| Name | Description |
| AlignWithView | Sets view alignment. |
| AutoInsertCenterMarks | Automatically inserts the specified center marks in this view. |
| Crop | Crops this view using a selected closed sketch profile. |
| EnumHiddenComponents | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::EnumHiddenComponents2. |
| EnumHiddenComponents2 | Gets the hidden components enumeration in this drawing view. |
| EnumSectionLines | Gets the section lines enumeration in the view. |
| GetAlignment | Gets the alignment information of this view. |
| GetAnnotationCount | Gets the number of annotations in this view. |
| GetAnnotations | Gets the annotations in this view. |
| GetArcCount | Gets the number of arcs in this view. |
| GetArcs | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetArcs4 and IView::IGetArcs4. |
| GetArcs2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetArcs4 and IView::IGetArcs4. |
| GetArcs3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetArcs4 and IView::IGetArcs4. |
| GetArcs4 | Gets all of the information for all of the arcs added by a user in this drawing view. |
| GetBaseView | Gets the base (parent) view used to create this view. |
| GetBendLineCount | Gets the number of bendlines in a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| GetBendLines | Gets the bendlines in a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| GetBendNoteAttributeString | Gets the internal string that is used to format the text of the specified bend note attribute in this drawing view of a sheet metal part. |
| GetBendNoteTextFormat | Gets the text format of all bend notes in this drawing view of a sheet metal part. |
| GetBodiesCount | Gets the number of bodies of a multibody part in the drawing view. |
| GetBomTable | Gets the BOM table found in this drawing view. |
| GetBreakLineCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetBreakLineCount2. |
| GetBreakLineCount2 | Gets the number of breaks lines and breaks in this view. |
| GetBreakLineInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetBreakLineInfo2. |
| GetBreakLineInfo2 | Gets information for all of the break lines in this view. |
| GetBreakLines | Gets the all of the breaks in this view. |
| GetBreakOutSectionCount | Gets the number of broken-out sections in this view. |
| GetBreakOutSections | Gets all of the broken-out sections in this view. |
| GetCenterLineCount | Gets the number of centerlines on this drawing view. |
| GetCenterLines | Gets all of the centerline annotations on this drawing view. |
| GetCenterLineSketch | Gets the sketch that contains all of the centerline information for this view. |
| GetCenterMarkCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetCenterMarkCount2. |
| GetCenterMarkCount2 | Gets the number of center marks that are features in the view. |
| GetCenterMarkInfo | Gets information about each center mark that is a feature in the view. |
| GetCenterMarks | Gets all of the center marks that are features in the view. |
| GetCThreadCount | Gets the number of cosmetic threads in this drawing view. |
| GetCThreads | Gets all of the cosmetic threads on this drawing view. |
| GetDatumOriginCount | Gets the number of datum origins on this drawing view. |
| GetDatumOrigins | Gets all of the datum origins on this drawing view. |
| GetDatumPoints | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDatumPoints2 and IView::IGetDatumPoints2. |
| GetDatumPoints2 | Gets all of the information about all the datum points in this view. |
| GetDatumPointsCount | Gets the number of datum points in this view. |
| GetDatumTagCount | Gets the number of datum tags on this drawing view. |
| GetDatumTags | Gets all of the datum tags on this drawing view. |
| GetDatumTargetSymCount | Gets the number of datum target symbols on this drawing view. |
| GetDatumTargetSyms | Gets all of the datum target symbols on this drawing view. |
| GetDependentViewCount | Gets the number of all, or only the specified, dependent views (i.e., alternate position, detail, section, etc.) in this view. |
| GetDependentViews | Gets either all, or only the specified, dependent views in this view. |
| GetDesignTableExtent | Gets the size and location of the design table associated with this drawing view. |
| GetDetail | Gets the detail circle for this detail view. |
| GetDetailCircleCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDetailCircleCount2. |
| GetDetailCircleCount2 | Gets the number of detail circles in the drawing view. |
| GetDetailCircleInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDetailCircleInfo2 and IView::IGetDetailCircleInfo2. |
| GetDetailCircleInfo2 | Gets all of the information about each detail circle in the view. |
| GetDetailCircles | Gets the detail circles in this view. |
| GetDetailCircleStrings | Gets an array of strings; each string represents the text label for a detail circle in this view. |
| GetDimensionCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionCount4. |
| GetDimensionCount2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionCount4. |
| GetDimensionCount3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionCount4. |
| GetDimensionCount4 | Gets the number of display dimensions in the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| GetDimensionDisplayInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5. |
| GetDimensionDisplayInfo2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5. |
| GetDimensionDisplayInfo3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5. |
| GetDimensionDisplayInfo4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5. |
| GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 | Gets the display dimension information for the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| GetDimensionDisplayInfoSize | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfoSize2. |
| GetDimensionDisplayInfoSize2 | Gets the number of the dimension lines n the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| GetDimensionDisplayString | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayString4 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayString4. |
| GetDimensionDisplayString2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayString4 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayString4. |
| GetDimensionDisplayString3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayString4 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayString4. |
| GetDimensionDisplayString4 | Gets all of the dimension text in the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| GetDimensionIds | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionIds4 and IView::IGetDimensionIds4. |
| GetDimensionIds2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionIds4 and IView::IGetDimensionIds4. |
| GetDimensionIds3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionIds4 and IView::IGetDimensionIds4. |
| GetDimensionIds4 | Gets the dimension names from the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| GetDimensionInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| GetDimensionInfo2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| GetDimensionInfo3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| GetDimensionInfo4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| GetDimensionInfo5 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| GetDimensionInfo6 | Gets all of the dimension information in the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| GetDimensionString | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionString4 and IView::IGetDimensionString4. |
| GetDimensionString2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionString4 and IView::IGetDimensionString4. |
| GetDimensionString3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionString4 and IView::IGetDimensionString4. |
| GetDimensionString4 | Gets the strings containing the text associated with each dimension in the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| GetDisplayData | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDisplayData3 and IView::IGetDisplayData3. |
| GetDisplayData2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDisplayData3 and IView::IGetDisplayData3. |
| GetDisplayData3 | Gets the the IDisplayData object for this drawing view containing only those model items that are visible in the view. |
| GetDisplayDimensionCount | Gets the number of dispaly dimensions in this drawing view. |
| GetDisplayDimensions | Gets all of the display dimension on this drawing view. |
| GetDisplayEdgesInShadedMode | Gets whether to display the edges in this when the drawing view is in shaded mode. |
| GetDisplayMode | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDisplayMode2. |
| GetDisplayMode2 | Gets the current display mode of the view. |
| GetDisplayTangentEdges | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDisplayTangentEdges2. |
| GetDisplayTangentEdges2 | Gets the current tangent edge display mode of the drawing view. |
| GetDowelSymbolCount | Gets the number of dowel symbols in this drawing view. |
| GetDowelSymbols | Gets all of the dowel symbols on this drawing view. |
| GetEllipseCount | Gets the number of ellipses in the view. |
| GetEllipses | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetEllipses5 and IView::IGetEllipses5. |
| GetEllipses2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetEllipses5 and IView::IGetEllipses5. |
| GetEllipses3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetEllipses5 and IView::IGetEllipses5. |
| GetEllipses4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetEllipses5 and IView::IGetEllipses5. |
| GetEllipses5 | Gets all of the ellipses added by a user in this drawing view. |
| GetFaceHatchCount | Gets the number of face hatches in the view. |
| GetFaceHatches | Gets the face hatches in the view. |
| GetFacettedHlrDisplay | Gets whether HLR/HLV (Hidden Lines Removed/Hidden Lines Visible) edges should be displayed faceted in the view. |
| GetFirstAnnotation | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstAnnotation3. |
| GetFirstAnnotation2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstAnnotation3. |
| GetFirstAnnotation3 | Gets the first annotation in this drawing view. |
| GetFirstBlockInstance | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| GetFirstCenterLine | Gets the first centerline in this view. |
| GetFirstCenterMark | Gets the first group of center marks in the view. |
| GetFirstCenterOfMass | Gets the first center of mass in this view. |
| GetFirstCThread | Gets the first cosmetic thread in the view. |
| GetFirstCustomSymbol | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| GetFirstDatumOrigin | Gets the first datum origin in this drawing view. |
| GetFirstDatumTag | Gets the first datum tag in the view. |
| GetFirstDatumTargetSym | Gets the first datum target symbol in the view. |
| GetFirstDisplayDimension | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstDisplayDimension5. |
| GetFirstDisplayDimension2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstDisplayDimension5. |
| GetFirstDisplayDimension3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstDisplayDimension5. |
| GetFirstDisplayDimension4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstDisplayDimension5. |
| GetFirstDisplayDimension5 | Gets the first display dimension in this drawing view. |
| GetFirstDowelSymbol | Gets the first dowel symbol in the view. |
| GetFirstGTOL | Gets the first geometric tolerance in this view. |
| GetFirstMultiJogLeader | Gets the first multi-jog leader in the view. |
| GetFirstNote | Gets the first note in the view. |
| GetFirstRevisionCloud | Gets the first revision cloud annotation in this view. |
| GetFirstSFSymbol | Gets the first surface-finish symbols in the view. |
| GetFirstTableAnnotation | Gets the first table annotation in this view. |
| GetFirstWeldBead | Gets the first weld bead annotation in this view. |
| GetFirstWeldSymbol | Gets the first weld symbol in the view. |
| GetGTolCount | Gets the number of geometric tolerances in this drawing view. |
| GetGTols | Gets all of the geometric tolerances on this drawing view. |
| GetHiddenComponents | Gets the hidden components in this drawing view. |
| GetKeepLinkedToBOM | Gets whether this drawing view is linked to a BOM or weldment cut-list table. |
| GetKeepLinkedToBOMName | Gets the name of the BOM or weldment cut-list table feature to which this drawing view is linked. |
| GetLineCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetLineCount2. |
| GetLineCount2 | Gets the number of lines in this view with an option to include or exclude crosshatch lines. |
| GetLines | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetLines4 and IView::IGetLines4. |
| GetLines2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetLines4 and IView::IGetLines4. |
| GetLines3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetLines4 and IView::IGetLines4. |
| GetLines4 | Gets all of the lines in the view with an option to include or exclude crosshatch lines. |
| GetMultiJogLeaderCount | Gets the number of multi-jog leaders on this drawing view. |
| GetMultiJogLeaders | Gets all of the multi-jog leaders in this drawing view. |
| GetName2 | Gets the name of this drawing view displayed in the FeatureManager design tree. |
| GetNextView | Gets the next drawing view in the drawing. |
| GetNoteCount | Gets the number notes in this drawing view. |
| GetNotes | Gets the notes in this drawing view. |
| GetOrientationName | Gets the predefined name of the projection from which the view was generated. |
| GetOutline | Gets the bounding box for a view (sheet or drawing) in meters on the drawing page. |
| GetParabolaCount | Gets the number of parabolas in the view. |
| GetParabolas | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetParabolas2 and IView::IGetParabolas2. |
| GetParabolas2 | Gets all of the information about all of the parabolas in this view. |
| GetPolyLineCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLineCount5. |
| GetPolyLineCount2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLineCount5. |
| GetPolyLineCount3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLineCount5. |
| GetPolyLineCount4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLineCount5. |
| GetPolyLineCount5 | Gets the number of polylines in this view with an option to include or exclude crosshatch lines. |
| GetPolylines | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| GetPolylines2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| GetPolylines3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| GetPolylines4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| GetPolylines5 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| GetPolylines6 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolylines7. |
| GetPolylines7 | Gets all of the polylines in the view with an option to include or exclude crosshatch lines. |
| GetPolyLinesAndCurves | Gets the arcs, ellipses, splines, and polylines in the view with an option to include or exclude crosshatch lines. |
| GetPolyLinesAndCurvesCount | Gets the number of lines, including arcs, ellipses, splines, and polylines, in the view with the option to include or exclude cross hatch lines. |
| GetProjectionArrow | Gets the projection arrow for this projected view. |
| GetProjectionLineCount | Gets the number of projection lines (arrows) in this drawing view. |
| GetProjectionLines | Gets the projection lines (arrows) in this drawing view. |
| GetReferencedModelName | Gets the name of the model that is referenced in the drawing view. |
| GetRelatedTangentEdgeCount | Gets the number of visible tangent edges for the specified bendline in a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| GetRelatedTangentEdges | Gets the visible tangent edges for the specified bendline in a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| GetRevisionCloudCount | Gets the number of revision cloud annotations in this view. |
| GetRevisionClouds | Gets all of the revision cloud annotations in this view. |
| GetSection | Gets the section for this section view. |
| GetSectionLineCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetSectionLineCount2. |
| GetSectionLineCount2 | Gets the number of section lines in the view. |
| GetSectionLineInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetSectionLineInfo2 and IView::GetSectionLineInfo2. |
| GetSectionLineInfo2 | Gets all of the information about the section lines in the view. |
| GetSectionLines | Gets the section lines in the view. |
| GetSectionLineStrings | Gets an array of strings; each string represents the text label for a section line in this view. |
| GetSFSymbolCount | Gets the number of surface finish symbols on this drawing view. |
| GetSFSymbols | Gets all of the surface finish symbols in this drawing view. |
| GetSketch | Gets the sketch used by this view. |
| GetSketchPictureCount | Gets the number of sketch pictures imported to this view when a drawing is created from a part. |
| GetSketchPictures | Gets all of the sketch pictures imported to this view when a drawing is created from a part. |
| GetSMBoundaryBoxDisplayData | Gets the boundary-box sketch display data of a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| GetSolidHatchCount | Gets the number of visible solid-fill hatches in a detail, broken, or crop view and the size of the array for their boundary data. |
| GetSolidHatchInfo | Gets the boundary data for all visible solid-fill hatches in a detail, broken, or crop view. |
| GetSplineCount | Gets the number of splines in the view. |
| GetSplines | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetSplines3 and IView::IGetSplines3. |
| GetSplines2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetSplines3 and IView::IGetSplines3. |
| GetSplines3 | Gets all of the splines added by a user in the drawing view. |
| GetTableAnnotationCount | Gets the number of table annotations in this drawing view. |
| GetTableAnnotations | Gets all of the table annotations on this drawing view. |
| GetTemporaryAxes | Gets the information of the temporary axes displayed in this view. |
| GetTemporaryAxesCount | Gets the number of temporary axes in this view. |
| GetUniqueName | Gets the unique name of this section view. |
| GetUseParentDisplayMode | Gets whether the view is using its parent settings or if it is using its own local settings. |
| GetUserPoints | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetUserPoints2 and IView::IGetUserPoints2. |
| GetUserPoints2 | Gets all of the information about all of the user points in this view. |
| GetUserPointsCount | Gets the number of user points in the view. |
| GetViewXform | Gets the 4x4 transform from model space origin to the drawing space origin. |
| GetVisible | Gets the visibility of this drawing view. |
| GetVisibleComponentCount | Gets the number of visible components in this drawing view. |
| GetVisibleComponents | Gets the visible components in this drawing view. |
| GetVisibleEntities | Gets the specified visible entities (faces, edges, and vertices) in this drawing view. |
| GetVisibleEntityCount | Gets the specified visible entities (faces, edges, or vertices) in this drawing view for the specified component. |
| GetWeldBeadCount | Gets the number of weld beads on this drawing view. |
| GetWeldBeads | Gets all of the weld beads on this drawing view. |
| GetWeldSymbolCount | Gets the number of weld symbols on this drawing view. |
| GetWeldSymbols | Gets all of the weld symbols on this drawing view. |
| GetWitnessEntitiesCount | Gets the number of virtual sharp witness lines in this drawing view. |
| GetWitnessGeomInfo | Gets the geometry data for all of the virtual sharp witness lines in this drawing view. |
| GetXform | Gets the matrix used for displaying this drawing view. |
| HasDesignTable | Gets whether this drawing view has a design table associated with it. |
| IGetAnnotations | Gets the annotations in this view. |
| IGetArcs | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetArcs4 and IView::IGetArcs4. |
| IGetArcs2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetArcs4 and IView::IGetArcs4. |
| IGetArcs3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetArcs4 and IView::IGetArcs4. |
| IGetArcs4 | Gets all of the information for all of the arcs added by a user in this drawing view. |
| IGetBaseView | Gets the base (parent) view used to create this view. |
| IGetBendLines | Gets the bendlines in a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| IGetBodies | Gets the bodies of a multibody part in the drawing view. |
| IGetBomTable | Gets the BOM table found in this drawing view. |
| IGetBreakLineInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::IGetBreakLineInfo2. |
| IGetBreakLineInfo2 | Gets information for all of the break lines in this view. |
| IGetBreakLines | Gets the all of the breaks in this view. |
| IGetBreakOutSections | Gets all of the broken-out sections in this view. |
| IGetCenterLines | Gets all of the centerlines on this drawing view. |
| IGetCenterMarkInfo | Gets information about each center mark that is a feature in the view. |
| IGetCenterMarks | Gets all of the center marks that are features in the view. |
| IGetCThreads | Gets all of the cosmetic threads on this drawing view. |
| IGetDatumOrigins | Gets all of the datum origins on this drawing view. |
| IGetDatumPoints | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDatumPoints2 and IView::IGetDatumPoints2. |
| IGetDatumPoints2 | Gets all of the information about all the datum points in this view. |
| IGetDatumTags | Gets all the datum tags on this drawing view. |
| IGetDatumTargetSyms | Gets all of the datum target symbols on this drawing view. |
| IGetDependentViews | Gets either all, or only the specified, dependent views in this view. |
| IGetDesignTableExtent | Gets the size and location of the design table associated with this drawing view. |
| IGetDetail | Gets the detail circle for this detail view. |
| IGetDetailCircleInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDetailCircleInfo2 and IView::IGetDetailCircleInfo2. |
| IGetDetailCircleInfo2 | Gets all of the information about each detail circle in the view. |
| IGetDetailCircles | Gets the detail circles in this view. |
| IGetDetailCircleStrings | Gets an array of strings; each string represents the text label for a detail circle in this view. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayInfo2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayInfo3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayInfo4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayInfo5 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayInfo5 | Gets the display dimension information for the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayString | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayString4 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayString4. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayString2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayString4 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayString4. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayString3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionDisplayString4 and IView::IGetDimensionDisplayString4. |
| IGetDimensionDisplayString4 | Gets all of the dimension text in the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| IGetDimensionIds | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionIds4 and IView::IGetDimensionIds4. |
| IGetDimensionIds2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionIds4 and IView::IGetDimensionIds4. |
| IGetDimensionIds3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionIds4 and IView::IGetDimensionIds4. |
| IGetDimensionIds4 | Gets the dimension names from the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| IGetDimensionInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| IGetDimensionInfo2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| IGetDimensionInfo3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| IGetDimensionInfo4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| IGetDimensionInfo5 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionInfo6 and IView::IGetDimensionInfo6. |
| IGetDimensionInfo6 | Gets all of the dimension information in the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| IGetDimensionString | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionString4 and IView::IGetDimensionString4. |
| IGetDimensionString2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionString4 and IView::IGetDimensionString4. |
| IGetDimensionString3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDimensionString4 and IView::IGetDimensionString4. |
| IGetDimensionString4 | Gets the strings containing the text associated with each dimension in the current drawing sheet or the current drawing view. |
| IGetDisplayData | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDisplayData3 and IView::IGetDisplayData3. |
| IGetDisplayData2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetDisplayData3 and IView::IGetDisplayData3. |
| IGetDisplayData3 | Gets the the IDisplayData object for this drawing view containing only those model items that are visible in the view. |
| IGetDisplayDimensions | Gets all of the display dimensions on this drawing view. |
| IGetDowelSymbols | Gets all of the dowel symbols on this drawing view. |
| IGetEllipses | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetEllipses5 and IView::IGetEllipses5. |
| IGetEllipses2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetEllipses5 and IView::IGetEllipses5. |
| IGetEllipses3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetEllipses5 and IView::IGetEllipses5. |
| IGetEllipses4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetEllipses5 and IView::IGetEllipses5. |
| IGetEllipses5 | Gets all of the ellipses added by a user in this drawing view. |
| IGetFaceHatches | Gets the face hatches in the view. |
| IGetFirstAnnotation | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstAnnotation3. |
| IGetFirstAnnotation2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstAnnotation3. |
| IGetFirstCenterOfMass | Gets the first center of mass in this view. |
| IGetFirstCThread | Gets the first cosmetic thread in the view. |
| IGetFirstCustomSymbol | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| IGetFirstDatumTag | Gets the first datum tag in the view. |
| IGetFirstDatumTargetSym | Gets the first datum target symbol in the view. |
| IGetFirstDisplayDimension | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstDisplayDimension5. |
| IGetFirstDisplayDimension2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstDisplayDimension5. |
| IGetFirstDisplayDimension3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetFirstDisplayDimension5. |
| IGetFirstDowelSymbol | Gets the first dowel symbol in the view. |
| IGetFirstGTOL | Gets the first geometric tolerance in this view. |
| IGetFirstMultiJogLeader | Gets the first multi-jog leader in the view. |
| IGetFirstNote | Gets the first note in the view. |
| IGetFirstRevisionCloud | Gets the first revision cloud annotation in this view. |
| IGetFirstSFSymbol | Gets the first surface-finish symbols in the view. |
| IGetFirstWeldSymbol | Gets the first weld symbol in the view. |
| IGetGTols | Gets all of the geometric tolerances on this drawing view. |
| IGetLines | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetLines4 and IView::IGetLines4. |
| IGetLines2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetLines4 and IView::IGetLines4. |
| IGetLines3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetLines4 and IView::IGetLines4. |
| IGetLines4 | Gets all of the lines in the view with an option to include or exclude crosshatch lines. |
| IGetMultiJogLeaders | Gets all of the multi-jog leaders in this drawing view. |
| IGetNextView | Gets the next drawing view in the drawing. |
| IGetNotes | Gets the notes in this drawing view. |
| IGetOutline | Gets the bounding box for a view (sheet or drawing) in meters on the drawing page. |
| IGetParabolas | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetParabolas2 and IView::IGetParabolas2. |
| IGetParabolas2 | Gets all of the information about all of the parabolas in this view. |
| IGetPolylines | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| IGetPolylines2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| IGetPolylines3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| IGetPolylines4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| IGetPolylines5 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetPolyLines6 and IView::IGetPolyLines6. |
| IGetPolylines6 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::IGetPolylines7. |
| IGetPolylines7 | Gets all of the polylines in the view with an option to include or exclude crosshatch lines |
| IGetPolyLinesAndCurves | Gets the arcs, ellipses, splines, and polylines in the view with an option to include or exclude crosshatch lines. |
| IGetProjectionArrow | Gets the projection arrow for this projected view. |
| IGetProjectionLines | Gets the projection lines (arrows) in this drawing view. |
| IGetRelatedTangentEdges | Gets the visible tangent edges for the specified bendline in a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| IGetRevisionClouds | Gets all of the revision cloud annotations in this view. |
| IGetSection | Gets the section for this section view. |
| IGetSectionLineInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetSectionLineInfo2 and IView::GetSectionLineInfo2. |
| IGetSectionLineInfo2 | Gets all of the information about the section lines in the view. |
| IGetSectionLines | Gets the section lines in the view. |
| IGetSectionLineStrings | Gets an array of strings; each string represents the text label for a section line in this view. |
| IGetSFSymbols | Gets all of the surface finish symbols in this drawing view. |
| IGetSketch | Gets the sketch used by this view. |
| IGetSketchPictures | Gets all of the sketch pictures imported to this view when a drawing is created from a part. |
| IGetSMBoundaryBoxDisplayData | Gets the boundary-box sketch display data of a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| IGetSolidHatchInfo | Gets the boundary data for all visible solid-fill hatches in a detail, broken, or crop view. |
| IGetSplines | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetSplines3 and IView::IGetSplines3. |
| IGetSplines2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetSplines3 and IView::IGetSplines3. |
| IGetSplines3 | Gets all of the splines added by a user in the drawing view. |
| IGetTableAnnotations | Gets all of the table annotations in this drawing view. |
| IGetTemporaryAxes | Gets the information of the temporary axes displayed in this view. |
| IGetUserPoints | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::GetUserPoints2 and IView::IGetUserPoints2. |
| IGetUserPoints2 | Gets all of the information about all of the user points in this view. |
| IGetViewXform | Gets the 4x4 transform from model space origin to the drawing space origin. |
| IGetVisibleComponents | Gets the visible components in this drawing view. |
| IGetVisibleEntities | Gets the specified visible entities (faces, edges, and vertices) in this drawing view. |
| IGetWeldBeads | Gets all of the weld beads on this drawing view. |
| IGetWeldSymbols | Gets all of the weld symbols on this drawing view. |
| IGetWitnessGeomInfo | Gets the geometry data for all of the virtual sharp witness lines in this drawing view. |
| IGetXform | Gets the matrix used for displaying this drawing view. |
| IInsertBomTable | Inserts a Bill of Materials (BOM) table for this drawing view using Microsoft Excel. |
| InsertAlternateView | Inserts an Alternate Position View of the currently selected drawing view. |
| InsertBendTable | Inserts a bend table for this drawing view. |
| InsertBomTable | Inserts a Bill of Materials (BOM) table for this drawing view using Microsoft Excel. |
| InsertBomTable2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::InsertBomTable3. |
| InsertBomTable3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::InsertBomTable4. |
| InsertBomTable4 | Inserts a bill of materials (BOM) table for this drawing view using SolidWorks table functionality. |
| InsertBreak | Inserts a break in the drawing view at the specified location. |
| InsertCutListPropertyNote | Inserts a note that contains all of the cut list item properties of a sheet metal part. |
| InsertHoleTable | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::InsertHoleTable2. |
| InsertHoleTable2 | Inserts a hole table in this drawing view. |
| InsertPunchTable | Inserts a punch table in the flat pattern drawing view of a sheet metal part. |
| InsertViewAsBlock | Creates a sketch block from this view and aligns the specified manipulator point with the specified sketch block position on the drawing sheet. |
| InsertWeldmentTable | Inserts a weldment cut-list table into this drawing view. |
| InsertWeldTable | Inserts a weld table into this drawing view. |
| IsBroken | Gets whether the drawing view is displayed broken. |
| IsCropped | Get whether this drawing view is cropped. |
| ISelectEntity | Selects an entity in this drawing view. |
| ISetBodies | Sets the bodies of a multibody part to include in the view. |
| ISetXform | Sets the matrix used for display of this drawing view. |
| IsExploded | Gets whether the drawing view is currently showing the assembly as exploded or collasped. |
| IsFlatPatternView | Gets whether a drawing view is a flat-pattern drawing view. |
| IsLightweight | Gets whether the drawing view is lightweight. |
| IsModelLoaded | Gets whether the model is loaded in this drawing view. |
| IsModelOutOfDate | Gets whether the model in this drawing view is up-to-date with the current model. |
| IsPerspectiveView | Gets whether this drawing view is showing a perspective view of the model. |
| LoadModel | Loads the model if the model has not already been loaded for this drawing view. |
| MergeBendTags | Merges or unmerges bend tags in drawings of sheet metal parts. |
| RemoveAlignment | Removes the alignment from this drawing view. |
| ReplaceViewWithBlock | Converts this view into a sketch block with the specified manipulator location. |
| ReplaceViewWithSketch | Converts this view into a sketch. |
| ResetSketchVisibility | Resets the visibility of the sketches in the drawing view so that the drawing view reflects the model. |
| SelectEntity | Selects an entity in this drawing view. |
| SetBendNoteTextFormat | Sets the text format of all bend notes in this drawing view of a sheet metal part. |
| SetDisplayMode | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::SetDisplayMode3. |
| SetDisplayMode2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::SetDisplayMode3. |
| SetDisplayMode3 | Sets the display mode of the view. |
| SetDisplayTangentEdges | Obsolete. Superseded by IView::SetDisplayTangentEdges2. |
| SetDisplayTangentEdges2 | Sets the tangent edge display mode of the drawing view. |
| SetKeepLinkedToBOM | Sets whether this drawing view is linked to the specified BOM or weldment cut-list table. |
| SetLightweightToResolved | Changes the drawing view from lightweight to resolved. |
| SetName2 | Sets the name of this drawing view, as displayed in the FeatureManager design tree. |
| SetResolvedToLightweight | Changes the drawing view from resolved to lightweight. |
| SetVisible | Sets the visibility of this drawing view. |
| SetXform | Sets the matrix used for display of this drawing view. |
| ShowExploded | Shows an exploded assembly in this drawing view. |
| UpdateViewDisplayGeometry | Updates the displayed geometry for a drawing view. |
| UseDefaultAlignment | Restores the default alignment for this drawing view. |