specified view orientation matrix with respect to the Front view. |
| GetTessellationQuality | Gets the tessellation quality index for the application. |
| GetTitle | Gets the title of the document that appears in the active window's title bar. |
| GetToolbarVisibility | Gets the visibility of a toolbar. |
| GetType | Gets the type of the document. |
| GetUnits | Gets the current unit settings and the fraction base, fraction value, and the significant digits used. |
| GetUpdateStamp | Gets the current update stamp for this document. |
| GetUserPreferenceDoubleValue | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetUserPreferenceDouble. |
| GetUserPreferenceIntegerValue | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetUserPreferenceInteger. |
| GetUserPreferenceStringValue | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetUserPreferenceString. |
| GetUserPreferenceTextFormat | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetUserPreferenceTextFormat. |
| GetUserPreferenceToggle | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetUserPreferenceToggle. |
| GetUserUnit | Gets the user units. |
| GetVisibilityOfConstructPlanes | Gets whether construction (reference) planes are currently visible. |
| GetZebraStripeData | Gets zebra line data. |
| GraphicsRedraw | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GraphicsRedraw2. |
| GraphicsRedraw2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelView::GraphicsRedraw and IModelView::IGraphicsRedraw. |
| GridOptions | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::SetGridOptions. |
| HideComponent2 | Hides the selected component. |
| HideCosmeticThread | Hides the selected cosmetic thread. |
| HideDimension | Hides the selected dimension in this document. |
| HideFeatureDimensions | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GetUserPreferenceToggle or IModelDoc2::SetUserPreferenceToggle and swDisplayFeatureDimensions. |
| HideShowBodies | Sets whether to hide or show the bodies in the model. |
| HideSolidBody | Hides the currently selected solid body. |
| HoleWizard | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::HoleWizard2. |
| IAddConfiguration3 | Adds a new configuration to this model document. |
| IAddDiameterDimension2 | Adds a diameter dimension at the specified location for the selected item. |
| IAddDimension2 | Creates a dimension for the current selected entities at the specified location. |
| IAddHorizontalDimension2 | Creates a horizontal dimension for the current selected entities at the specified location. |
| IAddOrEditConfiguration | Obsolete. Superseded by IConfiguraiton::GetParameters, IConfiguration::IGetParameters, IConfiguration::ISetParameters, and IConfiguration::SetParameters. |
| IAddRadialDimension2 | Adds a radial dimension at the specified location for the selected item. |
| IAddVerticalDimension2 | Creates a vertical dimension for the currently selected entities at the specified location. |
| IClosestDistance | Calculates the distance and closest points between two geometric objects. |
| ICreateArc | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreateArc2. |
| ICreateArc2 | Creates an arc based on a center point, a start, an end point, and a direction. |
| ICreateCenterLine | Creates a center line from P1 to P2. |
| ICreateCircle2 | Creates a circle based on a center point and a point on the circle. |
| ICreateCircleByRadius | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreateCircleByRadius2. |
| ICreateCircleByRadius2 | Creates a circle based on a center point and a specified radius. |
| ICreateClippedSplines | Creates one or more sketch spline segments that are clipped against a given (x1, y1), (x2, y2) rectangle. This rectangle lies in the space of the active 2D sketch. |
| ICreateEllipse | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreateEllipse2. |
| ICreateEllipse2 | Creates an ellipse using the specified center point and points. |
| ICreateEllipticalArc2 | Creates a partial ellipse given a center point, two points that specify the major and minor axis, and two points that define the elliptical start and end points. |
| ICreateEllipticalArcByCenter | Creates an elliptical arc trimmed between two points. |
| ICreateFeatureMgrView | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelViewManager::CreateFeatureMgrView2. |
| ICreateFeatureMgrView2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelViewManager::CreateFeatureMgrView2. |
| ICreateFeatureMgrView3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelViewManager::CreateFeatureMgrView2. |
| ICreateLine | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreateLine2. |
| ICreateLine2 | Creates a sketch line in the currently active 2D or 3D sketch. |
| ICreatePlaneAtAngle2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreatePlaneAtAngle3. |
| ICreatePlaneAtAngle3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| ICreatePlaneAtOffset2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreatePlaneAtOffset3. |
| ICreatePlaneAtOffset3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| ICreatePlaneAtSurface2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreatePlaneAtSurface3. |
| ICreatePlaneAtSurface3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| ICreatePlaneFixed | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreatePlaneFixed2. |
| ICreatePlaneFixed2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| ICreatePlanePerCurveAndPassPoint2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreatePlanePerCurveAndPassPoint3. |
| ICreatePlanePerCurveAndPassPoint3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| ICreatePlaneThru3Points2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ICreatePlaneThru3Points3. |
| ICreatePlaneThru3Points3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| ICreatePlaneThruLineAndPt | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| ICreatePlaneThruPtParallelToPlane | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRefPlane. |
| ICreatePoint2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreatePoint. |
| ICreateSpline | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::ICreateSpline. |
| ICreateSplineByEqnParams | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::ICreateSplineByEqnParams. |
| ICreateSplinesByEqnParams | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::ICreateSplinesByEqnParams. |
| IEditDimensionProperties3 | Edits the currently selected dimension's properties. |
| IFeatureByPositionReverse | Gets the nth from last feature in the document. |
| IFeatureFillet2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| IFeatureFillet3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| IFeatureFillet4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| IFeatureFillet5 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureCut. |
| IFeatureReferenceCurve | Creates a reference curve feature from an array of curves. |
| IFirstFeature | Gets the first feature in the document. |
| IGet3rdPartyStorage | Gets an IStream interface for storage inside the SolidWorks document. |
| IGetActiveConfiguration | Obsolete. Superseded by IConfigurationManager::ActiveConfiguration. |
| IGetActiveSketch | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::IGetActiveSketch2. |
| IGetActiveSketch2 | Gets the active sketch. |
| IGetAngularUnits | Gets the current angular unit settings. |
| IGetColorTable | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::IGetColorTable. |
| IGetConfigurationByName | Gets the specified configuration. |
| IGetConfigurationNames | Gets the names of the configurations in this document. |
| IGetCoordinateSystemXformByName | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetCoordinateSystemTransformByName. |
| IGetCustomInfoNames | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| IGetCustomInfoNames2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::CustomPropertyManager. |
| IGetDependencies | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GetDependencies2. |
| IGetDependencies2 | Gets all of the model's dependencies. |
| IGetDesignTable | Gets the design table associated with this part or assembly document. |
| IGetDetailingDefaults | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GetUserPreferenceTextFormat and IModelDoc2::SetUserPreferenceTextFormat. |
| IGetEntityName | Gets the name of the specified face, edge, or vertex. |
| IGetFirstAnnotation | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::IGetFirstAnnotation2. |
| IGetFirstAnnotation2 | Gets the first annotation in the model. |
| IGetFirstModelView | Gets the first view in a model document. |
| IGetLayerManager | Gets the layer manager ofr the current drawing document. |
| IGetLines | Gets all of the lines in the current sketch. |
| IGetMassProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IGetMassProperties. |
| IGetMassProperties2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IGetMassProperties. |
| IGetModelViewNames | Gets a list containing the names of each model view in this document. |
| IGetNext | Gets the next document in the current SolidWorks session. |
| IGetNumDependencies | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::IGetNumDependencies2. |
| IGetNumDependencies2 | Gets the number of strings returned by IModelDoc2::IGetDependencies2. |
| IGetRayIntersectionsPoints | Gets the intersection point information generated by IModelDoc2::IRayIntersections. |
| IGetRayIntersectionsTopology | Gets the topology intersections generated by IModelDoc2::IRayIntersections. |
| IGetStandardViewRotation | Gets the specified view orientation matrix with respect to the Front view. |
| IGetUnits | Gets the current unit settings and the fraction base, fraction value, and the significant digits used. |
| IGetUserPreferenceTextFormat | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetUserPreferenceTextFormat. |
| IGetUserUnit | Gets the user units. |
| IGetVersionHistoryCount | Gets the size of the array required to hold data returend by IModleDoc2::IVersionHistory. |
| IInsertBOMBalloon2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertBOMBalloon. |
| IInsertDatumTag2 | Inserts a datum tag symbol at the selected location. |
| IInsertGtol | Creates a new geometric tolerance symbol (GTol) in this document. |
| IInsertMacroFeature | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::IInsertMacroFeature3. |
| IInsertMidSurfaceExt | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::IInsertMidSurface. |
| IInsertNote | Inserts a note in this document. |
| IInsertProjectedSketch2 | Projects the selected sketch items from the current sketch onto a selected surface. |
| IInsertSheetMetalEdgeFlange | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertSheetMetalEdgeFlange2. |
| IInsertSketchForEdgeFlange | Inserts a sketch for IFeatureManager::InsertSheetMetalEdgeFlange2 in this sheet metal part. |
| IInsertSketchText | Inserts sketch text. |
| IInsertWeldSymbol3 | Inserts a weld symbol into the model. |
| IListAuxiliaryExternalFileReferences | Gets the names of auxiliary external file references for this model. |
| IListExternalFileReferences | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::ListExternalReferences. |
| IListExternalFileReferences2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::ListExternalReferences. |
| IMultiSelectByRay | Selects multiple objects of the specified type that are intersected by a ray from point (x,y,z in meters) in direction vector (x,y,z) within a distance radius. |
| Insert3DSketch | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::Insert3DSketch2. |
| Insert3DSketch2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::Insert3DSketch. |
| Insert3DSplineCurve | Inserts a 3D-spline curve through the selected reference points. |
| InsertAxis | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::InsertAxis2. |
| InsertAxis2 | Inserts a reference axis based on the currently selected items with an option to automatically size the axis. |
| InsertBendTableEdit | Inserts a bend table and puts the bend table into its edit state. |
| InsertBendTableNew | Inserts a new bend table into the model document. |
| InsertBendTableOpen | Inserts an existing bend table from a file into this model document. |
| InsertBkgImage | Inserts the scene background image. |
| InsertBOMBalloon | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::InsertBOMBalloon2. |
| InsertBOMBalloon2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertBOMBalloon. |
| InsertCompositeCurve | Inserts a composite curve based on selections. |
| InsertConnectionPoint | Adds a connection point based on the selected point and selected planar item. |
| InsertCoordinateSystem | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCoordinateSystem. |
| InsertCosmeticThread | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCosmeticThread2. |
| InsertCurveFile | Creates a 3D-reference curve. This reference curve goes through the points in the specified file. |
| InsertCurveFileBegin | Creates a 3D-reference curve when called first with a set of related functions. |
| InsertCurveFileEnd | Creates a 3D-reference curve when called last with a set of related functions. |
| InsertCurveFilePoint | Creates a 3D-reference curve when called between a set of related functions. |
| InsertCutBlend | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutBlend. |
| InsertCutBlend2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutBlend. |
| InsertCutBlend3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutBlend. |
| InsertCutBlend4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutBlend. |
| InsertCutSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutSurface. |
| InsertCutSwept | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutSwept3. |
| InsertCutSwept2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutSwept3. |
| InsertCutSwept3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutSwept3. |
| InsertCutSwept4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCutSwept3. |
| InsertDatumTag2 | Inserts a datum tag symbol at the selected location. |
| InsertDatumTargetSymbol | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertDatumTargetSymbol2. |
| InsertDeleteFace | Obsolete. Supserseded by IModelDoc2::InsertDeleteFace2. |
| InsertDeleteFace2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertDeleteFace. |
| InsertDeleteHole | Deletes the selected holes of a surface. |
| InsertDome | Inserts a dome. |
| InsertExtendSurface | Extends a surface along the selected faces or edges. |
| InsertFamilyTableEdit | Edits an open design table from Microsoft Excel. |
| InsertFamilyTableNew | Inserts a new design table from Microsoft Excel into the part. |
| InsertFamilyTableOpen | Opens the specified design table from Microsoft Excel. |
| InsertFeatureReplaceFace | Creates a face replacement feature. |
| InsertFeatureShell | Creates a shell feature. |
| InsertFeatureShellAddThickness | Adds thickness to a face in a multi-thickness shell feature. |
| InsertFramePoint | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| InsertGtol | Creates a new geometric tolerance symbol (GTol) in this document. |
| InsertHatchedFace | Hatches the selected faces or closed sketch segments in a drawing. |
| InsertHelix | Creates a helix. |
| InsertLibraryFeature | Inserts a library feature at the currently selected location. |
| InsertLoftRefSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::InsertLoftRefSurface2. |
| InsertLoftRefSurface2 | Creates a loft surface from the selected profiles, centerline, and guide curves. |
| InsertMacroFeature | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertMacroFeature3. |
| InsertMfDraft | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertMultifaceDraft. |
| InsertMfDraft2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertMultifaceDraft. |
| InsertMidSurfaceExt | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertMidSurface. |
| InsertNewNote3 | Creates a new note. |
| InsertNote | Inserts a note in this document. |
| InsertObject | Activates the Microsoft Insert Object dialog. |
| InsertObjectFromFile | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertObjectFromFile. |
| InsertOffsetSurface | Inserts an offset surface. |
| InsertPlanarRefSurface | Inserts a planar reference surface. |
| InsertPoint | Inserts a point in this model document. |
| InsertProjectedSketch | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::InsertProjectedSketch2. |
| InsertProjectedSketch2 | Projects selected sketch items from the current sketch onto a selected surface. |
| InsertProtrusionBlend | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionBlend. |
| InsertProtrusionBlend2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionBlend. |
| InsertProtrusionBlend3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionBlend. |
| InsertProtrusionBlend4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionBlend. |
| InsertProtrusionSwept | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionSwept3. |
| InsertProtrusionSwept2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionSwept3. |
| InsertProtrusionSwept3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionSwept3. |
| InsertProtrusionSwept4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionSwept3. |
| InsertRadiateSurface | Creates a radiate surface based on the selections. |
| InsertRefPoint | Inserts a reference point based on the current selections. |
| InsertRevolvedRefSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRevolvedRefSurface. |
| InsertRib | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::InsertRib2. |
| InsertRib2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertRib. |
| InsertRip | Creates a rip feature. |
| InsertRoutePoint | Adds a route point based on the selected point. |
| InsertScale | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertScale. |
| InsertSewRefSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertSewRefSurface. |
| InsertSheetMetal3dBend | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertSheetMetal3dBend. |
| InsertSheetMetalBaseFlange | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertSheetMetalBaseFlange. |
| InsertSheetMetalBreakCorner | Inserts a sheet metal break corner into the current model document. |
| InsertSheetMetalClosedCorner | Inserts a sheet metal closed corner into this model document. |
| InsertSheetMetalEdgeFlange | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertSheetMetalEdgeFlange2. |
| InsertSheetMetalFold | Inserts a fold at the selected objects. |
| InsertSheetMetalHem | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertSheetMetalHem. |
| InsertSheetMetalJog | Inserts a sheet metal jog in the current model document. |
| InsertSheetMetalMiterFlange | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertSheetMetalMiterFlange. |
| InsertSheetMetalUnfold | Inserts an unfold at the selected objects. |
| InsertSketch | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::InsertSketch. |
| InsertSketch2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::InsertSketch. |
| InsertSketchForEdgeFlange | Inserts a sketch for IFeatureManager::InsertSheetMetalEdgeFlange2 in this sheet metal part. |
| InsertSketchPicture | Inserts a picture into the current sketch. |
| InsertSketchPictureData | Inserts a picture into the current sketch. |
| InsertSketchPictureDatax64 | Inserts a picture into the current sketch in 64-bit applications. |
| InsertSketchText | Inserts sketch text. |
| InsertSplinePoint | Inserts a spline point. |
| InsertSplitLineProject | Splits a face by projecting sketch lines onto the face. |
| InsertSplitLineSil | Splits a face by creating split lines along the silhouette of the selected faces. |
| InsertStackedBalloon | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertStackedBalloon. |
| InsertSurfaceFinishSymbol2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertSurfaceFinishSymbol3. |
| InsertSweepRefSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionSwept3. |
| InsertSweepRefSurface2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertProtrusionSwept3. |
| InsertWeldSymbol2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::InsertWeldSymbol3. |
| InsertWeldSymbol3 | Inserts a weld symbol into the model. |
| InspectCurvature | Adds curvature combs to the selected sketch segment. |
| IParameter | Gets the specified parameter. |
| IRayIntersections | Intersects a given set of rays with a specified set of bodies. |
| IRelease3rdPartyStorage | Closes the specified storage stream. |
| IsActive | Gets whether the specified assembly component is shown or hidden in this model document. |
| IsEditingSelf | Gets whether this model is being edited in the context of another document. |
| ISelectByRay | Selects the first object of the specified type that is intersected by a ray from point (x,y,z in meters) in direction vector (x,y,z) within a distance radius. |
| ISetAngularUnits | Sets the current angular units. |
| ISetNextSelectionGroupId | Sets the group ID for all remaining selections. |
| ISetUserPreferenceTextFormat | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SetUserPreferenceTextFormat. |
| IsExploded | Gets whether the model is currently exploded. |
| ISketchSplineByEqnParams | Creates a spline on the active 2D sketch using the specified b-curve parameters. |
| IsLightLockedToModel | Gets whether the specified light is fixed. |
| IsOpenedReadOnly | Gets whether a SolidWorks document is open in read-only mode. |
| IsOpenedViewOnly | Gets whether a SolidWorks document is open in view-only mode. |
| IsTessellationValid | Gets whether the current set of facets is valid. |
| IVersionHistory | Gets an array of strings indicating the versions in which this document was saved, including the active SolidWorks version, which is the last value returned in the array. |
| LBDownAt | Generates a left mouse button press (down) event. |
| LBUpAt | Generates a left-mouse button release (up) event. |
| Lights | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| ListAuxiliaryExternalFileReferences | Gets the names of auxiliary external file references for this model. |
| ListAuxiliaryExternalFileReferencesCount | Gets the number of auxiliary external file references for this model. |
| ListExternalFileReferences | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::ListExternalReferences. |
| ListExternalFileReferences2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::ListExternalReferences. |
| ListExternalFileReferencesCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::ListExternalFileReferenceCount. |
| ListExternalFileReferencesCount2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::ListExternalFileReferenceCount. |
| Lock | Blocks the modifying commands in the user interface, effectively locking the application. |
| LockAllExternalReferences | Locks all external references. |
| LockFramePoint | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| LockLightToModel | Locks or unlocks the specified light. |
| MoldDraftAnalysis | Performs a mold draft analysis. |
| MultiSelectByRay | Selects multiple objects of the specified type that are intersected by a ray from point (x,y,z in meters) in direction vector (x,y,z) within a distance radius. |
| NameView | Creates a named view using the current view. |
| ObjectDisplayAsIcon | Shows the current OLE object as an icon. |
| ObjectDisplayContent | Shows the current OLE object's content. |
| ObjectResetsize | Sets the size of the current OLE object to the default. |
| Parameter | Gets the specified parameter. |
| ParentChildRelationship | Shows the Parent/Child Relationships dialog for the selected feature. |
| Paste | Pastes the contents of the Microsoft Windows Clipboard at the current insertion point. |
| PostTrimSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::PostTrimSurface. |
| PreTrimSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::PreTrimSurface. |
| PrintDirect | Prints the current document to the default printer. |
| PrintOut | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::PrintOut2 and IModelDocExtension::IPrintOut2. |
| PrintOut2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::PrintOut2 and IModelDocExtension::IPrintOut2. |
| PrintPreview | Displays the Print Preview page for the current document. |
| PropertySheet | Displays the the selected object's property sheet. |
| Quit | Closes the active document without saving changes (see Remarks). |
| RayIntersections | Intersects a given set of rays with a specified set of bodies. |
| ReattachOrdinate | Reattaches an ordinate dimension to a different entity. |
| Rebuild | Rebuilds the model, in assembly and drawing documents only, with some additional controls. |
| ReloadOrReplace | Reloads or replaces the current model document. |
| RemoveGroups | Removes any annotation groups in the current selection. |
| RemoveInspectCurvature | Removes curvature combs from the selected curved sketch segment. |
| RemoveItemsFromGroup | Removes the selected annotations from their annotation groups. |
| ResetBlockingState | Resets the blocking state for the SolidWorks menus. |
| ResetLightSourceExtProperty | Resets the properties for a light source. |
| ResetPropertyExtension | Clears all values stored in the property extension. |
| ResetSceneExtProperty | Resets the extension property for a scene. |
| Save | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::Save3. |
| Save2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::Save3. |
| Save3 | Saves the current document. |
| SaveAs | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SaveAs. |
| SaveAs2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SaveAs. |
| SaveAs3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SaveAs. |
| SaveAs4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SaveAs. |
| SaveAsSilent | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SaveAs. |
| SaveBMP | Saves the current view as a bitmap (BMP) file. |
| SaveSilent | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::Save3. |
| Scale | Scales the part. |
| ScreenRotate | Switches between model and screen center rotation. |
| Select | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectAt | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectByID | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectByMark | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectByName | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectByRay | Selects the first object of the specified type that is intersected by a ray from point (x,y,z in meters) in direction vector (x,y,z) within a distance radius. |
| SelectedEdgeProperties | Sets the property values of the selected edge. |
| SelectedFaceProperties | Sets the property values of the selected face. |
| SelectedFeatureProperties | Sets the property values of the selected feature. |
| SelectLoop | Selects the loop that corresponds to the selected edge. |
| SelectMidpoint | Puts the midpoint (swSelMIDPOINTS) of that edge on the selection list and removes the edge from the selection list when an edge is selected. |
| SelectSketchArc | Obsolete. Superseded by IModlDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectSketchItem | Obsolete. Superseded by IModlDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectSketchLine | Obsolete. Superseded by IModlDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectSketchPoint | Obsolete. Superseded by IModlDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectSketchSpline | Obsolete. Superseded by IModlDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectTangency | Selects all faces tangent to the selected face. |
| SetAddToDB | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::AddToDB. |
| SetAmbientLightProperties | Sets ambient light properties. |
| SetAngularUnits | Sets the current angular units. |
| SetArcCentersDisplayed | Sets the current arc centers displayed setting. |
| SetBendState | Sets the bend state of a sheet metal part. |
| SetBlockingState | Sets the blocking state for the SolidWorks menus. |
| SetConsiderLeadersAsLines | Sets a flag on the document that indicates whether the display data of a leader should be included as lines when the lines are retrieved from a view or annotation in this document. |
| SetDirectionLightProperties | Sets direction light properties. |
| SetDisplayWhenAdded | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::DisplayWhenAdded. |
| SetFeatureManagerWidth | Sets the width of the FeatureManager design tree. |
| SetInferenceMode | Obsolete. Superseded by SketchManager::InferenceMode. |
| SetLightSourceName | Sets the light source name used internally by the SolidWorks software. |
| SetLightSourcePropertyValuesVB | Sets the light source property values. |
| SetParamValue | Sets the value of selected dimension (or parameter). |
| SetPickMode | Returns the user to the default selection mode. |
| SetPointLightProperties | Sets point light properties. |
| SetPopupMenuMode | Sets the pop-up menu mode. |
| SetReadOnlyState | Sets whether this document is read-only. |
| SetSaveAsFileName | Sets the Save As filename from within the FileSaveAsNotify2 event handlers, thereby, bypassing the Save As dialog. |
| SetSaveFlag | Flags the document as dirty. |
| SetSceneBkgDIB | Sets background image described by DIBSECTION data. |
| SetSpotlightProperties | Sets the spotlight properties. |
| SetTessellationQuality | Sets the tessellation quality index for the application. |
| SetTitle2 | Sets the title of a new document. |
| SetToolbarVisibility | Sets the visibility of a toolbar. |
| SetUnits | Sets the units used by the end-user for the model. |
| SetUserPreferenceDoubleValue | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SetUserPreferenceDouble. |
| SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SetUserPreferenceInteger. |
| SetUserPreferenceStringValue | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SetUserPreferenceString. |
| SetUserPreferenceTextFormat | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SetUserPreferenceTextFormat. |
| SetUserPreferenceToggle | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SetUserPreferenceToggle. |
| SetZebraStripeData | Sets the zebra-line data. |
| ShowComponent2 | Shows the selected component. |
| ShowConfiguration | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ShowConfiguration2. |
| ShowConfiguration2 | Shows the named configuration by switching to that configuration and making it the active configuration. |
| ShowCosmeticThread | Shows the selected cosmetic thread. |
| ShowFeatureDimensions | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::GetUserPreferenceToggle and IModelDoc2::SetUserPreferenceToggle and swDisplayFeatureDimensions. |
| ShowNamedView | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ShowNameView2. |
| ShowNamedView2 | Shows the specified view. |
| ShowSolidBody | Shows the selected solid body. |
| SimpleHole | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::SimpleHole. |
| SimpleHole2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::SimpleHole. |
| SimpleHole3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::SimpleHole. |
| SimplifySpline | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchSpline::Simplify. |
| Sketch3DIntersections | Creates new sketch segments based on the selected surfaces. |
| SketchAddConstraints | Adds the specified constraint to the selected entities. |
| SketchAlign | Aligns the selected sketch entities. |
| SketchArc | Creates an arc in the current model document. |
| SketchCenterline | Adds a centerline to the current model document. |
| SketchChamfer | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateChamfer. |
| SketchCircle | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreateCircle2. |
| SketchConstrainCoincident | Makes the selected sketch entities coincident. |
| SketchConstrainConcentric | Makes the selected sketch entities concentric. |
| SketchConstrainParallel | Makes the selected sketch entities parallel. |
| SketchConstrainPerp | Makes the selected sketch entities perpendicular. |
| SketchConstrainTangent | Makes the selected entities tangent. |
| SketchConstraintsDel | Deletes the specified relationship (constraint) on the currently selected sketch item. |
| SketchConstraintsDelAll | Deletes all of the constraints on the currently selected sketch segment. |
| SketchConvertIsoCurves | Converts ISO-parametric curves on a selected surface into a sketch entity. |
| SketchFillet | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::SketchFillet2. |
| SketchFillet1 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::SketchFillet2. |
| SketchFillet2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateFillet. |
| SketchMirror | Creates new entities that are mirror images of the selected entities. |
| SketchModifyFlip | Flips the the active or selected sketch about the specified coordinate system axis. |
| SketchModifyRotate | Rotates the coordinate system of the active or selected sketch. |
| SketchModifyScale | Scales the active or selected sketch. |
| SketchModifyTranslate | Translates the coordinate system of the active or selected sketch. |
| SketchOffset | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::SketchOffset2. |
| SketchOffset2 | Offsets the selected sketch segments. |
| SketchOffsetEdges | Offsets the edges of the selected entities. |
| SketchOffsetEntities | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::SketchOffsetEntities2. |
| SketchOffsetEntities2 | Generates entities in the active sketch by offsetting the selected geometry by the specified amount. |
| SketchParabola | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateParabola. |
| SketchPoint | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::CreatePoint2 and IModelDoc2::ICreatePoint2. |
| SketchPolygon | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreatePolygon. |
| SketchRectangle | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateCornerRectangle. |
| SketchRectangleAtAnyAngle | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::Create3PointCornerRectangle. |
| SketchSpline | Starts a spline, or continues one, using the specified point. |
| SketchSplineByEqnParams | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ISketchSplineByEqnParams2. |
| SketchSplineByEqnParams2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateSplineByEqnParams. |
| SketchTangentArc | Creates a tangent arc in the current model document. |
| SketchTrim | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::SketchExtend and ISketchManager::SketchTrim. |
| SketchUndo | Undoes the last sketch command. |
| SketchUseEdge | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::SketchUseEdge. |
| SketchUseEdge2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::SketchUseEdge. |
| SketchUseEdgeCtrline | Uses this centerline in sketch. |
| SkToolsAutoConstr | Automatically constrains the active sketch. |
| SplitClosedSegment | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::SplitClosedSegment. |
| SplitOpenSegment | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::SplitOpenSegment. |
| Toolbars | Turns the specified SolidWorks toolbars on and off. |
| ToolsDistance | Computes distance. |
| ToolsGrid | Shows and hides the grid in this model document. |
| ToolsMacro | Not implemented. |
| ToolsMassProps | Calculates the mass properties. |
| ToolsSketchScale | Scales a sketch. |
| ToolsSketchTranslate | Translates a sketch. |
| UnBlankRefGeom | Shows the selected, hidden reference geometry in the graphics window. |
| UnblankSketch | Shows a hidden sketch. |
| UnderiveSketch | Changes a sketch to underived. |
| UnLock | Reverses IModelDoc2::Lock and changes the status bar message to Process Complete. |
| UnlockAllExternalReferences | Unlocks all external references. |
| UnlockFramePoint | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| UserFavors | Specifies whether geometric relations are automatically created as you add sketch entities. |
| UserPreferences | Obsolete. The See Also section of this topic contains links to the methods that supersede this method. |
| VersionHistory | Gets an array of strings indicating the versions in which this document was saved, including the active SolidWorks version, which is the last value returned in the array. |
| ViewConstraint | Shows the constraints for the current model document. |
| ViewDispCoordinateSystems | Toggles the display of coordinate systems on and off. |
| ViewDisplayCurvature | Toggles the display of surface curvature on and off. |
| ViewDisplayFaceted | Sets the current display mode to show the facets that make up a shaded picture of STL output. |
| ViewDisplayHiddengreyed | Sets the current display mode to Hidden Lines Visible. |
| ViewDisplayHiddenremoved | Sets the current display mode to Hidden Lines Removed. |
| ViewDisplayShaded | Sets the current display mode to Shaded. |
| ViewDisplayWireframe | Sets the current display mode to Wireframe. |
| ViewDispOrigins | Toggles the display of origins off and on. |
| ViewDispRefaxes | Toggles the display of reference axis on and off. |
| ViewDispRefplanes | Toggles the display of reference planes on and off. |
| ViewDispRefPoints | Shows and hides the reference points for the current model document. |
| ViewDispTempRefaxes | Toggles the display of temporary reference axes on and off. |
| ViewOglShading | Sets the current display subsystem to use OpenGL. |
| ViewOrientationUndo | Undoes previous view orientation changes that were made interactively by the user. |
| ViewRotate | Rotates the view of the current model. |
| ViewRotateminusx | Dynamically rotates the view around x in a negative direction with the current increment. |
| ViewRotateminusy | Dynamically rotates the view around y in a negative direction with the current increment. |
| ViewRotateminusz | Dynamically rotates the view around z in a negative direction with the current increment. |
| ViewRotateplusx | Rotates the view around x in a positive direction with the current increment. |
| ViewRotateplusy | Rotates the view around y in a positive direction with the current increment. |
| ViewRotateplusz | Rotates the view around z in a positive direction with the current increment. |
| ViewRotXMinusNinety | Dynamically rotates the view by negative 90 about x. |
| ViewRotXPlusNinety | Dynamically rotates the view by 90 about x. |
| ViewRotYMinusNinety | Dynamically rotates the view by negative 90 about y. |
| ViewRotYPlusNinety | Dynamically rotates the view by 90 about y. |
| ViewRwShading | Sets the current display subsystem to use renderware. |
| ViewTranslate | Translates the view. |
| ViewTranslateminusx | Dynamically shifts the view left. |
| ViewTranslateminusy | Dynamically shifts the view down. |
| ViewTranslateplusx | Dynamically shifts the view right. |
| ViewTranslateplusy | Dynamically shifts the view up. |
| ViewZoomin | Zooms the current view in by a factor of 20%. |
| ViewZoomout | Zooms the current view out by a factor of 20%. |
| ViewZoomto | Zooms the view to the selected box. |
| ViewZoomTo2 | Zooms to the specified region. |
| ViewZoomtofit | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ViewZoomtofit2. |
| ViewZoomtofit2 | Zooms the currently active view to fit the screen. |
| ViewZoomToSelection | Zooms the display to the selection. |
| WindowRedraw | Redraws the current window. |